The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Wow this is starting to get good. Can't wait till all the dirt really starts coming out

really? this is what it's come to? we're "rooting" for more disgusting details to come out?
Seriously... People are sick if they think this is "getting good" in any way, shape or form.
Originally Posted by Cuffy

This some ill #%%#, I finally got around to reading the grand jury god I cringed reading that #%%#. It made me NEVER wanna leave my child outta my sight again
The sad thing is there are morons (on NT too) that are saying wait till the facts come out or paterno did what he was supposed to do, etc. sandusky should've been terminated with extreme prejudice yet instead he was allowed to run his foundation using psu facilities and considered staff up until this weekend. My son will be 8 years old next month & to think that someone like sandusky would want to do harm to him makes me sad & angry. What also makes me even sadder & angrier is the lack of action taken after numerous allegations that go back decades. They thought enough of the allegations to bar him from bringing kids to the psu grounds but continued to let him bring kids to the satelitte facilities...

Read the GJ report at 3am last night so my clarity on the reading are still a little blurry. From what I've gathered Paterno told Curley and Schultz and they assured him that it was taken care of. I think it was the 98 or 02incident where the police were involved with the boys mother and they were able to get a confession from the bastard himself. Then an officer was instructed to close the case and they deemed him innocent because they dint have anything on him. A confession wasn't enough, hmmmm.

I suspect a lot of foul play here. It's not just university administrators but also people of the community, people of the university police department, hell even the DA. There is a lot of unraveling about to happen here and it is just gettin started. We haven't seen the worst of this yet.

I still am firm on my stance on Paterno. Yes he $!+!%# up, yes he deserves blame. But there has to be more to the story. Paterno is too smart of a man to try and cover this up for over a decade and he's too smart of a man to think he could get away with it. His presser will be very important and will bring new light to the case. Whether he is able to explain himself or not, he will bring new light on Spanier. Spanier should be fearing for his life if it turns out that he's behind this cover up.

And the thing that sickens me the most I that Sandusky did almost the exact same thing with each boy. The crack backing routine, the sauna, the workout then shower, the bear hugs in the shower. This is sick. He developed a systematic plan to prey on these kids.
Originally Posted by psk2310


On point
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Wow this is starting to get good. Can't wait till all the dirt really starts coming out

really? this is what it's come to? we're "rooting" for more disgusting details to come out?

Of course. I want the full story,all parties involved I want everything to come out. Do u really think Sandusky went this long doing this without anyone having knowledge including Jo pa? Please I want everyone involved in covering up this mess to get crucified so yeah guess I am sick
AP - JoePa will retire at the end of the season.

Chump needs to do it now.
Originally Posted by af1 1982

And the thing that sickens me the most I that Sandusky did almost the exact same thing with each boy. The crack backing routine, the sauna, the workout then shower, the bear hugs in the shower. This is sick. He developed a systematic plan to prey on these kids.

This is what they do... its his signature.
How the hell Penn St gon let that guy keep coaching? 

What family is going to let a coach in their home from that school now?  And this ain't even about football. 

He needs to go, he got his fake trumped up record, now get the hell on. 
The school cares more about Jo than the victims or anyone else. The longer he sticks around the harder it will be on the school, students, current players, etc but as long as good ole Jo gets to leave when he wants the administration is cool with it
I really am interested to see what the NCAA does to Penn State.

You got coaches getting show-cause death penalties for making extra phones calls to recruits and fibbing about it.
You got complete chaos for players trading memorabilia for tattoos.
You got programs stripped of scholarships and bowl bans for extra cash to a player's family.
You have talk of "death penalty" for a school's booster providing entertainment and cash and parties to players.

And now you have a school with a renegade assistant coach molesting children at the facilities and school witnesses seeing it and the chain of command keeping it to themselves while continuing to employ the pedophile.

Let's see some backbone NCAA. What that "should" be I don't know I really don't.
Originally Posted by CP1708

How the hell Penn St gon let that guy keep coaching? 

What family is going to let a coach in their home from that school now?  And this ain't even about football. 

He needs to go, he got his fake trumped up record, now get the hell on. 
CP...this is the part that pisses me off.  I just don't know what purpose it serves to have him finish out the year.  I guess this terrible decision falls right in line with some of the awful judgement that Paterno & Co. displayed over the years.  It's fitting

Someone HAS to step in and do what's right.  Not allow this man to be anywhere near the stadium on Saturday or for the remainder of the season.  He needs to have a presser to explain himself before anything else.  Football should be secondary.  I understand he's an icon, but he's lost that right (IMO) to go out on his own terms.  He doesn't deserve a proper send-off.  If anyone has read the GJ report, I don't see how you can argue otherwise. 

It's a damn travesty on many levels.  Like I said before, there seem to be a lot of people who have lost sight about WHO was exactly victimized here.  Joe Paterno is NOT a sympathetic figure in all of this.  There are multiple lives that have been absolutely RUINED.  But let's get Joe Pa win #410 or whatever it is...
  @#%* that.  Yes, I'm mad. 

The school cares more about Jo than the victims or anyone else. The longer he sticks around the harder it will be on the school, students, current players, etc but as long as good ole Jo gets to leave when he wants the administration is cool with it 


Glad I have tickets for Saturday's game. Going to be a very interesting atmosphere. Penn St will not have my support.
Joe is going to continue to do whatever the +%!# he wants, and this sole fact is the reason why I can not absolve him from what is going on. Joe Pa is the supreme being at the university, so using the "chain of command" defense, is void in this situation. He's got to go, now, and if he has the great "character" like he is supposed to have, he will walk away this afternoon.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Glad I have tickets for Saturday's game. Going to be a very interesting atmosphere. Penn St will not have my support.
I heard some Alums were organizing a walk out at half time in protest or something along those lines. Have you heard anything about this?
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Glad I have tickets for Saturday's game. Going to be a very interesting atmosphere. Penn St will not have my support.
the players did nothing wrong; at least support them.  I am going to wear blue to support child abuse victims and I think Penn State would be wise to set up donation spots to go to a child abuse foundation. 
Penn State is looking to replace Spanier with Tom Ridge; I would LOVE that.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Glad I have tickets for Saturday's game. Going to be a very interesting atmosphere. Penn St will not have my support.
the players did nothing wrong; at least support them.  I am going to wear blue to support child abuse victims and I think Penn State would be wise to set up donation spots to go to a child abuse foundation. 
Penn State is looking to replace Spanier with Tom Ridge; I would LOVE that.
Right about the players, but the University has done everything wrong around how this has been handled.  I cannot support them.
Somebody gotta stand up man, if I'm a player I'm refusing to play another game for the old man
Originally Posted by hugebird

Joe is going to continue to do whatever the +%!# he wants, and this sole fact is the reason why I can not absolve him from what is going on. Joe Pa is the supreme being at the university, so using the "chain of command" defense, is void in this situation. He's got to go, now, and if he has the great "character" like he is supposed to have, he will walk away this afternoon.

I agree w. this 10000%.

If Joe Paterno was thinking about anyone other than himself, he'd step down before the game on Saturday.  It's going to be a circus...and it's not for the right reasons. 
The retirement is Joe's decision, not the boards'. Things could still change before this weekend, but I doubt it.
Just B/C Joe says he will retire at the end of the year doesn't mean the Powers that be can't Oust him before that.

This move to stay on, his previous actions and his "But Anyway pep rally" showed me all I needed to see.

Adversity brings out true colors. I've seen all I needed to see from JoePa.

Get him the !@#! outta Penn State.
I'd like to say I am happy Joe Pa is finishing out the season but I just can't do it...he needed to step down before Saturday's game
I am absolutely devastated by the developments in this case. I grieve for the children and their families, and I pray for their comfort and relief.

I have come to work every day for the last 61 years with one clear goal in mind: To serve the best interests of this university and the young men who have been entrusted to my care. I have the same goal today.

That's why I have decided to announce my retirement effective at the end of this season. At this moment the Board of Trustees should not spend a single minute discussing my status. They have far more important matters to address. I want to make this as easy for them as I possibly can. This is a tragedy. It is one of the great sorrows of my life. With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more.

My goals now are to keep my commitments to my players and staff and finish the season with dignity and determination. And then I will spend the rest of my life doing everything I can to help this University.
   Joe's retirement statement, Joe you didn't do yourself any favors you look extremely selfish 
Could PSU handle this any worse? Taking an awful situation and fouling it up even more. Mass heads need to roll and roll fast so the University can begin to recover from a moral, ethical, and principle stand point. F football, the foundation of what the entire university is based on is teetering. FIX IT NOW
"At this moment the Board of Trustees should not spend a single
minute discussing my status. They have far more important matters to address."

this guy
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