The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

This is how the legend will fall. Mind blowing, and like Knight, Hayes and others, another 'untouchable' figure will go out in disgrace (most likely)

And I'm not comparing the magnitude of the situation to the others, just the result (most likely) to the figure head. I hope that PSU does everything they can to help the victims but I fear it's way too late
DoubleJs07 wrote:
*This is like a real-life version of Sleepers


   Thats exactly what I said as I read that 23 page report.

Like my stomach is all messed up right now, the moral fiber of this country is truely truely deplorable. Disgusted doesn't even describe how I feel right now.
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Just read the grand jury report.....


It was like some crazy Law & Order: SVU episode.  What is written down is beyond sick but all of the other details surrounding it implies that it's even worse than what is being reported.  Did he just start that charity to get closer to young boys?  What are the age and genders of his adopted kids?  News sites are not even touching those subjects. 

The fact that there were eye-witnesses who saw the worst of it and did not report it to the police is shameful.  This is like someone seeing a co-worker RAPING A 10 YEAR OLD BOY IN THE BATHROOM and running to tell human resources instead of dialing 911.  C'mon now.

It's so sad what this dude did to these kids. And the way he exploited them using sporting events and gifts. Unbelievable.
I can't believe the ignorance that is being thrown around in this thread. Now, a 70+ year old Paterno is perfectly capable of running every aspect of the Penn State football program as well as all other functions of the University? Do you all read what you type before you press reply? There is a difference between walking down the street, getting free food from every mom and pop shop and being in charge of an an entire University.

Why is it so hard to believe that the informant told Paterno he saw "something," Paterno reported it to those he should have and then they lied to the old man after doing their own "investigation?" That scenario is absolutely, 100% no doubt in my mind plausible, yet people are simply dismissing it.

Think about this for a second. You are friends with someone for over 30 years and have never had a single ill-thought of them. You get approached by someone who tells you a disjointed, vague story about your friend that you simply can't believe, even in the slightest. You direct the person to those people you trust and those people who can better handle a situation like that because you are the football coach. Those people tell you the kid was mistaken.

I can't sit here and listen to people say Joe Paterno of all people, helped cover up a child molester's actions because he was simply too nice of a guy to expose.

I can see what you are saying. Because let's be real....Paterno has been an "old man" for quite some time and likely isn't even aware of half the stuff that goes on any PSU anymore on and off the field. We need to be real here. Hell, he comes from the era where "horseplay" really was looked at as horseplay (I've heard enough stories from my old man about how society was like back in the 50s and 60s). Personally I can see him being naive enough to not think he needs to do anything and his good old buddy is fine.

But we also can't have it both ways. Paterno gets ALL acolades when PSU is doing well. He is the figurehead there, he still gets credit for the wins, credit for the culture, credit for the program in general. He has minimal real impact on the game day operations yet when Penn State wins we put the victory right on his personal record breaking win total and scream in the headlines that Paterno is a God. So with that said when the going gets tough he also has to be held responsible. Remember, it's his program. We can't let ourselves get away with "well, what does he really do these days anyway and what does he really know."   Here's what he really does:  Gets a fat paycheck to be the boss of a major division 1 program. And fair or not he has to get the criticism too.

Penn State exists in a bubble. It helps their image. Very few are allowed in and the community is a partner in not letting anything negative trickle out. It's the beauty of being in "Happy Valley."  We have no idea what has gone on there that has been wiped off the books over the years.

Do we really think Paterno has superiors? I highly doubt it. Sure they are conveniently his superiors in situations like this...but I doubt Joe and his staff treat them as their superiors throughout the year. Not when the higher-ups make 1/4 the money you do, not when they werent here when you were building this program, not when you are the face of the school and have your name on buildings and alumni giving money because of the PSU brand you created. Paterno and his staff likely run everything there and do not answer to a soul. I'm sorry I cannot listen to Joe, his sons, or anyone else saying "we reported it like we are supposed to to our bosses. Nothing more to see here."

One last tidbit. Want further proof of Paterno's domination?

I'm sure it was just a coincidence after a three-year police investigation these charges were waited to be released to the public the week after he broke Eddie Robinson's record for all times wins October 29th.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT


You read this:

Gunna...I'm at a loss for words. 

With everything that I read, the details get worse and worse. 

Paterno’s son, Scott, has said that lawyers for Penn State assured him his father was never told about the 1998 report — investigated by university police.

HOW is Paterno not notified?  He's the head coach and one of his assistants is being accused of a sex crime...but he's left in the dark.  Makes no damn sense. 

One last tidbit. Want further proof of Paterno's domination?

I'm sure it was just a coincidence after a three-year police investigation these charges were waited to be released to the public the week after he broke Eddie Robinson's record for all times wins October 29th.

Holy @%!#, Ry 


Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Nako a lot of what I said was based on theory and not really strict fact. To me it just doesn't add up, and that's a plausible scenario in my mind. I just don't get why the GA wouldn't tell him straight up unless Paterno blatantly prevented it. Either way to me he probably perjured himself when he said it was something of a sexual nature rather than rape. And if he didn't it was because he wasn't asked the appropriate and necessary questions. At the very least it would seem likely to me that he's not being genuine when he says he's shocked by the details. I don't buy that at all.

But yeah if you just take facts at face value he didn't perjure himself, but to me that's a bizarre scenario, even if it's being presented as the truth.

No I definitely get what you're saying.  When I read the story, I thought of it this way: 

Put yourself in the GA's shoes.  28 year old grad student/assistant, dreams of coaching at PSU formally one day, and then you walk into the team shower and see your ex-defensive coordinator (a school legend) anally raping a very young boy.  You panic.

Clearly your (the GA's) first thoughts weren't "I HAVE to go report this and get this guy arrested" because

A.  You didn't stop it, you ran (sad, but understandable; it must have been a shocking sight; not to mention in reality bystanders rarely act in situations like that -- be it walking in on a child rape or seeing a woman getting mugged or stabbed in an alley)

B.  The first person you decided to tell was not the Police, the school police, or even the school administration -- you went and told your dad.

C.  You know that Joe Paterno is friends with Sandusky and that Sandusky was very influential in the football program and still very much involved.  You're worried if you tell on him you'll be screened off and the school will look into it themselves and one of two things will happen:
     1.  At best, Sandusky is brought to justice, but at the expense of the football program which comes tumbling down as a result. You are blamed for the fall. You are the snitch.
     2.  At worst, they conclude you didn't see exactly what you claim you saw and execute a cover up (what actually happened) yet still any dream you may have been harboring of one day coaching PSU will be killed off because the administration and Joe Pa no longer trust you.  Especially if you try to go to the police yourself.  Why didn't you just keep it in the family and deal with it as a family, and let them discipline sandusky themselves.  You'll be the traitorous whistle blower who turned on your own.

D.  You're still a little shocked and confused about the night before.  You still can't wrap your mind around what it is that you saw and how you should handle it (you could be ruining lives if you mishandle it, if you were in any way wrong about what it is you think you saw going on... but you SAW it).  You decide something HAS to be done, if only for your own conscience, so you tell Joe Paterno.  You're still nervous about going into details on exactly what it was you saw, after all he'd know coach jerry forever, if anyone should suspect what Sandusky was really about it should be Paterno right?  Then again Sandusky had been in the program with him for years.  If he'd let him hang around for this long maybe the only person who DIDN'T know what he was about was Joe Pa.  How could he not know?  He SHOULD know.  Yet he doesn't... Maybe he's the worst person to come to with this information.

You decide to play it cautiously, selfishly thinking about your own career, but still wanting to do SOMETHING.  You tell Paterno that you saw Sandusky in the shower with a little boy, being inappropriate.  Paterno asks what you mean, were they naked?  Well yeah, that's what you do in a shower.  Well were they just showering? That sounds shady, but I mean, Let's not lynch the guy over it.  What exactly did you see?  They were being... inappropriate... there was definitely something physical going on...  OK, I got it... Let me talk to the AD and we'll look into this, thanks for talking to me first.  Paterno later contacts you and tells you the AD would like to speak to you.

E.  You go to the AD and you're relieved this is being followed up on.  If Joe Pa passed it along, maybe he did believe what you said after all.  And the AD, calling a meeting!  He clearly understands this is as serious as you think it is.  And he doesnt really have a personal relationship with coach Sandusky. 

You feel confident.  More sure about what happened that night.  What Sandusky was doing in that shower.  This time you speak clearer.  You tell the AD and other official EXACTLY what happened.  They question you, you give clear answers.  They tell you they'll handle it and report it as necessary.  You feel good.  You leave their office.

A week later, nothing's happened -- no biggie.  A month later, still no word -- they're probably still investigating, I'm sure the police told them to keep it under wraps for now.  A year later, Sandusky is on the campus with another young boy -- you start to suspect something is wrong.  Your suspicions of a cover up start to creep back up.

At this point you're even more paranoid than you were a year prior.  You're almost guaranteed a real assistant coaching spot on the team.  You don't want to mess that up.  And after all Joe Pa never mentioned the incident to you again.  What you saw must have been wrong.  You must have been mistaken.  Either that or they had taken care of it and Sandusky had promised never to do it again, and they'd decided he'd learned his lesson and they wouldnt send him to jail.  After all you had done what you were supposed to right?  You saw something you thought was wrong and you reported it to those better suited to handle it.  What more could you do?  You reason that this is the truth, partly for your own peace of mind.

Coach Paterno never mentions the incident to you, the AD never mentions the incident to you, you're career at PSU is going great.  You let sleeping dogs lie.

We NEED to know exactly what it was that the Grad Assistant said to Coach Paterno before we come to any conclusions.  We need the entirety of the facts.  Without them how do we know that the GA wasn't part of the cover up and everyone left Joe out of the loop?  See what I mean?
I should add that I 100% believe Joe Paterno at the very least suspected what was going on and chose not to fully investigate it. Either that or he did look into it, found out his ex assistant was molesting children, and chose to distance himself from the whole thing yet still not act.

That last post was just conjecture.
The AD, like Sandusky, played for Paterno so there should be no question that he was the authority in that building.

The more I think about this situation I'm starting to think that while Paterno definitely should have done more and he should be held responsible (asked to step down) for that, that the real villain should be McQueary. If it's true that he wasn't specific with Paterno, what's the reason for that? I mean Sandusky was hanging out around the facility up until last week and obviously McQueary would have to run into him. Like DoubleJs said earlier in the thread how can you not think "this f***** pedophile" every time you see him. It's one thing for Paterno who may or may not have known exactly what happened or may have not wanted to believe it, but for the man who saw and heard it not to make sure that Sandusky gets dealt with
. Same thing goes for the janitor.

All of that said, everybody gotta go.
Joe Pa its about that time and everybody else gotta go too. this is disgusting...

That Patriot-News article is good

This is what I wrote yesterday's looking true

I don't know how these things work but I would not be surprised if the school and his sons pulled him away from media duties for the rest of the year and had an assistant take over. Im not seeing An 84 year old man propped up there answering questions and taking the heat even if it is Paterno.

Dude will not be in front of the mic the rest of the year.
I can't say I'm surprised, but I am still disgusted that this press conference was canceled. Graham Spanier is making a disgrace of this university with the way he is handling this whole thing. He needs to step down immediately.
just heard on the radio that Paterno said, he was caught off guard about the Presser being canceled and wanted to address the situation ...

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

just heard on the radio that Paterno said, he was caught off guard about the Presser being canceled and wanted to address the situation ...


Gramps is slick. I see you, JoePa. *disgusted*
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

just heard on the radio that Paterno said, he was caught off guard about the Presser being canceled and wanted to address the situation ...


Gramps is slick. I see you, JoePa. *disgusted*

Yup. He thinks he's slick anyways.
Honestly, I don't want to use old age as an excuse, because Paterno obviously knew what was going on, but have you listened to a Paterno press conference lately?  Putting him on stage alone with the questions that would be flying at him would be an embarrassment and disaster.  Paterno still has a lot of explaining to do, but right now it should be the Penn St officials answering questions, not Paterno.
Damn. Matt Millen just broke down on sportscenter. Must feel like $#$% to be a PSU grad today.
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