The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

It's pretty cool in that Killzone vid how the gun's that they hold actually drop from their hands when they die. They don't just magically appear on the ground.
I wonder if its going to be a new PSN, new ID, trophies, friends, etc...

MS is said to carry gamer scores name and other account stuff across to next gen, so maybe our current PSN accouunts will carry over to the PS4.
Killzone: Shadowfall is a launch title for PS4 - Confirmed by Guerilla Games/PS Blog


Sony revealed the first details on Guerilla Games' Killzone: Shadow Fall at the PlayStation 4 reveal, and now Guerilla Games producer Steven Ter Heide confirms on PlayStation Blog that the game will be a launch title. There's no release date yet, for either the console or the game, but we'll no doubt hear more info on that count in the months to come.

Killzone: Shadow Fall picks up 30 years after the events of Killzone 3, with the world split up between the Helghast and Vektan factions, living side by side in a future city that is cut in half by a giant wall. You play as the Shadow Marshal, "the most special of special forces," as you're tasked with keeping the peace.

Based on Sony's brief look at the game during PlayStation Meeting 2013, you're not very good at your job. But hey! Shooting things!
I can't wait to get my hands on that new Dual Shock 4. Somebody bless me with an E3 pass 8o
Thats because this was the Sony PS4 hardware unveiling event. Not E3.

You can't base your opinion on the hardware based off of the Titles you saw. You HAVE to base it on the graphics and the capabilities of the games. Not the games content, thats what E3 is for.

We can't say "None of those games look like the type of games I'd play so I don't like it".

Sony isn't making the games. They're making the hardware.

Everyone is talking about games this, games that, blah blah. This is about the CONSOLE. Would you judge a television by the shows you can watch? No. Judge the hardware by its capabilities, not by the developers who have nothing to do with the hardware.

This was an event to announce the PS4 PERIOD. Sony never stated it was just a HARDWARE event. They didn't even show the console breh. :lol

They spent the least amount of time talking about the hardware. They barely showed off the controller and its features, but they did spend an hour+ talking about the games that were in development. I don't know if you know this, but Sony does develop games. The game "Knack" was an in house game. Kill Zone is published by Sony. These are games made for Sony by Sony 1st party developers.

Everyone is talking about games because games are the only thing that matters. Lets be real here... the actual games shown were just prettier PS3 games. As I said better graphics wont make the PlayStation 4 a success in the eyes of the majority of gamers. Sony did very little to differentiate themselves from the competition. Outside of specs and graphics the only thing to be excited for is a mildly successful FPS and a couple of multi-platform games. That's not going to cut it.

I'm not judging the hardware at all. The hardware sounds like it will be powerful, but hardware alone won't sell systems. They showed a new shiny new controller and didn't do anything cool with it. That is why I felt the event was shallow. They showed a lot and it was pretty, but in reality most of it was just more of the same. Nothing revolutionary or game changing.

Sony has to bring it at E3 if they want to get my money day one. They have to show me EXCLUSIVE games with cool game play elements. They have to promise me that the features they talked about at this conferance will be available on the console at launch. No promises or projections.

P.S. I wouldn't by a television if it couldn't display shows I like :p
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This was an event to announce the PS4 PERIOD. Sony never stated it was just a HARDWARE event. They didn't even show the console breh.

They spent the least amount of time talking about the hardware. They barely showed off the controller and its features, but they did spend an hour+ talking about the games that were in development. I don't know if you know this, but Sony does develop games. The game "Knack" was an in house game. Kill Zone is published by Sony. These are games made for Sony by Sony 1st party developers.

Everyone is talking about games because games are the only thing that matters. Lets be real here... the actual games shown were just prettier PS3 games. As I said better graphics wont make the PlayStation 4 a success in the eyes of the majority of gamers. Sony did very little to differentiate themselves from the competition. Outside of specs and graphics the only thing to be excited for is a mildly successful FPS and a couple of multi-platform games. That's not going to cut it.

I'm not judging the hardware at all. The hardware sounds like it will be powerful, but hardware alone won't sell systems. They showed a new shiny new controller and didn't do anything cool with it. That is why I felt the event was shallow. They showed a lot and it was pretty, but in reality most of it was just more of the same. Nothing revolutionary or game changing.

Sony has to bring it at E3 if they want to get my money day one. They have to show me EXCLUSIVE games with cool game play elements. They have to promise me that the features they talked about at this conferance will be available on the console at launch. No promises or projections.

P.S. I wouldn't by a television if it couldn't display shows I like
interesting thing is the head honcho of sony etc... did an interview cnbc one of the main ones.... Kinda played on words with the whole no ban on used games. Stating that sony and the ps4 will not ban the use of used games....i cannot speak for the third party manufactors....
Thats exactly what Sony DOESN'T want to do. Thats how they shot themselves in the foot last time.

Sony needs to come out of the gate running and hitting hard. Nintendo already jumped out there, Sony needs to be next, and they need to deliver hard this holiday season.

Microsoft needs to make sure they don't drop the ball. Because the PS4 graphics are looking amazing.

I'm seriously considering stopping PC gaming once I get a PS4

Thats because this was the Sony PS4 hardware unveiling event. Not E3.

You can't base your opinion on the hardware based off of the Titles you saw. You HAVE to base it on the graphics and the capabilities of the games. Not the games content, thats what E3 is for.

We can't say "None of those games look like the type of games I'd play so I don't like it".

Sony isn't making the games. They're making the hardware.

Everyone is talking about games this, games that, blah blah. This is about the CONSOLE. Would you judge a television by the shows you can watch? No. Judge the hardware by its capabilities, not by the developers who have nothing to do with the hardware.

But aside from that. This will be copped on RD. It looks amazing, and hopefully we'll get to judge the games at launch during E3. I can't wait to get this thing up and running this holiday season.

I can't wait to see what Microsoft has in store. I'm not banking on one console at all. Never have, and I never will. I will have all next gen consoles, again...

Gran Turismo will show us what this console can really do... Can't ******g wait...
true in a sense..not knocking your tv programming analogy... but a system with games you arent interested in and are only aestethically pleasing wont win in the long haul. Fun-factor and likeability is what substains in most part.... look at nintendo. They have never made a system that was really head and shoulders superior then its competition. Look at the current set of systems..... Off of graphics alone the ps3 is easily the front-runner. But it is the range and variety of games.

As far as motion etc... i think its in its early stages and if it is used properly and when needed it can make for better games. Think of a fight night with actual fighting, or a fps based on true accuracy rather the dpad/stick movement. Ninteendo when waaaaaaaaaaaaaay overboard with it, and often times used it when it wasnt warrant, but it is justified and proved to be a great thing with games like zelda, the call of duties etc, the dancee games and what not.

True, but this was merely the unveiling of the PS4. A lot of developers are holding out for E3 to show their stuff on the major stage. This was Sony's stage to shine on, not the developers. E3 will be all about the games. I looked at this as Sony's chance to hit the ground running early so they can really make it about the games at the big event later this year.

We just have to look at this announcement and unveiling as what platform Sony is giving us to enjoy the games to come on.

Thats because this was the Sony PS4 hardware unveiling event. Not E3.

You can't base your opinion on the hardware based off of the Titles you saw. You HAVE to base it on the graphics and the capabilities of the games. Not the games content, thats what E3 is for.

We can't say "None of those games look like the type of games I'd play so I don't like it".

Sony isn't making the games. They're making the hardware.

Everyone is talking about games this, games that, blah blah. This is about the CONSOLE. Would you judge a television by the shows you can watch? No. Judge the hardware by its capabilities, not by the developers who have nothing to do with the hardware.

This was an event to announce the PS4 PERIOD. Sony never stated it was just a HARDWARE event. They didn't even show the console breh. :lol

They spent the least amount of time talking about the hardware. They barely showed off the controller and its features, but they did spend an hour+ talking about the games that were in development. I don't know if you know this, but Sony does develop games. The game "Knack" was an in house game. Kill Zone is published by Sony. These are games made for Sony by Sony 1st party developers.

Everyone is talking about games because games are the only thing that matters. Lets be real here... the actual games shown were just prettier PS3 games. As I said better graphics wont make the PlayStation 4 a success in the eyes of the majority of gamers. Sony did very little to differentiate themselves from the competition. Outside of specs and graphics the only thing to be excited for is a mildly successful FPS and a couple of multi-platform games. That's not going to cut it.

I'm not judging the hardware at all. The hardware sounds like it will be powerful, but hardware alone won't sell systems. They showed a new shiny new controller and didn't do anything cool with it. That is why I felt the event was shallow. They showed a lot and it was pretty, but in reality most of it was just more of the same. Nothing revolutionary or game changing.

Sony has to bring it at E3 if they want to get my money day one. They have to show me EXCLUSIVE games with cool game play elements. They have to promise me that the features they talked about at this conferance will be available on the console at launch. No promises or projections.

P.S. I wouldn't by a television if it couldn't display shows I like :p

Yeah is was a PS4 EVENT. An event about the console Sony made called the PS4.

You ever heard of E3? I have a feeling the shiny new stuff will come out then. Thats where they'll show the console

Did Nintendo spill the beans on all of their titles at the Wii U unveiling? Or did they merely show what the console was capable of while showing a few games that assisted them throughout the process?

You're basing all of this judgement on the few titles they showed like those are the ONLY games that will be on the PS4 for the next decade of a lifeline it will have. They showed a handfull of games to give gamers something to anticipate on launch.

The games are important, but those few games shown aren't the ONLY games releasing for the console. You want Sony to show you everything they have for your personal decision making? The system doesn't even drop for over half a year. We don't know whats going to pop up between now and the holiday season. But we do know what the console will be capable of, and thats what the whole event was about.

Apple doesn't show off every new app at an iPad event... They show a handful, and those aren't promised to be the BEST ones. Its just a hand picked few to give you something as a demonstration. Why? Because Apps isn't making every app in the App store.

Give it some time fam. We got a whole year... Something will pop up
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E3 should be in june which is about 3 months after GOW: Ascension releases. Then bam, God Of War 4 shows up at E3 this year! I bet that's what happens.:hat
True, but this was merely the unveiling of the PS4. A lot of developers are holding out for E3 to show their stuff on the major stage. This was Sony's stage to shine on, not the developers. E3 will be all about the games. I looked at this as Sony's chance to hit the ground running early so they can really make it about the games at the big event later this year.

We just have to look at this announcement and unveiling as what platform Sony is giving us to enjoy the games to come on.
Yeah is was a PS4 EVENT. An event about the console Sony made called the PS4.

You ever heard of E3? I have a feeling the shiny new stuff will come out then. Thats where they'll show the console

Did Nintendo spill the beans on all of their titles at the Wii U unveiling? Or did they merely show what the console was capable of while showing a few games that assisted them throughout the process?

You're basing all of this judgement on the few titles they showed like those are the ONLY games that will be on the PS4 for the next decade of a lifeline it will have. They showed a handfull of games to give gamers something to anticipate on launch.

The games are important, but those few games shown aren't the ONLY games releasing for the console. You want Sony to show you everything they have for your personal decision making? The system doesn't even drop for over half a year. We don't know whats going to pop up between now and the holiday season. But we do know what the console will be capable of, and thats what the whole event was about.

You're not fully grasping what Im trying to say. I never believed Sony would show all of the games or give every single detail about the console and the unveiling. I know these are just launch games. I know there will be more than 2 or 3 games when the system launches. I just don't feel Sony has shown WHY the majority of gamers should go out and buy their console based on what took place at the event. Besides specs and graphics, why should the majority of gamers care about the PS4?

You bring up Nintendo. In 2011 when they unveiled the Wii U they showed mini games/videos/demos of how they will change the way gamers interacted with games through the gamepad. They showed all the different ways developers might utilize this device to enhance game play to make the games more immersive and fun. Did they show all the games? No, but hopefully they left consumers excited about the possibilities of new ways to play and experience video games.

The whole point of this event was to make consumers excited about the new PS4. Was Sony effective? In my opinion, no. Most gamers don't understand specs and don't care about shiny graphics.Sony expected consumers to be excited about graphics and specs when history has shown us graphics and hardware specs don't sell systems.

Did Sony show the average consumer any new or revolutionary ways to play games on relevant IP's?

I know all about E3 and that Sony will show games at that event. In my post I used myself as a placeholder for the average consumer. Sony has to impress me along with millions of other potential consumers why their product is worth their time. Will Sony have fun and exclusive games on their system? Will Sony offer consumers new ways to play games on their favorite IPs? Will they deliver on all of their promises they made at the press event? Will the PS4 be affordable? These are things Sony must account for.Time will tell if they will, but if they hit their mark on these things I feel they will do GREAT.
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I want to see the Dualshock4 in other colors.
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I'm really waiting for kingdom hearts 3 too bad we won't see that for 9 more years
costs too much to differentiate

if kutaragi couldnt do it, no way kaz is

if you look at the white superslim, they even cheaped out on the rear vents
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its more to do with assembly line changes than actual price of the paint

theyll come as always, just not at launch
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OF course your PSN ID and trophies is carrying over. They are the same on the Vita
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