The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

I personally feel they been ready. Was none but a game of chicken.
Wouldn't be surprised they pulled that move. mr j 858 mr j 858
Sony will come down hard with intent to dominate. None of that sharing the workspace bs, even it means undercutting price, release, etc.
/my 5am ramble...
Thoroughly enjoying Death Stranding. Something really relaxing about plodding along.

Still have no idea what is happening. Just got introduced to Higgs; even more confused. :lol:
:lol: I called those "interruptions "during my gameplay. I LOVE Death Stranding but man I literally have no idea what the story is beyond the deliveries.

I quit death stranding after I had to deliver a nuke that took me like 25 minutes. Then I tripped and the nuke set off and killed me. I was like aiight, I’m done.
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