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I played it a bit on 360, so I am going to wait until it hits a decent sale.

I also have Zestiria and Berseria to finish.... and start...
Anybody aside from stay lurkin stay lurkin pick up Tales of Vesperia? I can’t wait to play it again!

I imported the XB1 CE from Germany... cheaper than the US CE which was only sold on the Bamco store and it comes with better items (4 disc OST). Loved ToV for the 360, it was actually the first Tales game I ever finished (and I own them all). The only other one I beat was Beseria or whatever.

HIgher than I was expecting.
I know its the year of the backlog but Days Gone and MLB The Show 19 will be copped.

Will like cop Days Gone nearer the end of the year.

Will cop The Show 19 on release date. Haven't played a show game in a while.

HIgher than I was expecting.

9s everywhere.

I went to my local mom and pop store to pick it up and they didn't have it.

They always get games early so I asked the guy that works there and he told me that they ship the games later now. Ever since RDR2.


Let’s get Bad Religion Bad Religion and whoever else plays D2 and get some kinda NT party going. At some point we all gotta play at least one game together :lol:

Yeah and Sappy has it too and plays it regularly.

I always miss the drama with Destiny. Cause I am playing it and for the life of me I cannot see what the problem is :lol:. Colors look great on 4K too :pimp:
Still haven’t done one raid :lol:

I am just playing at my own pace and it is a blast.

But when I can carry you I will let you know

It really is fun, should hop back on, havent playing alot of games lately besides the occasional cod multiplayer
I was excited to try this COD blackout trial, but i've encountered a log-in error every time I've tried to play.
Yeah and Sappy has it too and plays it regularly.

I always miss the drama with Destiny. Cause I am playing it and for the life of me I cannot see what the problem is :lol:. Colors look great on 4K too :pimp:

When I quit D2 it was because the post game was so bland. They took everything they learned from D1 and threw it out the window.

By all accounts its much better now, so thats probably what you are experiencing. I'd love to get back in, but it becomes the only game I focus on and I am having too much fun going through the backlog currently.
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