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After several hours with Live, I felt the same way. If Live can polish up their game play, they'll be good in a year or two. The game felt different, in a good way, but some animations and movements are still clunky. Overall though, I like what they're doing with Live.

Lmao, people have been saying the same **** about Live for the past 10 years, "they'll be good in a year or two." Still failing to see the improvements year after year.
People defending Live for years? Since when? I thought the consensus was Live 14-16 was trash. I heard Live 10 was pretty good. The few before that was probably not so good, I really don't know. But I think Live 03-05 was good. I played both Live and 2K back then. 2k is whatever at this point. VC killed it, at least the MyPlayer part which is what I like.
Live 08 was low key good, but coming off the heels of the absolute disrespectful travesty which was 07 made it impossible for that game to succeed.
People defending Live for years? Since when? I thought the consensus was Live 14-16 was trash. I heard Live 10 was pretty good. The few before that was probably not so good, I really don't know. But I think Live 03-05 was good. I played both Live and 2K back then. 2k is whatever at this point. VC killed it, at least the MyPlayer part which is what I like.

Yeah, 2K ruined MyPlayer with VC being introduced. I will agree with that.

But I started playing NBA 2K because of their Association Mode, and the only time their association mode failed me was in 2K14 when they introduced that "VC-forced" MyGM mode (which is still in the game). 2K saved themselves my giving us a "VC-free" MyLeague mode in 2K15, and that is the only thing that has kept me on their bandwagon all this time.

But 2K's constant game patches that affect the Day 1 early adopters of the NBA 2K games is basically forcing me to stall until Black Friday or early November to buy 2K18, I'm not dealing with that rollercoaster again of broken gameplay and weekly patch downloads for something that should have resolved prior to release. Hell, the September release dates ruin the game development IMO.......stalling the releases to mid-October the earliest would've been better.
I'm not saying Live will be perfect or even better than 2K but it's good enough to get my $40. I'll probably still buy 2K depending on my boys but 2K has got complacent, they ain't making any changes. At least Live released their demo a month prior to it's release. That will allow a little room for changes.
I'm not saying Live will be perfect or even better than 2K but it's good enough to get my $40. I'll probably still buy 2K depending on my boys but 2K has got complacent, they ain't making any changes. At least Live released their demo a month prior to it's release. That will allow a little room for changes.

Well I've said this in many NBA 2K conversation circles, we kinda need Live to finally step their game up so 2K can quit being complacent and Ronnie2K can quit being a cocky **** on Twitter whenever someone tweets him criticism about the game.

The good news is......Live is finally showing the actual effort of improvement this time around, and it has caught on with A LOT of 2K gamers attention (especially YouTube 2K gamers). So yeah, 2K better get ready to sweat since a lot of 2K gamers have become impressed with NBA Live 18's improvement including myself (still not getting Live 18 though, not ready to take them on UNTIL they improve their 3D player models).
good PSN sale.Might grab that Alien game

PlayStation Store

Attack of the Blockbusters Sale []

PlayStation Plus Membership Required:
Prices are live from 8/15 through 8/22.
Well I've said this in many NBA 2K conversation circles, we kinda need Live to finally step their game up so 2K can quit being complacent and Ronnie2K can quit being a cocky **** on Twitter whenever someone tweets him criticism about the game.

The good news is......Live is finally showing the actual effort of improvement this time around, and it has caught on with A LOT of 2K gamers attention (especially YouTube 2K gamers). So yeah, 2K better get ready to sweat since a lot of 2K gamers have become impressed with NBA Live 18's improvement including myself (still not getting Live 18 though, not ready to take them on UNTIL they improve their 3D player models).
That's the best part of this. Even if you don't want/like Live 18, it's only going to make 2K step their game up. Everybody wins :smokin
Didn't Ronnie get fired? I thought I heard that. I'd been moving away from 2k but 17 was the final straw for me. Couldn't even force myself to enjoy it.

Wing Scorer has been fun af on Live.

I'm holding on to that PT demo for life even though I haven't played it in 2 yrs :rofl:
Grabbed NHL 17 and Dragon Age GOTY for cheap. Tempted by FF X/X-2 HD, Grand Kingdom, and Undertale, but I am going to wait for better sale pricing.
Grabbed NHL 17 and Dragon Age GOTY for cheap. Tempted by FF X/X-2 HD, Grand Kingdom, and Undertale, but I am going to wait for better sale pricing.
Have you played Odin Sphere? I see it's $24 but even that seems a little pricey right now.
I still have no idea what this game is about but it was just shooting everything in sight :lol:

Have you played Odin Sphere? I see it's $24 but even that seems a little pricey right now.

Yea, it's really fun. It gets a touch monotonous, but it is fun stringing together attacks.

I am about 1/3 of the way through it... been meaning to go back.

I am pretty sure I got it for under $20 on one of the sales. Maybe wait it out.
I still have no idea what this game is about but it was just shooting everything in sight :lol:


i grew up on OG doom

used to play all day everyday

the new doom is too much lmao waaaay too much going on. i may mess with it again like during a snow in or something, but i didn't make it beyond the second level (was playing on a harder setting tho)
i grew up on OG doom

used to play all day everyday

the new doom is too much lmao waaaay too much going on. i may mess with it again like during a snow in or something, but i didn't make it beyond the second level (was playing on a harder setting tho)

Same here

I tried to like it but I just couldn't get in to it
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