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Always enjoy reading Jim Sterling's reviews even if I don't always agree with him. He has me enticed for this game though:

"This is what Horizon has done with open world games. It’s liberally borrowed from the best and most successful, mixing them together in just the right portions to create an impressive marriage of features that could have mixed disastrously in less skilled hands."

Looks like Sony is killing it right now.
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yea but what's the replay value, how's the repetitiveness of it all

I dunno, I'm still on black out so all I'm looking at are scores and bullet point summaries.

I wouldn't think it would get all these high scores if it was repetitive.

Enemy variations from the older videos looked good already so it wasn't a worry for me.

As for replay value, if you mean NG+, no idea but there's loads of side missions and main story is about 30 hours from what I read without any side quests.
30 hours seems short.

i ain't pressed

like someone mentioned above, single player game? you can wait for the premium edition with all DLC to drop for like 35 lol

that's how i did fallout new vegas, and it's a top 5 for me....

i preordered fallout 4 and thought it was

the visuals DO look incredible tho
30 hours seems short.

i ain't pressed

like someone mentioned above, single player game? you can wait for the premium edition with all DLC to drop for like 35 lol

that's how i did fallout new vegas, and it's a top 5 for me....

i preordered fallout 4 and thought it was

the visuals DO look incredible tho

30 hours for just the single player content sounds standard to me

I completed FFXV in 39 hours and thats with doing a lot of hunts and side quests.

I was around 70 hours when I got the plat and I still got more to do in the game.
30 hours seems like a good amount of time for the game and that may not include other things to do in the game. I think the content in the game will be fine if the game is getting such positive reception
It seems like some of you guys don't want to like Horizon. 30 hours for an SP game is short? What games are yall playing? Outside of The Witcher 3 and the Souls series, what other SP games are more than 30 hours on average?

Glad to see Horizon getting good reviews. It's been one of my most anticipated titles since it's reveal (or as far as I can rememeber). It's reminds me of The Witcher 3 but it looks a lot more fun imo. 8 more days :smokin
Horizon looks like an eventual cop. Tempted to get it day one but I prob won't play it right away.

Sleeping Dogs got real during that wedding mission. Damn.
so tempted to buy horizon: zero dawn day 1 but this backlog 
I want to buy Horizon day 1, just to support a new IP, but I still have to finish dying light and DS3 (in boreal valley).
Apparently they're coming with a day one patch for HZD which will have a high performance mode on Pro which gives smoother framerates. If by smoother they mean higher than 30, it might be time to jump on the Pro, even at 1080p
Apparently they're coming with a day one patch for HZD which will have a high performance mode on Pro which gives smoother framerates. If by smoother they mean higher than 30, it might be time to jump on the Pro, even at 1080p

Going to be 4K/30 for me.

This is apparently the best looking game on console so I want to see it in all it's glory with HDR too.
Wasn't really on the Horizon hype train, but now I want to check it out.

Wish I had the 4k/Pro setup though.
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