The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

It is. People who don’t have it usually don’t wanna hear it but trust me it is.

It even made a big difference when I had a 1080p monitor and now that I have a 4K monitor it is bananas. Makes me want to replay games that I played in the latter just to see how much better they look.

I wouldn’t make a dumb financial decision to get it though.
Thanks for the replies. I have a KS8000 so im good in the 4k department. I have a One X as well.

My copy of The Show comes in today so I guess im gonna rock out on my release day ps4 till I see another deal

Target has them 15% off right now via cartwheel and if you use your redcard you can add another 5% off to that.
Anybody else playing NNK 2? Curious to see what everyone else’s thoughts are. I thought I preferred the combat system from NNK 2 but it’s actual the AI I prefer. I think NNK 1 was a better game but NNK 2 is still great.

Bad Religion Bad Religion your thoughts?
I absolutely love it so far. Five hours in only, but I really enjoy the combat. The difficulty is a little too easy and I don’t know that I care as much about the characters as the first, but it says a lot when I haven’t even bothered looking at a trophy list yet.

I would say NNK1 is still a better game to me, but that doesn’t take anything away from NNK2.
Anyone cop Far Cry?

Game has been installing for an hour and a half and has stopped the spinning circle but I can’t play.

This image is all I get when I load it up and nothing else happens :frown:
I give up, game has literally been trying to install for over 2 hours and nothing happens. I was so excited to play tonight too since I haven't gotten a new game since WW2.

Everyone else I know who got the game isn't having a problem at all. So irritated.
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