The older you get, the less friends you have....

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I'm 23, and I realize everyday how much smaller my inner circle has gotten.

I'm not lonely by any means and I have plenty of acquaintances, but less true friends.

I didn't burn bridges with anyone technically, but I just don't associate myself or kick it with people who don't have a similar mindset as me. I can't be around people who are over 21 and still smoke trees daily and just have this complacent mindset.Im trying to go places in life, and successful people hang around other successful people.

I value the true friends I have, and would do anything for them. But my advice for you younger guys - All those people in high school you were friends with, you'll likely only still keep in touch with 1 or 2 or of them. Maybe more if you're lucky......

Anyone else feel me?
yeah famb...

i turn 23 this summer.. and i only chop it up with about 3 friends from high school...

none really from college...

i'm still worried about how to get yambs once college ends...

Originally Posted by MINOTAURO NOGUEIRA

We all part ways man, but when I see them around, I always say wsup.

Oh of course. Ill always say hey to people I used to be closer with and what not...... Im not trying to say I ignore them or be a **** when I cross paths with them.
Man we just outgrow some of them. Others hate to see you make it faster than they do and distance themselves. I'm happy to have those around me, most of ppl are 20 yr dudes. I can count on them.
I feel the exact same way as op, sometimes i feel lonely, but then I just think about the future, and I always try to think positive thoughts.
I think your interests start to differ + the rate of finding newer friends as an older male is way lower than the rate at which you lose the old ones.
True story man.
It's part of the whole "the older you get, the more conservative you get" dynamic.

Just a product of wisdom acquired over the years, and knowing what you want and look for in a person, and being selective in that regard.

I agree with you somewhat. I'm 24, turn 25 in July, and pretty much all my friends are in the same boat. I guess how big or small your group of friends
is depends on how close you may have been in the first place. My main best friend and I have been friends since 99. The only reason we haven't really
kicked up over the last couple of years is cause both of us went to college out of state, but if either one of us called each other at this second, we'd kick
it like old times.
Yupp. You would think with social media you'd have more friends. But it seems like people still remain the same. 
I believe that to an extent, I don't associate w/ none of the cats from High School.
It also depends on what direction and career you're heading to. Luckly for me i've been able to connect back with a lot of my old high school friends since they like to party and i throw clubs events and shows. Networking is key in the night life industry, so i honestly feel like my friends list has gotten huge from the past. Of course most of the new friends i have are mainly for business and not really just your hang out buddies like the older days. I will be 25 this month btw.
You ain't lie. I've had the core group of friends for a minute now and the outings have only gotten better as we all progress. I'm blessed.
Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

True story man.
It's part of the whole "the older you get, the more conservative you get" dynamic.

Just a product of wisdom acquired over the years, and knowing what you want and look for in a person, and being selective in that regard.

Well said.
Youre only 23, wait till you turn 27, you probably wont communicate with about 70% of the people you do now... and me and my friends all smoke weed daily and we are all doing ok for ourselves, just sayin
i have one friend that ill do dirt for..fam been there for my best and to him almost topic call me soft I don't care but after losing childhood friends I'm talkin friends for 14 really don't want meet new friends and just have ppl to kick it with for certain things or maybe its just me..but then again I've turned into a introvert in college..I'm all about myself and my family..Forever Dolo
Yup that's pretty true. Teachers in high school would always say that out of high school your group of friends start to slowly lessen one by one. It is true. Also honestly it depends on how close you are to that person. If you are real friends you will always go out of your way to still talk bullchit with them and chill and vice versa.

i even noticed not having anything in common with some of my dudes and just parting slowly, sometimes not even eager/down to do what they do.

i have more close girl friends now. its hard to make guy friends at an older age.
Totally true. Only a finite number of people are truly looking out for you, and you can reciprocate it to only so many people as well. I'm 28 and I have maybe five people who fall under that category. The rest get a "what's up" and that's about it.

I say make impenetrable bonds with the few closest to you, rather than weaker bonds with too many. You'll be much happier.
I think the older you get, your perspective just changes is all. When you're younger, you think that having friends makes you feel loved, but when you go through real things in life, not many are going to be by your side. For the most part, if you have a close family, those are the ones that are your real friends in life. If not, there still are few people that will be close to you. You don't need "friends" in life anyway, few people are truly down for you.
And I'll add this: as you get older, you have to realize that you have friend that exist for certain things, even your closest friends. Back in high school you probably did everything together, but as adults, people settle into their preferences. A few of my friends are total home bodies and don't go out to bars or clubs ever, so if I hang with them, I know it's going to be at their house or mine, and that's what it is. Then I have other friends who like to go out a lot and get crazy. You can't force people one way or the other, but just because they say "no" doesn't mean they don't like you, they're just not down with it.
feel the exact same way OP, a couple months ago i started to delete ppl from my fb that were just annoying, i decided i only wanted to keep in touch with ppl that are either true/good friends or just good people, I started with over 600 friends and ended up with around 100
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