The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

Originally Posted by Cuffy

Somebody gotta stand up man, if I'm a player I'm refusing to play another game for the old man
Interesting POV...never really thought if it from the CURRENT players perspective. 

I wonder if anyone on that roster would actually say they're not going to dress for the game if Paterno is still there?  Yes, that's their coach.....but this is bigger than football. 

"At this moment the Board of Trustees should not spend a single
minute discussing my status. They have far more important matters to address."

this guy

How they continue to parade this mascot around campus and let the charade continue is beyond me....with everything he says, he looks more selfish and foolish.  BOT needs to do what's right and get him the hell away from his "duties."  IMMEDIATELY. 

Can someone explain to me how Joe Paterno isn't in any legal trouble?

How is he not an accomplice to this since he was actively aware of the situation?
Originally Posted by FlacoBey

Can someone explain to me how Joe Paterno isn't in any legal trouble?

How is he not an accomplice to this since he was actively aware of the situation?

He reported it to his "superiors" which is all he was legally required to do.
Originally Posted by FlacoBey

Can someone explain to me how Joe Paterno isn't in any legal trouble?

How is he not an accomplice to this since he was actively aware of the situation?
Read the grand jury findings for a full explanation, but basically all that the law requires is that he passes it up the chain of command to the AD which he did.
Power moment on the Herd.

Caller who was molested as a child called in and tried to shed light on how this affects the victims.

Some people will just never get how serious this is.

JoePa's name on the B1G championship trophy is an absolute joke. If it remains on there, I hope the winning coach says no thanks to touching that thing.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by FlacoBey

Can someone explain to me how Joe Paterno isn't in any legal trouble?

How is he not an accomplice to this since he was actively aware of the situation?
Read the grand jury findings for a full explanation, but basically all that the law requires is that he passes it up the chain of command to the AD which he did.

  I have a problem with how he went about NOT reporting the information to the police....but my biggest gripe is that he continued to let Sandusky to work/hang around the campus all while knowing about his shady dealings with children.  How do you live with yourself and continue to look at the man (Sandusky) like everything is cool? 
Honestly, that statement just reinforces everything that I thought, but wanted to wait to hear him say. As usual, it's the University (and his players/football) over people, and that attitude is the same attitude that allowed Sandusky to run around unchecked. I don't know who is running the PSU PR campaign, but they are doing a poor job. Everyone has to go.
@HarveyAraton JoePa deciding to retire is like saying John McCain decided not to be president in 2008
This move to stay on, his previous actions and his "But Anyway pep rally" showed me all I needed to see.

I didn't watch the pep rally video because I found it to be off putting but I read that article excerpt DoubleJs posted with the "but anyway" comment.

Paterno is something else.  Now he's trying to strong arm the Board of Trustees telling them to stay out of it?

No way in hell he can finish the season.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

I am absolutely devastated by the developments in this case. I grieve for the children and their families, and I pray for their comfort and relief.

I have come to work every day for the last 61 years with one clear goal in mind: To serve the best interests of this university and the young men who have been entrusted to my care. I have the same goal today.

That's why I have decided to announce my retirement effective at the end of this season. At this moment the Board of Trustees should not spend a single minute discussing my status. They have far more important matters to address. I want to make this as easy for them as I possibly can. This is a tragedy. It is one of the great sorrows of my life. With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more.

My goals now are to keep my commitments to my players and staff and finish the season with dignity and determination. And then I will spend the rest of my life doing everything I can to help this University.
   Joe's retirement statement, Joe you didn't do yourself any favors you look extremely selfish 

insert granpa simpson gif

IMO, he knew everything and by walking away, he's washing his hands with this situation. JoePa should be held accountable for not doing anything about it after the first 2 times.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by FlacoBey

Can someone explain to me how Joe Paterno isn't in any legal trouble?

How is he not an accomplice to this since he was actively aware of the situation?
Read the grand jury findings for a full explanation, but basically all that the law requires is that he passes it up the chain of command to the AD which he did.

  I have a problem with how he went about NOT reporting the information to the police....but my biggest gripe is that he continued to let Sandusky to work/hang around the campus all while knowing about his shady dealings with children.  How do you live with yourself and continue to look at the man (Sandusky) like everything is cool? 

This is not just an average assistant coach we're talking, he's the face of the football team & University, if he knew this was happening and saw nothing happening to Sandusky to provide justice for these kids he's just as much to blame in my opinion.

After the information was not reported to the police by the AD, Joe Pa should of taken it upon himself to do it
Crazy thing is, if the feds didn't investigate this, Joe wouldn't have said a damn thing about it and would have rode off into the sunset. SMH
Originally Posted by Newbs24

Some people will just never get how serious this is.
this.. rap and molestation are the worst crimes a person can commit (obviously killing is more severe.. but the victim doesn't have to live the remainder of their lives with the burden)

i could not imagine what someone's life would be like after suffering something like this.. the effects it would have on even the simplest things.. just basic human interactions.. something will forever be taking away from the victim
People need to stop with the rally crap, that was roughly 3% of the Penn State student body; that would happen at ANY campus. There is always going to be the few that must be different and try to stand out.
You know what sucks even more? My 12 yr old nephew is a Penn State fan and wants to go there for college...he was actually going to go on a field trip on campus over the summer, prob for that program Sandusky was in. But we couldn't afford it and he stayed home....God was watching over us...
Originally Posted by illwill24

You know what sucks even more? My 12 yr old nephew is a Penn State fan and wants to go there for college...he was actually going to go on a field trip on campus over the summer, prob for that program Sandusky was in. But we couldn't afford it and he stayed home....God was watching over us...

this is what irks me; the college is still a great college and Sandusky hasn't had anything to do with the Second Mile since 2008 (should have been 1998) but please explain to me how God was watching over you because of this?  that makes ABSOLUTELY no sense.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by illwill24

You know what sucks even more? My 12 yr old nephew is a Penn State fan and wants to go there for college...he was actually going to go on a field trip on campus over the summer, prob for that program Sandusky was in. But we couldn't afford it and he stayed home....God was watching over us...

this is what irks me; the college is still a great college and Sandusky hasn't had anything to do with the Second Mile since 2008 (should have been 1998) but please explain to me how God was watching over you because of this?  that makes ABSOLUTELY no sense.

The same college that sweeps pedophilia under the rug until some Grandpa gets a record?

Yeah, great college.
Originally Posted by illwill24

You know what sucks even more? My 12 yr old nephew is a Penn State fan and wants to go there for college...he was actually going to go on a field trip on campus over the summer, prob for that program Sandusky was in. But we couldn't afford it and he stayed home....God was watching over us...


You know, you guys make it so damn easy to call you guys out on these ridiculous arguments.

Where was your god when this man was humping little boys?  Was god busy then?  Maybe god didn't think to intervene then.  God probably didnt have a little problem with 10 year olds getting skeeted on in bathrooms.  God is cool with an aged Football Coach harboring child molesters.  But some how god makes it possible for YOU NOT TO HAVE MONEY to take trips.  How convenient. 

Dammit get over yourself and quit with the Me, Myself and I narcissism. 

I dare you to get mad that "I always talk about religion" but you're the one who refuses to acknowledge the fact that the suffering of others actually outweighs your little weekend getaway.

Just sheer ignorance. 

On top of that, unless your cousin is about to be scouted for Football then HE HAD NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT OTHER THAN TAKING HIS BUTT TO CLASS AND GETTING A DEGREE. 

You're probably the type to go to a school because of the sports program rather than the one that will best set you up for a job. Marketing at its finest... Whatever, they love people like you. Selling hats and memorabilia to high schoolers who don't even know where to get a higher education but rather think its better to do so because of an activity they'll never participate in. 
The most sickening part of the Grand Jury report is when the GA says he heard "rhythmic slappings" ...reading that made me sick to my stomach
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by FlacoBey

Can someone explain to me how Joe Paterno isn't in any legal trouble?

How is he not an accomplice to this since he was actively aware of the situation?
Read the grand jury findings for a full explanation, but basically all that the law requires is that he passes it up the chain of command to the AD which he did.

  I have a problem with how he went about NOT reporting the information to the police....but my biggest gripe is that he continued to let Sandusky to work/hang around the campus all while knowing about his shady dealings with children.  How do you live with yourself and continue to look at the man (Sandusky) like everything is cool? 
Well, JoePa's defense has been that he wasn't told the severity of the acts. He should have asked for that information, but they (Mike and John McQueary) should've given it as well. If JoePa wasn't told specifics then I can see why he let Sandusky around but I don't see how McQueary, the dude who saw it happen didn't confront Sandusky about it or something.

The most interesting thing in this story is that all these families (Sandusky, McQueary, Paterno) are intertwined for so long. Not hard to figure out how something like this wouldn't get out, these families are like the Happy Valley mafia. Been running the whole city for 40 years.
Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by illwill24

You know what sucks even more? My 12 yr old nephew is a Penn State fan and wants to go there for college...he was actually going to go on a field trip on campus over the summer, prob for that program Sandusky was in. But we couldn't afford it and he stayed home....God was watching over us...

this is what irks me; the college is still a great college and Sandusky hasn't had anything to do with the Second Mile since 2008 (should have been 1998) but please explain to me how God was watching over you because of this?  that makes ABSOLUTELY no sense.

The same college that sweeps pedophilia under the rug until some Grandpa gets a record?

Yeah, great college.

you sound idiotic and arrogant and just make your own facts up; I guess the DA was in on this too?  Let's wait to arrest Sandusky until Joe Pa gets the record.
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