The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

GT's online play is buns. Sounds are awful (that tire sound especially). The way the cars glide is unrealistic. Sometimes it doesnt even feel like your car is attached to the ground. They wylin with putting last gen cars in the game (I am sure they won't this time. I hope). Poor damage physics and graphics (I am sure they are working on that). Extremely dated presentation overall.

I had the last two and put some time in. And they were amazing like 20% of the time. When I finally got into a Lambo or R35 that actually sounded perfect and got into one of the better courses with weather etc. it was unreal.

Too bad that that can't happen at least 50% of the time.

I have been saying it for like 9 years or whatever. Same thing. Forza exposed GT and they have been goofing since.

Definitely agree with audio and damage physics. Those need to be worked on and they look better in GTS.
Graphics though, GT is king. (F7 looking good on Xbonex though)The presentation is subjective. I've always liked the menus of GT with it's jazz music.

I won't go as far as to say Forza exposed it. It had the edge on certain things but look how long they took to add in dynamic weather effects and time of day.
With AC and PC also in the mix. Each one has stuff they're good at. Damage on PC is great and physics from what I've heard on AC is good too.

Best thing about the GT Sport beta was the feedback and how it was implemented into updates of the beta.
Lets see how the first GT on PS4 does before saying it's DOA.
I meant the graphics damage. My bad.

I am actually hoping I am wrong about GTS but I doubt it.

Y'all comparing the sounds of Lambos and other luxury cars. Have y'all ever driven either one let alone race one

And like seriously what is a "last gen" car :rofl::::


Most cars in the game sound THE EXACT SAME.

And GT5 & GT6 had Premium and Standard cars. Premium cars were PS3 graphic detailed cars. Current gen for the time. Standard cars were cars ported from GT4 on PS2 -__-. And the standard cars outnumbered the premium 7-1 or something. It was bizzare man. And on top of that i an even smaller ercentage of the premium cars even had their own unique sounds.

I don't know what a Lambo sounds like but it was nice to hear something different for a change. When I finally got there.

And those standard cars - they were everywhere so you could not ignore. Imagine playing BF4 and you are the only person who dont look like homie from Minecraft.

trust me man I'm not just saying stuff.
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You know I'm just messing with you bro. Like I said, I never played GT and am far away from a car enthusiast. I feel like racers are the perfect time passer. Pop it in for about an hour at the most and head off to go do something else. Maybe a few hours on the weekend. I've got so much to play right now, I could care less about GT Sport. I just want it to do good for the sake of the PS Nation :lol:

That being said what's good with that Ghost Recon for $36 on the PS store :nerd:
You know I'm just messing with you bro. Like I said, I never played GT and am far away from a car enthusiast. I feel like racers are the perfect time passer. Pop it in for about an hour at the most and head off to go do something else. Maybe a few hours on the weekend. I've got so much to play right now, I could care less about GT Sport. I just want it to do good for the sake of the PS Nation :lol:

That being said what's good with that Ghost Recon for $36 on the PS store :nerd:

I was gonna ask you about Wildlands. :lol:
I was listening to a podcast talking about that. They were saying the licensing along with various WWE issues would likely keep those games off
Was thinkin about that as I typed it but it's also very easy to edit those roms as well. But yea it prolly won't be on there, if anything it'll be WCW Revenge
Just left Mt. Bur-Omisace in xii, wish I had more time to dedicate. Without 2x mode I'd probably still be at the sandsea. Traversing the land eats up a bunch of time. I want to put a girl in my rotation but Vaans proving himself and balthier and basch ain't going nowhere. I would have preferred the vanilla job system for total flexibility, right now I have more license points than I know what to do with.
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I had the same issue. I felt like I had to really think about my decisions when setting up jobs. I just beat the final boss. I was going yo wait til I finished Yiazmay but my son is going to FL this Sunday and wanted to see me beat it before he leaves. Now I'm gonna see about this platinum trophy.
I'm about to run the free trail after I eat

I've played it before, it's a unique and good shooter, which is why it's on my backlog even though I'm not big on the fps genre.

Just have too many damn games I want to beat :lol: I'm sure by the time I'm ready to get around to it I'll still be able to cop for the low.
Which segues to another thought. All you dudes complaining there are no games coming out, you don't have backlogs to work on? I'm asking genuinely, because it would be interesting to see a real gamer that has beaten everything on their list and has nothing else left to who literally has to wait for a new release.
I've played it before, it's a unique and good shooter, which is why it's on my backlog even though I'm not big on the fps genre.

Just have too many damn games I want to beat :lol: I'm sure by the time I'm ready to get around to it I'll still be able to cop for the low.
Yeah I am not the biggest fan of FPS games after finishing FC4 last week. Play a couple of mins of Doom and to close the game out. I'm back on Wild Arms 3 to complete this weekend
Which segues to another thought. All you dudes complaining there are no games coming out, you don't have backlogs to work on? I'm asking genuinely, because it would be interesting to see a real gamer that has beaten everything on their list and has nothing else left to who literally has to wait for a new release.

Man I got 125 games in my hard drive plus another 57 in ready to install. Haven't beaten any of them fully smh
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