The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

442 years maximum?


What's the minimum? Because that's what he'll do. Ghenges? Some of you other folks who know a little about law?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

What's the minimum? Because that's what he'll do. Ghenges? Some of you other folks who know a little about law?

i posted it a few posts up 60 minimum 
Is Joe Amendola the worst defense attorney in the history of high-profile cases? This guy hasn't had one interview where he doesnt reaffirm the public's thoughts.
these people outside the court who are whistling, hooting, hollering and clapping need to stop. This isn't a sporting event, stop acting like animals out of cages. This is a horrific occurrence, no need to act like savages.
That Rominger dude is an idiot.

Rominger: Jerry has been very cooperative that they even let him be escorted out of the courtroom without handcuffs.

Anderson Cooper: Actually he was in cuffs as he left the courtroom. We just played video of it just a few minutes ago.

Rominger: Oh... Yea.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

these people outside the court who are whistling, hooting, hollering and clapping need to stop. This isn't a sporting event, stop acting like animals out of cages. This is a horrific occurrence, no need to act like savages.

They're treating it like one sadly. smh 
Sad thing is, I feel Jerry Sandusky truly believes that he's innocent 
So now what? We all have other questions...Gricar's disappearance, money trail, etc etc....

Is all of that swept under the rug, or will there be further investigating? On one hand, I'm overjoyed that the Sandusky book is kinda closed...on the other, I have no doubt that there is MUCH more dirt that happened behind the scenes that need answers.
Originally Posted by DubA169

The only problem is he will probably be kept out of population

Without a doubt, hopefully as time passes by the guards accidently let some goons into his cell....and yea tht whole gricar case really intrigues me
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