The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

%@+? I was just saying my neph didn't go to Penn State over the summer, and how do yall know that the molesting still wasn't going on? Those are only allegations that say 08, the full story aint out yet.

And besides, I'm the type of person that believes everything happens for a reason. If u wanna b an Atheist more power to you but to talk on ppl that are God fearing says a lot about ur character
penn st board is handling this god

fire that @#*!%*#@#%@! now
Originally Posted by illwill24

%@+? I was just saying my neph didn't go to Penn State over the summer, and how do yall know that the molesting still wasn't going on? Those are only allegations that say 08, the full story aint out yet.

And besides, I'm the type of person that believes everything happens for a reason. If u wanna b an Atheist more power to you but to talk on ppl that are God fearing says a lot about ur character
he hasn't been with the Second Mile since 2008; so if your nephew was going with that organization how would he have been molested?  I'm pointing out facts because too many people don't even bother reading the actual case so your point is invalid to me.
Some of u really need to get a grip. It's a sad story but thousands of kids (probably more) are abused everyday some even by their own parents. But because this case has to do with a high profile school and has some connections to their football team (although it really has nothing to do with he actual team yet some of u r crying for he death penalty) everyone wants to act more butthurt than he actual victims. the media controls u fools.
Originally Posted by illwill24

%@+? I was just saying my neph didn't go to Penn State over the summer, and how do yall know that the molesting still wasn't going on? Those are only allegations that say 08, the full story aint out yet.

And besides, I'm the type of person that believes everything happens for a reason. If u wanna b an Atheist more power to you but to talk on ppl that are God fearing says a lot about ur character

This aint about being an atheist or christian or worshipping grilled cheese sandwiches...its about saying utterly stupid things.
Why does god make sure you don't have enough money to take a weekend trip (flawed logic in the first place) only to avoid possibly meeting a closeted pedophile? 


I went to a top 20 school and if a faculty member had sex with a underaged child does that mean the whole school is trash? NOPE. Thats ONE PERSON and the people who covered that up. Everything else is irrelevant!

So if you also believe everything happens for a reason then are you saying those little boys getting raped was apart of your god's plan? 

What it apart of the "plan" to molest over 5 kids?  Nah, its apart of god's plan. These little boys were made to be raped. Its all good then. None of us are in control! How joyful!

Where in the plan was it to have JoePa cover it up? 

Was it apart of the plan for it to come out JUST NOW? Where in the plan did it take 2 years to finally bring charges? 

If this is all apart of "things happening for a reason" then its probably no fault of your own that you dont have money to take trips to PennState...which is actually a PERSONAL problem. Well you know what? god just doesn't want me to travel...that god i'm broke! 

Next time when you reply to me, address the comments in my statement as well. Where was god when Sandusky was blowing on little boys stomachs and telling them to "crack their backs?" I know you read that Grand Jury Report bruh.  

But god planned for this too. 

I wasn't even going to bring up religion until you basically just said the dumbest thing in this thread. But at least we're clear that god loves you more than little boys who got raped by a senior citizen. 

And btw, you being religious doesn't prevent you from not saying illogical comments, nor does it prevent you from being criticized. Don't expect to say dumb things and not get called out on it.
you sound idiotic and arrogant and just make your own facts up; I guess the DA was in on this too?  Let's wait to arrest Sandusky until Joe Pa gets the record.

While I would not say the authorities are in on this some of us have stated before to it is rather convenient that a nearly three-year investigation is literally made public the very next week after Paterno broke the all-time wins record.

The very next week after.

Coincidence? Could be.

Does the Attorney General's office need to be asked questions about this? Yes.

The AG knew full-well once they released this scandal that heads were rolling that day and the media was going to pounce like nothing that area has ever seen. Amazing it was then released when it was. Remember, this is Paterno's state and this is politics.
Originally Posted by abutta13

Some of u really need to get a grip. It's a sad story but thousands of kids (probably more) are abused everyday some even by their own parents. But because this case has to do with a high profile school and has some connections to their football team (although it really has nothing to do with he actual team yet some of u r crying for he death penalty) everyone wants to act more butthurt than he actual victims. the media controls u fools.
What are you even saying?
Oh wow yall are taking it to another level I was just making a statement about my got it man I aint gonna argue witcha over God and beliefs over my lunch break man lol
I'm tired of the joe was old and probably didn't understand BS touted by his apologists. Jo is playing the old grandpa card like a champ. Knowing how conservative older people usually are I'm sure the mentioning of horsing around + little kids + adult male = telling your superiors and consistent follow up.
my girl worked in the athletic office last year and the 3 years prior (shes graduated now)... said Sandusky was alwaysss on the premises...

disgusting that after the allegations the university wouldnt wash their hands of him

my school...
Originally Posted by illwill24

Oh wow yall are taking it to another level I was just making a statement about my got it man I aint gonna argue witcha over God and beliefs over my lunch break man lol

Oh ok, you're not going to argue anything that I called you out on but you're still going to just say stupid things like "god made sure we didn't have to met a pedophile," all while the pedophile is still humping little boys day in and day out. 
 and saying other illogical things like "everything happens for a reason" ...oh yeah, so the little boys getting molested was totally apart of the plan. 
If you dont want to argue your beliefs then don't bring them in here because youve done a terrible job at defending them. 
Originally Posted by abutta13

Some of u really need to get a grip. It's a sad story but thousands of kids (probably more) are abused everyday some even by their own parents. But because this case has to do with a high profile school and has some connections to their football team (although it really has nothing to do with he actual team yet some of u r crying for he death penalty) everyone wants to act more butthurt than he actual victims. the media controls u fools.


The crime is equal across the board no matter who is involved. It could have been 1 child, 1 time with nobody else knowing and I woud feel the same way.

You don't know how people feel about this, so its laughable that you would think it has only to deal with the fact that the perp had a high profile job.
Lol Sillyputty can you please try not to turn yet another thread into a religion debate....this is about the penn state scandal
Seriously SillyPutty? What are you getting so bent out of shape for? So much hate...

Anyway, I've been lurkin' for the past few days reading articles and strong opinons from NT. After all of it, I definitely have my own thoughts on the matter, but the only thing that keeps surfacing to me is that if not Joe Pa, then who? As in, if Paterno of all people, doesn't have the morals and decency to take ownership of a matter he could have helped put a stop to, then...Well, I can't find the words, but this situation is ridiculous.

Anyone will say one thing in hindsight or when the microscope is on others, but if certain variables were in play with each and every human being, how many would have come forth and ended this? I'm scared that the percentage would be disgustingly low.
why are these morons rallying around joe paterno like he's the victim here? i'm really glad i wasn't born in a town like that. these people are out of their minds, i don't understand it. paterno doesn't even have the class to step away gracefully. this is the most disgusting thing we've ever seen in sports, this is some law and order stuff.
Originally Posted by u ttocs

why are these morons rallying around joe paterno like he's the victim here? i'm really glad i wasn't born in a town like that. these people are out of their minds, i don't understand it. paterno doesn't even have the class to step away gracefully. this is the most disgusting thing we've ever seen in sports, this is some law and order stuff.
like I said it's about 3% of the student body and this would happen at any school; there are always those who choose to try and stand out.
the artist went downtown and painted over the PSU people moral; taking Sandusky off...beautiful if you ask me

BREAKING NEWS: Penn State President to be voted out or resign by the end of the day!

1 down, 3 to go!!

Jo needs to be out ASAP. No retire at end of season
Joe Paterno has got to stop with all this I'm going to retire at the end of the season talk. It just makes him sound selfish and can't just try and glaze this %@% over.
And logic/rational thought goes out the window. Par for the course when the subject is complicated and about more than just sports. Careful with the blanket statements
Originally Posted by hugebird

Originally Posted by abutta13

Some of u really need to get a grip. It's a sad story but thousands of kids (probably more) are abused everyday some even by their own parents. But because this case has to do with a high profile school and has some connections to their football team (although it really has nothing to do with he actual team yet some of u r crying for he death penalty) everyone wants to act more butthurt than he actual victims. the media controls u fools.
What are you even saying?
Yea, What are you saying ?
Originally Posted by DMoney82

BREAKING NEWS: Penn State President to be voted out or resign by the end of the day!

1 down, 3 to go!!

Jo needs to be out ASAP. No retire at end of season

Which is why I FIRMLY believe that if you're making folks step down asap, Joe Paterno doesn't deserve the dignity of retiring on his own term.  I mean, what the hell?  You want to put this man even higher up on a pedestal over the next 4-5 games and use that time as a trip down memory lane to reminisce about how good of a man/coach he was? 

Let's get priorities in order here folks...
P Mac, here's the problem,

If Paterno claims he didn't know the severity, why wouldn't he question why Sandusky is banned from being around Campus with kids?...

His own testimony says he basically KNEW.

No respect for anyone involved.
sillyputty one thing you need to understand is that you don't know the whole story. Were you there when those boys got molested, you definitely weren't there when my neph didn't go to the being that you weren't there how can you assume on anything on God's earth?

I say God was watching over me cuz who knows what could happen to my nephew? Even if nothing happened to him he coulda went and had a good time, then get his hopes smashed after finding out about the allegations. At least since he didn't go he's not thinking about Penn State like he was last year, so the allegations wont hurt as much as they would have last year.

And about those other kids, its really f****d up what happened to them, but I dont know all the answers as to why these things happen on earth. God watches over us but he doesn't control us, and the devil is as big a factor as any. I see that you said nothing about evil or the devil but u made remark over remark about God.

And finally I dunno whats up with you as to why you dont believe in God, but history shows us time and time again how its stupid to make assumptions on things you dont understand, especially God. 500 years ago everyone thought the earth was flat, and ppl looked at Columbus all stupid when he said it was round. When things are too big for ppl to understand they tend to make assumptions, and thats where they mess up at.
Glad to see Spanier out, as I said before the University's core principles, morals and foundation is being questioned. Act swiftly and begin the recovery process. PSU > football
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