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New Overwatch Hero Orisa released on PTR



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Always loved the tekken series. This looks pretty good but i know there are a majority who are going to disagree lol it'll always be streerfighter > tekken
I prefer Street Fighter.

The trailer brought back memories of Tekken 3 though. Eddy, Paul and Law were my go to characters in that game.
Didn't know Eddy had been missing for a while so good to see him back.
Anybody mess with Nioh?

Jumped off the porch after 5 years of not playing games and copped. Style and RPG elements were perfectly suited for me but GOD DAMN this game is difficult.

Googled it and learned its suppose to be this way but I suck beyond belief. :lol:

Beaten one level in two weeks of playing. Still on level 2 probably put in +10 hours. :smh:

Any tips?
^^ what outfit is that?

Scared to ask what level/ how many hours you put in already :lol:
It's one of the collector's edition outfits (Banuk Trailblazer). I'm using it till i get the materials i need for some of the high end gear.
I'm barely level 17 And got about 15 hours played. I've mostly been running around exploring, grabbing collectibles, and looking for the occasional exploit / photo op. :lol:

Anybody mess with Nioh?

Jumped off the porch after 5 years of not playing games and copped. Style and RPG elements were perfectly suited for me but GOD DAMN this game is difficult.

Googled it and learned its suppose to be this way but I suck beyond belief. :lol:

Beaten one level in two weeks of playing. Still on level 2 probably put in +10 hours. :smh:

Any tips?
I'll break it down in 4 easy steps:

1. Summon me
2. Let me kill everything
3. ????
4. Profit

But for real, find a weapon that suits you and stick with it is my advice. And dont be afraid to summon others.
Anybody mess with Nioh?

Jumped off the porch after 5 years of not playing games and copped. Style and RPG elements were perfectly suited for me but GOD DAMN this game is difficult.

Googled it and learned its suppose to be this way but I suck beyond belief. :lol:

Beaten one level in two weeks of playing. Still on level 2 probably put in +10 hours. :smh:

Any tips?
LOL after 5 years you jumped straight into the deep end

read your enemy
Anybody mess with Nioh?

Jumped off the porch after 5 years of not playing games and copped. Style and RPG elements were perfectly suited for me but GOD DAMN this game is difficult.

Googled it and learned its suppose to be this way but I suck beyond belief.

Beaten one level in two weeks of playing. Still on level 2 probably put in +10 hours.

Any tips?
Cot damn you trash b

But seriously, here's what you need to do:

1) Understand that the game is designed with killing you in mind. Every enemy and every path is an opportunity for the developers to stick it to you. Pretend you're a boxer. First rule of boxing? Protect yourself at all times.

2) Don't be in a rush. At least not until you're a bit more advanced. Methodically work your way through the maps.

3) Use a Kusarigama. I find it to be the most OP weapon. Gives you the most versatility and the cpu doesn't seem to track it as well as the other weapons. Keep this as your main weapon and experiment with other weapons in your secondary spot. Always keep it on you.

4) Don't horde your items. Use them, there's plenty more where that came from.

5) Use your secondary weapons. Shooting enemies from the other side of the screen is strongly encouraged.

6) Understand your stances. If you're fighting someone weaker than you you can overpower them with a high stance. If you're fighting someone of equal or greater strength best bet is to get in and get out with a low or mid stance. In general, you should be baiting enemies into committing to attacks and then striking while they're open.

7) Lastly, and most importantly, pay attention to your stamina. Everything takes stamina. Master ki pulsing as well as learning when to retreat and catch a breather. More often than not I find that if I have to ki pulse I have to follow it up with a dodge b/c the cpu will be in their next motion. So I've come accustomed to attack > ki pulse > dodge. The times I try to get fancy I usually end up regretting it.

That's a starter for you. There's way more to know like stat buffs and farming but since you're just beginning let's focus on not dying.
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