The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

How fair would it be for all the previous schools that have been sanctioned for tattoos, free condos, etc. if the NCAA didn't get involved. They have to act on this.

since when has being fair mattered to the NCAA? Ask USC fans what they think of Ohio States punishment :lol:

If those punishments are true, they might as well turn Beaver Stadium into dorms and and a library. It will have zero use from now on. Football program will NEVER recover, and many Penn St sports that rely on it will go down with it. This is essentially the death penalty. Shame that a program with such tradition has to go, but they brought it on themselves.

I still think the penalties are harsh and the wrong people are being punished, but after something that serious took place I guess its more of a symbolic move to appease the general public. Im starting to understand it a little better
Penn State players may transfer immediately to another school without penalty

Penn State put on five years probation

Penn State $60 million fine goes to "endowment for external programs preventing child sexual abuse or assisting "

Correction: Penn State vacates all wins from 1998-2011. Bobby Bowden just passed Joe Pa

Had problems w/ the formatting. But these are tweets from Brett McMurphy from CBS
Damn, I would've rather gotten the death penalty. All I'm saying, is that tuition better not rise from that $60M fine

Agree with all sanctions but that fine is a little over the top
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Vacate all wins from 1998- 2011.. Does that equal the longest losing streak in Div-1 EVER? and so that losing streak continues going into this year as well, correct?? HUGE hit to PSU... 
You know the Paterno family is pissed about the vacated wins.

Can't wait to see another asinine statement from them saying this punishment is too severe because the Freeh report is based on opinion rather than fact.
They let them HAVE IT :wow: :smh: :x

Thats without a doubt worse than the death penalty. Joe Pa just fell out the top 10 in college wins too. Wow.
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had to lookup if he was the winningest coach before they vacated all those wins and he was...crazy.
the only thing that makes me cringe about these penn state sanctions is, this whole thing is outside the NCAA's jurisdiction.  everyone who did the harm is already dead or going to jail... the only person this affects is kids who were 4-8 years old when all of this was going down.  if legitimate prison time didn't deter them, you think there are football officials at schools around the country going "oh no, we better not try to bury any of these scandals in case we get punished by the ncaa?"  i get that they felt the need to do SOMETHING to establish their authority, but these sanctions are stupid.

I guess you can look at it as them reacting to the coverup by the school's leadership and holding the football program in higher esteem than the kids and school, but I just don't like the punishment coming down after everyone involved is already gone.  Where was the NCAA when Sandusky initially got accused?  Why not investigate then?

At least they're still allowed to play football every Saturday.
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had to lookup if he was the winningest coach before they vacated all those wins and he was...crazy.
Yes, he was... Bowden just passed him now though... and as a Nole' I'm sure Bowden isn't taking pleasure in this even though Bowden had to vacate wins in about a half dozen games as well due to violations.. 
Wow. Everyone's saying they're goona get booted from the Big 10.
I'd highly doubt them getting booted.. I'm thinking probation to where if they have any more mishaps that could lead to expulsion.  Loss of revenue sharing, fines, etc,etc.. are other areas the Big 10 could impose penalties... 
I wanted the Death Penalty only because they need to send a message.

Football players taking bribes or cheating is a victimeless crime and they STILL get the death penalty. 
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had to lookup if he was the winningest coach before they vacated all those wins and he was...crazy.

JoPa being #1 is pretty much common knowledge. How didn't you know that?

Damn, I would've rather gotten the death penalty. All I'm saying, is that tuition better not rise from that $60M fine

Agree with all sanctions but that fine is a little over the top

That fine is a drop in the bucket. It's nothing to Penn State.
Pardon my ignorance but why did they have to take the scholarships away? That seems like it punishes the students more than anything. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Pardon my ignorance but why did they have to take the scholarships away? That seems like it punishes the students more than anything. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Taking scholarships is the most effective way to completely debilitate a football program, especially in the Big 10. It really does hurt the students, but they offset that by allowing them to transfer without any penalty. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them transferred, the football program is butt now anyways. Paterno's been holding us back the last 10 years and he should've retired years ago. But that's a whole nother discussion
had to lookup if he was the winningest coach before they vacated all those wins and he was...crazy.
JoPa being #1 is pretty much common knowledge. How didn't you know that?

Damn, I would've rather gotten the death penalty. All I'm saying, is that tuition better not rise from that $60M fine

Agree with all sanctions but that fine is a little over the top
That fine is a drop in the bucket. It's nothing to Penn State.
I'm saying. 

60M is nothing to just about most big colleges. 
Pardon my ignorance but why did they have to take the scholarships away? That seems like it punishes the students more than anything. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Kids going to PSU on scholarship for football can definitely find another school to offer them a ride too.

It hurts the program the most because they will lose their best recruits.
Pardon my ignorance but why did they have to take the scholarships away? That seems like it punishes the students more than anything. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
To punish the football program, you have fewer talented players on roster.  When you're talking about depth chart, instead of having a 5 star starter and a 4 star backup.  Now you can have a 5 star starter but now you're backup is a 1 or 2 star.. That's HUGE impact! 

PS- And now there's a greater impact on making sure a 5 star is indeed a 5 star player because with a loss of scholarships you can't afford to "miss" on a player..
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