The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

RT @colinmacaulay: The NBC10 Sports dept hearing that Paterno is out for good. Tom Bradley will be interim coach.

Def the right move to get rid of Joe,  if true, but I feel no satisfaction.  The victims will never get back what that pervert Sandusky stole.
wack...I hate the media. They wanna say victims are number 1 but all you hear about is Paterno. they gonna kick Paterno out but who is gonna be the number 1 story...Paterno.

Paterno, Paterno, Paterno.

doesnt move me one bit that he is gone. all the disgusting things Sandusky did is terrible...ppl pose to breathe a sigh a relief cuz Joe Pa aint gon sit in the press box wit no headphones on and "coach"? yea right...way to go
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

RT @colinmacaulay: The NBC10 Sports dept hearing that Paterno is out for good. Tom Bradley will be interim coach.


There will be blood. *waits for riots* 
I wasn't for it at first, but I have no problem not letting Joe finish the year if he had something to do with it. But someone on ESPN said today, and some people on here basically have said it, that he is as responsible, if not more responsible than Sandusky for it happening... How do people say this? He could have done nothing to prevent the kids that were already abused from being abused. I do not know if anybody was abused after that point in 2002, so how would he be responsible for things in the past?

I'M NOT SAYING THIS IS A GREAT COMPARISON, but if you see a friend or stranger drive drunk and think "oh, they're fine" and wind up killing someone cause you didn't stop them, are you responsible? If that doesn't make sense, I'm sorry, but that is kind of how i think about this situation from the point of view of JoePa
Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

wack...I hate the media. They wanna say victims are number 1 but all you hear about is Paterno. they gonna kick Paterno out but who is gonna be the number 1 story...Paterno.

Paterno, Paterno, Paterno.

doesnt move me one bit that he is gone. all the disgusting things Sandusky did is terrible...ppl pose to breathe a sigh a relief cuz Joe Pa aint gon sit in the press box wit no headphones on and "coach"? yea right...way to go
All of this.
Too many times we're way too focused on the wrong aspects of situations.
i fully expect the team to pack it in the next 3 games and a mass explosion during the offseason.
NCAA doesn't even have to put a sanction on them. 

Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

McQueary's job status doesn't change. 
He won't be able to stand the public vitriol and intense media pressure and will probably move. 
Originally Posted by DaG311

I wasn't for it at first, but I have no problem not letting Joe finish the year if he had something to do with it. But someone on ESPN said today, and some people on here basically have said it, that he is as responsible, if not more responsible than Sandusky for it happening... How do people say this? He could have done nothing to prevent the kids that were already abused from being abused. I do not know if anybody was abused after that point in 2002, so how would he be responsible for things in the past?

I'M NOT SAYING THIS IS A GREAT COMPARISON, but if you see a friend or stranger drive drunk and think "oh, they're fine" and wind up killing someone cause you didn't stop them, are you responsible? If that doesn't make sense, I'm sorry, but that is kind of how i think about this situation from the point of view of JoePa

You can't equate a hypothetical to something that ACTUALLY happened....on top of it all, this is involving YEARS of covering up the molestation of children and harboring a pedophile on your campus w/o a care in the world. 

Penn State did the right thing in terminating Joe Paterno right now.  This was the correct move. 

Trust me, no one is losing sight of what Sandusky did.  He needs to pay.  However, Joe Paterno in the matter of days, made himself out to be a selfish fool, who put his own well-being ahead of the victims, school, and students.  His name is attached to what Sandusky did...he should have had the same fate from the jump as everyone else involved.  Which is termination.  He tried to call HIS OWN SHOT!!!  "I'll stay on and finish the year..."  Give me a $%!!*$* break. 

For the people who are going to riot or do other dumb ###! around State College in the wake of what just happened, I hope they take a real good look at the GJ transcript before they burn the town down. 

Wouldn't be surprised if Joe Pa offs himself within the next few months.

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