The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Wait, has Tom Bradley been reached for comment about supposedly seeing Sandusky in the shower with a boy?
Which is why he should have NEVER been named interim coach.  These dudes got crazy skeletons in the closet. 

Death Penalty needs to be given to the football team until this mess is completely sorted out.  I'm talking about getting MORE names of those involved in the cover-up, answers for the Gricar disappearance, 2nd Mile money, etc etc...

I'm pretty sure the university is going to have civil suits up the *@$ amongst other things.
I'm not gonna sit here and lambast the guy anymore. He's guilty and going to prison for life most likely. End of story for me. Time to turn the page on this one.
I'm not gonna sit here and lambast the guy anymore. He's guilty and going to prison for life most likely. End of story for me. Time to turn the page on this one.
A Lotta Young mens Lives have been destroyed , no matter how many years he serves, there will never be Justice for his victims
"Nobody wins. We've all lost" - Mother of victim 6
you guys think their were sex rings and cover ups/conspiracies?

or just one evil guy and a bunch of people looking the other way
Originally Posted by DubA169

you guys think their were sex rings and cover ups/conspiracies?

or just one evil guy and a bunch of people looking the other way

Def deeper than the surface. And as far as I'm concerned, people looking the other way constitutes a cover-up.
cover ups take planning and strategy.

looking the other way is just avoiding responsibility I feel like they are kind of different. More intent in a cover up. I Feel like you could force yourself into denial if you just "heard about it" or heard sexual noises or saw them showering but not touching.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

A Lotta Young mens Lives have been destroyed , no matter how many years he serves, there will never be Justice for his victims

You're right.

But at least now that piece of @*@*, sick %%%$ won't be able to subject anymore boys to his abuse.

I'm real interested in seeing what that FBI investigator digs up during his Penn State probe.

Originally Posted by toine2983

I'm real interested in seeing what that FBI investigator digs up during his Penn State probe.

Me too. Wonder if we'll know how deep this really goes...

BELLEFONTE, Pa. -- Jerry Sandusky's lawyers said Saturday they tried to quit at the start of jury selection in his child sex abuse trial because they weren't given enough time to prepare, raising an argument on the trial's speed that could become the thrust of an appeal.
A day after Sandusky's conviction, his lawyers disclosed they felt too unprepared to adequately defend him because of how quickly the case was brought to trial. Experts have said the seven months between Sandusky's November arrest and trial was fast-paced by Pennsylvania standards.

via ESPN

No matter how much time the defense had, there was no way they were convincing a jury that Sandusky was innocent.
Jun 29, 2012 - The scandal surrounding Penn State has taken another ugly turn after CNN's Anderson Cooper reported on emails exchanged between Penn State officials back in 2001.

According to the report, former Penn State officials Tim Curley, Gary Schultz and Graham Spanier exchanged emails to determine how they would deal with allegations that had come up regarding Jerry Sandusky, who was convicted of 45 of 48 charges against him last week.

The emails show they initially planned to tell the authorities about the allegations but opted not to after speaking with "Joe". One of the emails shown by CNN reads:
"After giving it more thought and talking it over with Joe yesterday, I am uncomfortable with what we agreed were the next steps. I am having trouble with going to everyone, but the person involved."

There have been similar reports regarding the cover-up but to see it in emails like that is alarming.



Joe Paterno was in on this.  Absolutely CONFIRMED.  His name/statues/etc need to be removed from EVERYTHING on that campus.

*In the link posted is another link that will take you to a screen cap from CNN that has the actual email that was going between Curley, Schultz, and Spanier (which mentions JP). 

I'm not the type to slander a dead man, but I am done defending Paterno. Maybe a year off is necessary for the football team
I knew... I mean, a lot of us knew... there was no way JoePa was completely out of the loop.

It's no coincidence he died right when the $+!# hit the fan. Dude probably had a single pill kept in a glass vial labeled 'Break glass in case of emergency', and went ahead and swallowed that joint once he knew it was about to get real.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I knew... I mean, a lot of us knew... there was no way JoePa was completely out of the loop.

It's no coincidence he died right when the $+!# hit the fan. Dude probably had a single pill kept in a glass vial labeled 'Break glass in case of emergency', and went ahead and swallowed that joint once he knew it was about to get real.

Makes those rioters look even more like idiots...makes guys like **** Vitale and Coach K look like fools....I mean, there are folks out there who are JoePa apologists and for the WRONG reasons.  Seriously, did any of these $@$!*@$% ever think that a man with as much power as Joe Paterno WOULDN'T know what was going on?  Give me a !$$!!*! break.  He can rot in hell. 

Ska, I get madder and madder as the days go on.  I swear this is the tip of the iceberg.  More %@## is going to come out when guys like Spanier/Curley/etc go on trial. 
I said back in November this was the tip of the iceberg.

I'm glad... THRILLED, even (if it's possible to find joy at all here)... to be wrong about one thing, though: saying that no charges would be filed on anyone, no one would do any time, and the only punishment would be silly slaps on the wrist.

I'e already been wrong about that w/ the main guy; hopefully I'm wrong about some other guys.
Maybe I'm missing something, but this CNN report really doesn't tell us anything new, does it?

We always knew that JoePa was told by McQueary, and that he told his superiors. We also knew that those guys were superiors in name only, and that they didn't report it to authorities.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Maybe I'm missing something, but this CNN report really doesn't tell us anything new, does it?

We always knew that JoePa was told by McQueary, and that he told his superiors. We also knew that those guys were superiors in name only, and that they didn't report it to authorities.

The emails are the most damning evidence against Spanier//Curley/etc...and now that Joe Paterno is mentioned by name, there leaves no doubt as to his involvement in this cover up.  CNN made the emails public on Anderson Cooper's show last night.  I don't think there is anyway someone can now think that Joe Paterno had nothing to do with what went on at his facilities.  As I saw in the comment section on ESPN, Joe Paterno was the puppeteer and Spanier/Curley/Schultz were the puppets. 

Folks wanted a picture painted of Joe Paterno as a naive old man...when that couldn't be further from the truth.  He WAS Penn State. 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Maybe I'm missing something, but this CNN report really doesn't tell us anything new, does it?

We always knew that JoePa was told by McQueary, and that he told his superiors. We also knew that those guys were superiors in name only, and that they didn't report it to authorities.

The emails are the most damning evidence against Spanier//Curley/etc...and now that Joe Paterno is mentioned by name, there leaves no doubt as to his involvement in this cover up.  CNN made the emails public on Anderson Cooper's show last night.  I don't think there is anyway someone can now think that Joe Paterno had nothing to do with what went on at his facilities.  As I saw in the comment section on ESPN, Joe Paterno was the puppeteer and Spanier/Curley/Schultz were the puppets. 

Folks wanted a picture painted of Joe Paterno as a naive old man...when that couldn't be further from the truth.  He WAS Penn State. 
The whole email thing is very sketchy.

CNN has the emails to show but they don't actually possess them? How can they be sure of the credibility then? And there is a vague reference to a conversation with a "Joe" but who knows if that's Paterno or not. I don't get how you get from that email to the conclusion that there is no doubt about Paterno's involvement in a coverup. I believe that Paterno knew that he had more actual power than the men he reported the incident to and he should have made sure Sandusky was in jail by 2002; that said, I don't know what indicates that he tried to cover up the situation.
You're right, maybe they were talking about the other PSU authority named Joe.

And it's that sort of naivete that will continue to keep Joe's name in good standing. Folks won't let go of that image until they see a youtube video of Joe saying "I knew boys were being raped and I did nothing."

And that is EXACTLY the same sort of naivete that causes kids to keep quiet for decades; there are already multiple accounts of folks denying what Sandusky did because "He's a good man" and "He would never!"

Yes, he would, and did. And Joe... yes, that Joe... knew all about it.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Maybe I'm missing something, but this CNN report really doesn't tell us anything new, does it?

We always knew that JoePa was told by McQueary, and that he told his superiors. We also knew that those guys were superiors in name only, and that they didn't report it to authorities.

The emails are the most damning evidence against Spanier//Curley/etc...and now that Joe Paterno is mentioned by name, there leaves no doubt as to his involvement in this cover up.  CNN made the emails public on Anderson Cooper's show last night. I don't think there is anyway someone can now think that Joe Paterno had nothing to do with what went on at his facilities. As I saw in the comment section on ESPN, Joe Paterno was the puppeteer and Spanier/Curley/Schultz were the puppets.

Folks wanted a picture painted of Joe Paterno as a naive old man...when that couldn't be further from the truth. He WAS Penn State.
The whole email thing is very sketchy.

CNN has the emails to show but they don't actually possess them? How can they be sure of the credibility then? And there is a vague reference to a conversation with a "Joe" but who knows if that's Paterno or not. I don't get how you get from that email to the conclusion that there is no doubt about Paterno's involvement in a coverup. I believe that Paterno knew that he had more actual power than the men he reported the incident to and he should have made sure Sandusky was in jail by 2002; that said, I don't know what indicates that he tried to cover up the situation.
Watch the first couple of seconds of this vid...i mean, Curley changed up their course of action as far as reporting Sandusky after talking to Joe Paterno....what other Joe can they be referring to?
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