The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

For example, in 2002, in one of the most graphic of the charges, a graduate student allegedly saw Sandusky having sex with a young boy. He reported the event to Mr. Paterno who then passed the information on to Tim Curley, the athletic director. Mr. Curley informed Gary Schultz, a senior vice president at the university who had responsibility for the campus police.

It wasn't until two weeks later that Curley and Mr. Schultz spoke with the graduate student about the claims. Only then did they go to the president of the university, Graham Spanier, and tell him it was an incident involving horseplay, according to the indictment.

“They kind of bent things, said it was not sexual assault but horseplay,
I seriously can't believe some people are giving Joe Pa or anybody a pass for not going to the police. Yea it sounds like something got lost in translation and it somehow turned from anal sex to "horseplay" but we have multiple incidents being reported to people in the AD and nobody ever brought it to the police? The guy runs a charity for kids and nobody thought to make sure these reports were properly investigated? It would be bad enough if he was not involved with the program anymore and somebody saw the incident at a random gym on campus, but it's a guy who's still got an office and is around the program, and runs camps there. He's still around and nobody found it important enough to make sure the report was inaccurate? That topic just never came up?
You can't call the police and say, 'Somebody tells me they saw somebody else do something.' That's hearsay. Police don't take reports in that manner. Frankly, from the way he understood the process, he passed the information on to the appropriate university official and they said they were taking care of it. That's really all he could do."

That's a load of horse @%$%. Somebody comes to me and is "distraught" over what he saw and tells me he saw something inappropriate with Sandusky and a 10 year old kid, I'm getting specifics out of him and/or telling him to call the police. You ABSOLUTELY can call the police and tell them that somebody witnessed a sexual assault. They can take statements from the witness and pay Sandusky a visit and try to find out who the kid was. You think Paterno would have called the police if the GA came to him and said he saw Sandusky doing something inappropriate with Paterno's grandson in the shower? Is it just "hearsay" then? What exactly needs to occur in order for the police to be contacted, does the 10 year old kid have to do it himself?
@%$% makes me sick to my stomach, everybody wants to pass the buck and ignore the problem as if they saw him shoplift or something, and because they don't do anything he skates and goes on ruining more kids' lives. The fact that he still was allowed to run his overnight camps and be a presence on campus makes it pretty obvious they were in denial about it and tried not to find out what really happened. I know it's probably human nature to not want to believe somebody you thought you knew could do something like that, but this is childrens' lives we're talking about here.
There's no excuse for how this was handled. NO excuse at all. 

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
From a friend on twitter:

"Joe Paterno does not have bosses. He is not an authority figure in the Penn State athletics dept. He is the authority figure" *drops mic* "

Great write-up on the situation from Matt Hinton on the Dr. Saturday blog...

Ethically, there is no way around the fact that Penn State officials continued to tolerate and to some extent shelter an alleged sex offender despite multiple, credible accusers over the course of more than a decade. They didn't inform the police. They didn't disassociate themselves with Sandusky. They didn't move to keep him off campus. They didn't move to keep him from working with children on a regular basis.

The law is one thing. Legally, there's plausible deniability and reasonable doubt and CYA. Ethically, there are real people. At some point, you have to confront flesh-and-blood humanity. Too many people in Jerry Sandusky's life reached that point, then looked the other way. Faced with repeated opportunities to intervene on behalf of real people who may be victimized by someone they knew to be a potential predator, they chose to do nothing. Tim Curley knew, and did nothing to keep anyone out of harm's way. Gary Schultz knew, and did nothing. The graduate assistant knew, and did nothing when Sandusky continued to show his face around the program. Joe Paterno knew, and did nothing.


The Pennsylvania Attorney General's office charged former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky with 40 counts related to the sexual abuse of children and also charged two top university administrators for failing to report suspected crimes.


40 counts....40 #*#+%@! counts
oh so instead of going to the cops, you take away his keys to the gym/lockeroom and act like you did the right thing?

then you keep your mouth shut when this dude holds a nighttime camp for kids?

give me a break!

paterno is complicit in the deceit and sweeping under the rug that has been going on at this school

dude needs to hit the road. just resign. old bastard
you're not a man of honor if you look the other way and/or ignore when something like this comes to your attention.

what paterno did is basically that under the guise that he relayed the info to other people who caught the heat instead.

he could've avoided the middleman, but instead let this go on for years with the knowledge that one of his people was molesting children

how can you even sleep at night?
The more and more I read about the information presented, the more and more I can't help but think. Paterno should've done more. Period. Even if he did his job and responsibility, when you are a man of that magnitude you have to go further than that. It pains me to finally say it, but it's the truth. I can't defend Paterno on this anymore.
This is a revolting story. Sandusky deserves whatever is coming his way and then more. Paterno is probably not gonna get in any legal trouble (technically he did what he was supposed to do), but he could and should have definetly done more.
So Paterno is set to have his normal weekly press conference tomorrow, but Penn State has decided to limit media questions to football related questions.

. Ok Penn State.
People calling for his head, need to calm down. Not that it reflects my opinion on the matter, just being realistic- plausible deniability.
Just read the grand jury report.....


It was like some crazy Law & Order: SVU episode.  What is written down is beyond sick but all of the other details surrounding it implies that it's even worse than what is being reported.  Did he just start that charity to get closer to young boys?  What are the age and genders of his adopted kids?  News sites are not even touching those subjects. 

The fact that there were eye-witnesses who saw the worst of it and did not report it to the police is shameful.  This is like someone seeing a co-worker RAPING A 10 YEAR OLD BOY IN THE BATHROOM and running to tell human resources instead of dialing 911.  C'mon now.
Honestly it's offensive and inexplicable that Joe Paterno hasn't stepped down yet.

This is a truly sickening story and every single person involved deserves the utmost blame. In case you didn't read the facts fully, Sandusky was seen anally raping a boy from his charitable organization for at-risk youth. It is rape by law because underaged children cannot give consent.

The graduate student should have went to the cops. The fact that he went to Paterno is indefensible. You just saw a young boy getting anally raped in the shower by an old man. You call the cops. End of story. Anything less is indefensible.

Paterno should have called the cops immediately. The graduate assistant came to him because he's an authority figure. The buck was passed to him, and he passed it on. If you've been to State College, you know he absolutely owns that place. So he has a higher moral duty than anyone else involved here. And he did next to nothing. The worst part of his actions is that according to his own statements he didn't even ask the graduate assistant what exactly happened. He just shielded himself from the situation. There is a huge difference between anal rape and horseplay. The fact that, in part because of Paterno, these two things got confused, makes Paterno as culpable as anyone else.

Don't even need to go into it with the AD. He heard of multiple accusations and did nothing. Swept it under the rug.

I hope that, if for nothing else, for the sake of sending a message against child molestation, Joe Paterno has resigned or been fired by the time I wake up tomorrow.
Easily the most disgusting scandal of all sports maybe ever, like everyone's mentioned it goes way beyond point shaving, boosters, etc.

Everyone involved is to blame for this for letting the sick pedophile get away with what he did for so long. At the end of the day, the blame has to lie on Paterno and the AD for allowing it to happen, as they're the top in command. As others have already mentioned this is an ethical situation and it's clear that Penn State handled it extremely poorly.
On further thought, I'm pretty sure there's some pretty serious shadiness going on here. Paterno the AD and the other guy all stated under oath that they knew there was "horseplay" but not anal sex. The other two guys are charged with perjury for that statement, but Paterno is not. If you really look into the facts it seems most plausible that Paterno knew everything as well, that he lied under oath just like the two other men when asked if he knew about anal sex specifically, and that he was basically saved by his stature. Too big a head to knock off. 
Think about it. What are the chances that Paterno is really in the dark here? So the GA goes to Paterno first, and has a talk with him. Paterno claims anal sex wasn't specifically mentioned. Then Paterno talks to the AD, and then the AD talks to the GA. The GA now decides to mention the anal sex when he didn't mention it to Paterno? He spoke to the AD a week and a half after Paterno. Is he more likely to mention explicit details for the first time the day after or a week and a half after? And why would he confide more in the AD than in the head coach? And then the AD never tells Paterno about what the GA said? THIS IS SUSPECT. The most plausible scenario is that the GA told Paterno, or tried to tell Paterno and Paterno purposely didn't let him. But if Paterno admits that he knew or should have known that it was anal rape, everything collapses on top of him and Penn State, and this is a much, much bigger story if you can imagine that. So they gloss over this and just focus on the AD, when Paterno is probably guilty of the same perjury. Not reporting "horseplay" is one thing, not reporting anal rape is another. Keep in mind that Paterno is being accused of the former right now, when the latter might be closer to the truth.

My point with all this is in focusing on Paterno's "moral" failings, let's not ignore the realistic and plausible scenario that Paterno knew everything and is lying. 
[h1]The Dangerous Cocoon of King Football[/h1]

Carolyn Kaster/Associated Press

Has the power of football distorted common sense at major universities?
[h6]By GEORGE VECSEY[/h6][h6]Published: November 7, 2011[/h6]

Really, we need to do something about big-time college sports.

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Interviews, insight and analysis from The Times on the competition and culture of college football.

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The horrendous scandal at the most prominent public college in Pennsylvania has been aided and abetted by the oppressive status of King Football.

Officials at Penn State did not want to know that, according to prosecutors, boys were being abused by a trusted member of the football family. Perhaps the subject was too queasy for them. Besides, it would get in the way of entertaining the masses, which is what the sport is for.

Football is the central fact of life in the state. When a large male newborn is on display in the hospital nursery, people make loving jokes about sending him out to JoePa to play linebacker. Not so funny at the moment, is it?

Apparently, young boys were brought to the massive football program by Jerry Sandusky, who was first a major assistant coach and later an emeritus member of the football “family.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

From a friend on twitter:

"Joe Paterno does not have bosses. He is not an authority figure in the Penn State athletics dept. He is the authority figure" *drops mic* "


Didn't think about it that way, but your friend is 100% right...Joe Paterno IS Penn State.  ADs probably report to him.  A man with his power essentially reporting a heinous crime to someone BELOW him.  Let that marinate....SMH.  If anyone should have gone to the police, it was Paterno. 

The most plausible scenario is that the GA told Paterno, or tried to tell Paterno and Paterno purposely didn't let him. But if Paterno admits that he knew or should have known that it was anal rape, everything collapses on top of him and Penn State, and this is a much, much bigger story if you can imagine that. So they gloss over this and just focus on the AD, when Paterno is probably guilty of the same perjury. Not reporting "horseplay" is one thing, not reporting anal rape is another. Keep in mind that Paterno is being accused of the former right now, when the latter might be closer to the truth.

What I don't get is that the GA reported what he saw to Paterno....but didn't go into detail.  Paterno just let that slide w/o peppering him w. questions as to what EXACTLY he saw?'s negligence and if it was someone of his blood that got violated, he'd ready to press charges and cut heads off due to how the entire situation was handled. 

As far as the GA...I also wonder why he didn't go to police.  My initial guess was fear.  Fear of bringing down the "program" due to being a whistle-blower. His priorities (along w. everyone else involved) were probably **$*+$ up.  Putting football and protecting the program CLEARLY ahead of the well-being of innocent children. 

*This is like a real-life version of Sleepers

I can't believe the ignorance that is being thrown around in this thread. Now, a 70+ year old Paterno is perfectly capable of running every aspect of the Penn State football program as well as all other functions of the University? Do you all read what you type before you press reply? There is a difference between walking down the street, getting free food from every mom and pop shop and being in charge of an an entire University.

Why is it so hard to believe that the informant told Paterno he saw "something," Paterno reported it to those he should have and then they lied to the old man after doing their own "investigation?" That scenario is absolutely, 100% no doubt in my mind plausible, yet people are simply dismissing it.

Think about this for a second. You are friends with someone for over 30 years and have never had a single ill-thought of them. You get approached by someone who tells you a disjointed, vague story about your friend that you simply can't believe, even in the slightest. You direct the person to those people you trust and those people who can better handle a situation like that because you are the football coach. Those people tell you the kid was mistaken.

I can't sit here and listen to people say Joe Paterno of all people, helped cover up a child molester's actions because he was simply too nice of a guy to expose.
Here's another thing:

Sandusky retired from his assistant's job in 1999. He is charged with sexually abusing eight boys over 15 years. Overseeing the linebackers, Sandusky coached such prominent players including Jack Ham, Shane Conlan and Matt Millen.

Sandusky coached the defense in Penn State's 1982 and 1986 national title season, and was at one point considered a likely successor to Paterno. The grand jury report released Saturday said one victim, identified as "Victim 4," recalled a meeting with an emotional Sandusky after Paterno had told Sandusky about May 1999 that his assistant would not be the next coach at Penn State.

According to Scott Paterno, his father made the decision because he felt Sandusky was spending too much time at The Second Mile, a foundation Sandusky established to help at-risk kids, where authorities say he encountered the boys. Sandusky then made the decision to take early retirement, Scott Paterno said.

If Paterno knew of Sandusky's dealings w. children since 1998, why was he still on the staff in 99'?  On top of it all, Sandusky not being named the next coach at PSU because of him spending too much time at The Second Mile (Jesus Christ
) in a SICK twist of irony, seems to be a cover up....
Originally Posted by nestasprotege

I can't believe the ignorance that is being thrown around in this thread. Now, a 70+ year old Paterno is perfectly capable of running every aspect of the Penn State football program as well as all other functions of the University? Do you all read what you type before you press reply? There is a difference between walking down the street, getting free food from every mom and pop shop and being in charge of an an entire University.

Why is it so hard to believe that the informant told Paterno he saw "something," Paterno reported it to those he should have and then they lied to the old man after doing their own "investigation?" That scenario is absolutely, 100% no doubt in my mind plausible, yet people are simply dismissing it.

Think about this for a second. You are friends with someone for over 30 years and have never had a single ill-thought of them. You get approached by someone who tells you a disjointed, vague story about your friend that you simply can't believe, even in the slightest. You direct the person to those people you trust and those people who can better handle a situation like that because you are the football coach. Those people tell you the kid was mistaken.

I can't sit here and listen to people say Joe Paterno of all people, helped cover up a child molester's actions because he was simply too nice of a guy to expose.
Did you even read the official complaint? Sandusky stayed getting accused of stuff like this. This was NOT an isolated incident and everyone did know or should have known of his reputation by then. And it wasn't a vague, disjointed story. It was an eye witness account from a member of his program. And you're really simple enough to believe if the GA told Paterno "I saw something inappropriate in the shower" Paterno has no responsibility in that situation to find out what it was and how inappropriate it was? This kind of leadership, just passing the buck along when someone comes to you, is admirable? 

Paterno !%*!@* up big time and he should step down yesterday. It's a shame that he's still there. 

If you want
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

On further thought, I'm pretty sure there's some pretty serious shadiness going on here. Paterno the AD and the other guy all stated under oath that they knew there was "horseplay" but not anal sex. The other two guys are charged with perjury for that statement, but Paterno is not. If you really look into the facts it seems most plausible that Paterno knew everything as well, that he lied under oath just like the two other men when asked if he knew about anal sex specifically, and that he was basically saved by his stature. Too big a head to knock off. 
Think about it. What are the chances that Paterno is really in the dark here? So the GA goes to Paterno first, and has a talk with him. Paterno claims anal sex wasn't specifically mentioned. Then Paterno talks to the AD, and then the AD talks to the GA. The GA now decides to mention the anal sex when he didn't mention it to Paterno? He spoke to the AD a week and a half after Paterno. Is he more likely to mention explicit details for the first time the day after or a week and a half after? And why would he confide more in the AD than in the head coach? And then the AD never tells Paterno about what the GA said? THIS IS SUSPECT. The most plausible scenario is that the GA told Paterno, or tried to tell Paterno and Paterno purposely didn't let him. But if Paterno admits that he knew or should have known that it was anal rape, everything collapses on top of him and Penn State, and this is a much, much bigger story if you can imagine that. So they gloss over this and just focus on the AD, when Paterno is probably guilty of the same perjury. Not reporting "horseplay" is one thing, not reporting anal rape is another. Keep in mind that Paterno is being accused of the former right now, when the latter might be closer to the truth.

My point with all this is in focusing on Paterno's "moral" failings, let's not ignore the realistic and plausible scenario that Paterno knew everything and is lying. 

Not trying to defend Paterno, but the AD and VP were charged with perjury for swearing under oath that they were never told anything sexual had happened AND that they had later reported it to the authorities.

Paterno never made any claim.  In fact, Paterno admitted that he never really got specifics from the GA and must not have really asked too hard because he let it lie as it was and passed the rock off as quickly as he could.  Doesn't mean he didn't suspect something was really really wrong, just means when he said he never knew for sure and passed it on that was essentially the truth.

I don't think Paterno lied under oath.  I think what he did was realize how sticky the situation was and wanted plausible deniable (and not to be a snitch to his friend) and tried to pass off the responsibility of looking into it, finding out their suspicions were correct, and then having to crucify Sandusky.  He didn't however break any laws (except maybe not reporting it to the police the second the GA told him "Sandusky+10 year old boy+ shower" but even then, that doesn't automatically = statutory rape, especially if you intentionally never investigate it.)

What Paterno's definitely wrong for is being the father figure on that campus and turning a blind eye towards something he SHOULD HAVE suspected was happening instead of stopping it the second he had even a whiff of wrongdoing.
Nako a lot of what I said was based on theory and not really strict fact. To me it just doesn't add up, and that's a plausible scenario in my mind. I just don't get why the GA wouldn't tell him straight up unless Paterno blatantly prevented it. Either way to me he probably perjured himself when he said it was something of a sexual nature rather than rape. And if he didn't it was because he wasn't asked the appropriate and necessary questions. At the very least it would seem likely to me that he's not being genuine when he says he's shocked by the details. I don't buy that at all.

But yeah if you just take facts at face value he didn't perjure himself, but to me that's a bizarre scenario, even if it's being presented as the truth.
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