I love it. I didn't put a lot of time into BF4 and I never played any other BF games, but this game is just amazing. The game is visually stunning and Conquest gives you the feel that you are truly in a war. Some of the maps are so diverse in that you can spend time holding down 3 flags on one side of the map that's in the outskirts and you'll get an entirely different experience going to the other 3 flags which are located in a little town area. You'll be in more close combat situations and in houses and alley ways as opposed to open fields and hills. Since I'm not used to them, vehicles seem to have a learning curve, especially flying. But dropping bombs over a flag and getting 2-3 kills is just satisfying, even if you crash right after.
I haven't even started the campaign or ventured into any other MP modes, but BF1 is a must cop for me.