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Man props to you guys that can game that much in one year. My list is short for 2016.

No particular order:



Sleeping Dogs


NBA 2K17

Rocket League

Itching to pick up XV sooner than later so I could throw that on there too.
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man my backlog is so stupid :smh:

It is all my fault though.

I don't have a clue why I have so many games.

No chance of having the time to commit to them all and I am going back to school in Jan

It is a wrap
2016 top 10

1. Uncharted 4

2. Final Fantasy XV

3. Super Mario World

4. Ratchet & Clank

5. Naruto Shippuden Ninja Storm 4*

6. Modern Warfare Remastered*

7. I Am Setsuna

8.  Assassin's Creed: Syndicate*

9. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

10. Battlefield 1

Man looking at the list of games I played/completed, I was sort of slacking

I left off some games that I barely played like DOOM. I haven't finished Final Fantasy XV or I Am Setsuna but played enough to know that I enjoyed them enough to put them top 10.

* indicates Platinum trophy obtained
Are there still any deals out there for a PS4 controller? I also need a new HDMI cable. I just finished moving and both of these things broke during the move :smh:

I thought you guys were talking about backlog my bad.

But for me:

1. Overwatch
2. Dark Souls 3
3. Uncharted 4
4. Battlefield 1
5. Naruto Ninja Storm 4
6. Street Fighter 5
7. FF15 (just started it but I am sure it is up there)
8. COD: Infinite Warfare

Damn. I guess those are the only games I really played.
2016 top 10

1. Uncharted 4

2. Final Fantasy XV

3. Super Mario World

4. Ratchet & Clank

5. Naruto Shippuden Ninja Storm 4*

6. Modern Warfare Remastered*

7. I Am Setsuna

8.  Assassin's Creed: Syndicate*

9. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

10. Battlefield 1

Man looking at the list of games I played/completed, I was sort of slacking

I left off some games that I barely played like DOOM. I haven't finished Final Fantasy XV or I Am Setsuna but played enough to know that I enjoyed them enough to put them top 10.

* indicates Platinum trophy obtained
I appreciate the nod to Ratchet. I feel like that game series gets no respect. The latest entry was great.
I'm pretty excited for Yooka-Laylee as well. I'm hoping my son will into it as well.
Final Fantasy XV update roadmap detailed: additional playable characters and event scenes, avatar system in consideration, more

Some bits have spoilers :smh:

Comment from Director Hajime Tabata

Thank you for playing Final Fantasy XV. Having shipped five million copies worldwide, Final Fantasy XV was truly able to achieve great results. To the many of you who purchased the game, I would like to express my sincerest thanks.

Currently, I am hearing that an exceedingly large bunch of players around the world are enjoying the game to their heart’s content. All of the staff are truly happy that with how content users are with this new way to play Final Fantasy.

As promised from before release, Final Fantasy XV is not going to be released and then that’s the end of it. From here one, we will continue to update the game to provide a richer gameplay experience to players around the world. And as thanks for surpassing five million copies, we decided to strengthen the update plan considerably beyond what we originally planned, and will share a concrete roadmap.

These are short-term, mid-term, and long-term updates separate from the previously reported downloadable content that make the Final Fantasy XV gameplay experience even richer and get you playing longer, together with updates based on requests from players after release, that we will offer free of charge.

Final Fantasy XV Update Roadmap

—Short-Term Goals

First, we will further increase the gameplay satisfaction level of Chapter 13. For that reason, we have already started work on many enhancements, such as significantly enhancing the power of ring magic and so on. We will announce details on these enhancements and when we plan to offer this update at a later time.

—Mid-Term Goals

We will enhance the presentation of the second half of the game, and further enhance the satsifaction level of the story experience. For example, we plan to add event scenes that depict things like, “Why does the character Ravus follow that fate?” Since we’re doing localization work to have voice support in all languages for the the added event scenes, we’re taking this on as a mid-term goal. Project details will be announced once they have been decided.

—Long-Term Goals

We will make important characters that appear in the main story of the game available to use as playable characters. Also, we will consider adding an avatar system to create an original character to play the game.

In addition to this, we plan to actively continue updates so that players can enjoy Final Fantasy XV over a long period of time.


Play a new game while carrying over your status from a cleared game. We will offer various items that expand the scope of gameplay, like for low-level clears and invincible suits. We will increase the font size so that messages are easier to read.

We will offer content such as boss battles complete with rewards and achievements, limited time mob hunts, etc. in order for you to enjoy the game live.

It should be noted that the already announced downloadable content will be released as originally planned.

Final Fantasy XV Holiday Pack (tentative)
Final Fantasy XV Booster Pack (tentative)
Final Fantasy XV Episode Gladiolus (tentative)
Final Fantasy XV Episode Ignis (tentative)
Final Fantasy XV Episode Prompto (tentative)
Final Fantasy XV Online Expansion Pack: War Buddy (tentative)

From all of the staff to every one of the players around the world, we hope that you will enjoy Final Fantasy XV more and more. From now on, please give Final Fantasy XV, as well as the Final Fantasy series, your best regards.

— Final Fantasy XV Director Hajime Tabata


Dunno about you guys but I dunno about waiting for all these goals. Who even knows when they'll drop. Any ideas Hybrid?

The long term goal sounds like an extension of the season pass where you control different characters so that's fine since it's not part of the main game.
The mid term goal needs voice acting and localization so bun that. No time to wait for that to happen.
The short term goal seems like it could be patched soon so Imma just focus on hunts and side quests.

On one side I love the idea of patching story elements to make it better but on the other side it's kinda messy.
started let it die it's def my kind of weird ... the controls feel a bit clunky tho but maybe that's b/c im at such a low level

been enjoying rise of the tomb raider 20th a lot .... there's almost too much to do; challenge tombs, gaining fluency in languages upgrading weapons and gear etc.

I am so hooked on DS3 an BB right I feel like I am on drugs :lol:

I have played FF15 for 2 hours and it is dope but I am not urgent about it whatsoever.

Am I trippin' but lord have mercy these games are gold

brooo i would do 7-8 hr sessions on those games when i was off and would feel like i was drunk after. i was tottallly consumed by them. be at work or out with peeps and be thinking about how to beat bosses and sh**
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brooo i would do 7-8 hr sessions on those games when i was off and would feel like i was drunk after. i was tottallly consumed by them. be at work or out with peeps and be thinking about how to beat bosses and sh**
Bloodborne and DS3 are some kind of magnificent. The world design, especially in BB is amazing. The gameplay is brutal, yet fair. The games make progress, even small progress, feel like success. Even if you haven't reached a boss, just getting further in than your last attempt makes you feel a little better, a little smarter for the next attempt.

The lore is actually pretty deep on Bloodborne, but you have to be paying real close attention to environmental details to glean it.
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Me too man :lol:
Bloodborne and DS3 are some kind of magnificent. The world design, especially in BB is amazing. The gameplay is brutal, yet fair. The games make progress, even small progress, feel like success. Even if you haven't reached a boss, just getting further in then your last attempt makes you feel a little better, a little smarter for the next attempt.

The lore is actually pretty deep on Bloodborne, but you have to be paying real close attention to environmental details to glean it.


In DS3 it took me like 30 hours to figure out how the game even worked. I have 70 hours in it now and still haven't even touched the game. Actually still haven't beat it.

I start BB and have like 6 hours in it and it helped to have the DS3 background but it is different enough to be an whole new experience. But because I understand how these games work now I am paying more attention to BB early and I am getting way more out of it.

I literally cannot believe how good these games are.
Me too man :lol:
Bloodborne and DS3 are some kind of magnificent. The world design, especially in BB is amazing. The gameplay is brutal, yet fair. The games make progress, even small progress, feel like success. Even if you haven't reached a boss, just getting further in then your last attempt makes you feel a little better, a little smarter for the next attempt.

The lore is actually pretty deep on Bloodborne, but you have to be paying real close attention to environmental details to glean it.


In DS3 it took me like 30 hours to figure out how the game even worked. I have 70 hours in it now and still haven't even touched the game. Actually still haven't beat it.

I start BB and have like 6 hours in it and it helped to have the DS3 background but it is different enough to be an whole new experience. But because I understand how these games work now I am paying more attention to BB early and I am getting way more out of it.

I literally cannot believe how good these games are.
there's dlc for ds3 aswell.I've yet to go into it tho
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