The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

Damn it might be time. Gotta make sure I preserve PT

I am so glad I got one. Even right after I said I wouldn't. If it isn't a hassle for you or anyone in here I would HIGHLY recommend taking advantage of this promo.

I don't even have a 4K TV either.
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so if Horizon is getting day 1 patch for boost mode does that mean 4.5 drops next Tuesday or am I late?

I'm getting Horizon day 1 just finished RE7 traded in for a $30 gift card. Amazon prime pre order of Horizon is 47.99 so I'm looking at $20 day 1. :smokin
so if Horizon is getting day 1 patch for boost mode does that mean 4.5 drops next Tuesday or am I late?

I'm getting Horizon day 1 just finished RE7 traded in for a $30 gift card. Amazon prime pre order of Horizon is 47.99 so I'm looking at $20 day 1. :smokin

Boost mode is only for older games that don't have a patch for PS4 pro.

Horizon wont be using boost mode as it's pro mode is already on disc.

As for it's day 1 patch, it's only 250mb according to them. I haven't seen reviewers say anything about bugs either so its good to go from day 1.
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