The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

Originally Posted by 0cks

A morality and charity pissing match... oh...

People are so self-serving
I felt the same when Floyd Mayweather tweted that he was going to pick up the bill on Joe Frazier's funeral.
Defend your school the right way & devote some time/energy in a new charitable endevour. You guys are doing a lot of talk about "your school" but I don't see either of you embracing this...

If the students & alumni truly gave an %@+ about this, it would be the oppotunity to get tons of support & positve media coverage...You could even have paterno devote his retirement into something like this since he always touts how involved in the community he is...
Originally Posted by psk2310

Defend your school the right way & devote some time/energy in a new charitable endevour. You guys are doing a lot of talk about "your school" but I don't see either of you embracing this...

If the students & alumni truly gave an %@+ about this, it would be the oppotunity to get tons of support & positve media coverage...You could even have paterno devote his retirement into something like this since he always touts how involved in the community he is...

I'm truly scratching my head right now with you
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by psk2310

Defend your school the right way & devote some time/energy in a new charitable endevour. You guys are doing a lot of talk about "your school" but I don't see either of you embracing this...

If the students & alumni truly gave an %@+ about this, it would be the oppotunity to get tons of support & positve media coverage...You could even have paterno devote his retirement into something like this since he always touts how involved in the community he is...

I'm truly scratching my head right now with you
That psu diploma at work I see...

You know what, I'm sorry about the crack about the diploma. That was wrong. I'm sorry. Really. I also won't call you stupid or accuse you of not being bright no matter how much I might think so, but I do find it said that you & the other kid don't seem to fully grasp the gravity of the situation.
I can't get the rhythmic slapping comment out of my head. This Is so. !#%*#@ up. The more I read I mean this is just *%@@**+ terrible
Originally Posted by psk2310

You know what, I'm sorry about the crack about the diploma. That was wrong. I'm sorry. Really. I also won't call you stupid or accuse you of not being bright no matter how much I might think so, but I do find it said that you & the other kid don't seem to fully grasp the gravity of the situation.
Don't fully grasp the gravity of the situation? No one will as much as the victims and those families. Certainly Not me. Not even you. 
But don't tell me that I understand what's going on here. I LIVE HERE. THIS HAS BEEN MY LIFE FOR THE LAST FEW DAYS. I'm not looking for a sympathy letter or anything because we don't need it. But to say that we don't know whats going on is COMPLETE AND UTTER !%#!##*#. 

Thus think about what you are doing here. You're a grown %!% man arguing with a 19 year old kid. And yes I said kid, I'm not nearly close to being a man because I haven't had enough life experiences and I will own up to that fact. Now own up to your mistakes. Own up to the fact that you are completely wrong about this school. Be a man.

And I'm tired of using the charity as a card. That's not right and I shouldn't have even mentioned my charity work in the first place. That I will own up to. I don't owe you or anybody any explanation of how I'm handling this situation. That is for me and my family to discuss. And that's it. 

I will not walk away. I will continue to defend this school for as long as someone challenges the morality of the student body and its teachers. I will make it known that the work (or lack therof) of 5 monsters DOES NOT represent a university that I am so damn proud of. I will stand up for what I believe is right, something 5 cowardly men in positions of power failed to do. 
Psk2310 should stop confronting these PSU students/alumni. This has little to do with the current students, alumni, and even current or former football players. It should be treated as a criminal matter involving 4 (or more) adults who didn't stop a predator when they had the opportunity. These students and alumni don't deserve to be heckled for something they had no part in. Penn St. is a good school that has done a lot of good in the community. This is a terrible situation, one of the worst things that can happen in life, but a lot of people are placing their grief where it doesn't belong (on the university as a whole/students/alumni). Clean house of the guilty parties and be done with it.
Originally Posted by psk2310

You know what, I'm sorry about the crack about the diploma. That was wrong. I'm sorry. Really. I also won't call you stupid or accuse you of not being bright no matter how much I might think so, but I do find it said that you & the other kid don't seem to fully grasp the gravity of the situation.

I don't understand the gravity? Please explain how I don't understand it
Very strange and disgusting story, it seems almost cult like how these PSU apologist defend JoPa. He needs to go ASAP and should be brought up on charges, but we know that's not gonna happen.

Also, %@$* the NCAA for not stepping in on this matter, they love to pick and choose their spots. %@$*'em
The NCAA should have no jurisdiction in this case. It should be left to the police and other authorities to prosecute the guilty parties.
paterno & everyone else that covered this up are absolute monsters. The fact that students & alumni defending him in any sort of way is morally reprehensible.

I understand what he has done for the school & the surrounding communities. I also know the school was founded in part for civil service but to me this undos all of that in one fell swoop.

In the next few weeks or months, possibly years, more victims will come forward, & there will certainly be major lawsuits resulting in possibly hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements.

That monster was there since 1969. I can say with absolute certainty that he did not start in '99. This is just the tip of the ice berg...
Originally Posted by Al3xis

I'm not sure if the NCAA will do anything, but Colin Cowherd made a good point today: If this isn't a lack of institutional control, what the hell is?

This is true.
It was asked earlier, but do any of you think any of the CURRENT players will have a serious problem dressing for the game if Joe Paterno is still coaching?
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Joe Pa is receiving most of the public fault because of his stature. This has turned from a prosecute Sandusky and grad assistant thing to a demonize Joe Pa opportunity.
^ I don't think so, it may be the only place where most players can escape the circus around PSU. These players could be playing for themselves, the chance at a big 10 championship even if they don't agree with Coach's actions. They should still enjoy playing football.
Originally Posted by nestasprotege

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

But my question is, how does a man like Paterno live with himself knowing that he would see Sandusky on a daily basis even after learning some of the details of his interactions w. children?  That's INEXPLICABLE!!!  How the @@@@ does that happen. 

He can tell the victims how sorry he is over and over...doesn't excuse the FACT that he allowed Sandusky to continue to be around the Penn State campus. 
He can't. Which is why I don't believe Joe Paterno knew the extent or even the slightest bit of detail about the full investigation.

somebody is in denial  
Trustees are addressing the media at 10pm, I bet they do the right thing and say Joe is done immediately.

And Psk shut the hell up and stop dwelling on the 3% of idiots like I have already said multiple times
Originally Posted by psk2310

paterno & everyone else that covered this up are absolute monsters. The fact that students & alumni defending him in any sort of way is morally reprehensible.

I understand what he has done for the school & the surrounding communities. I also know the school was founded in part for civil service but to me this undos all of that in one fell swoop.

In the next few weeks or months, possibly years, more victims will come forward, & there will certainly be major lawsuits resulting in possibly hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements.

That monster was there since 1969. I can say with absolute certainty that he did not start in '99. This is just the tip of the ice berg...

I'm done with you dude. Were going in circles here. Obviously you've disregarded everything me and stillin have said. Please go on about this situation with these mentality about penn state. Sooner or later you will realize how wrong you are
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Trustees are addressing the media at 10pm, I bet they do the right thing and say Joe is done immediately.

And Psk shut the hell up and stop dwelling on the 3% of idiots like I have already said multiple times
I'm not gong to shut up at students & alumni that are defending paterno lauding him for his past accomplishments. This undos all of that. He doesn't even have the decency to step down now or tell the people on his lawn to go home. This should be nothing anyone rallies to support. There is no defending such a student body or alumni.

Do you think paterno deserves support or any kind? Seriously?

Originally Posted by psk2310

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Trustees are addressing the media at 10pm, I bet they do the right thing and say Joe is done immediately.

And Psk shut the hell up and stop dwelling on the 3% of idiots like I have already said multiple times
I'm not gong to shut up at students & alumni that are defending paterno lauding him for his past accomplishments. This undos all of that. He doesn't even have the decency to step down now or tell the people on his lawn to go home. This should be nothing anyone rallies to support. There is no defending such a student body or alumni.

Do you think paterno deserves support or any kind? Seriously?


Dude can you seriously read or do I need to draw you pictures?
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by psk2310

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Trustees are addressing the media at 10pm, I bet they do the right thing and say Joe is done immediately.

And Psk shut the hell up and stop dwelling on the 3% of idiots like I have already said multiple times
I'm not gong to shut up at students & alumni that are defending paterno lauding him for his past accomplishments. This undos all of that. He doesn't even have the decency to step down now or tell the people on his lawn to go home. This should be nothing anyone rallies to support. There is no defending such a student body or alumni.

Do you think paterno deserves support or any kind? Seriously?


Dude can you seriously read or do I need to draw you pictures?
What is it that your defending? What pictures are you trying to paint. I'm saying it's deplorable what sandusky did. I hope he get's the chair. I'm saying paterno & co are almost as culpable for covering this up & allowing the assaults to keep occuring. I'm saying it's wrong for paterno to continue to coach the rest of the season. I'm saying it's wrong of the alumni & student body to defend or support any of the parties involved regardless of what the past accomplishments were or what the school does now. None of that helped to prevent what happened to those children or help them the rest of thier lives.

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