The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

I am failing to see why these penalties are worse than the death penalty. Someone care to break it down?
its not
Its like getting rid of Reggie's Heisman. Its trivial. We all saw him earn it (whether or not you thought he was actually coaching is a different story). I was never a fan of vacating wins several years later.
at the penalties. They are essentially a D2 school for in my opinion the next decade +. Took SMU almost 20 years to get back to decency, might take PSU longer. Fully deserved though
Gotta feel for the fans and players though. They did nothing and are getting punished for it, but for something this serious there is no alternative.
i fail to see how its the same
I am failing to see why these penalties are worse than the death penalty. Someone care to break it down?
The death penalty would only stop all football operations for 1 year, kind of like a suspension, then things would be back to normal. The current punishment basically makes the next 4 football seasons for PSU worthless because they got no bowl games and reduced scholarships. The current punishment will end up hurting PSU for more then the 4 years that they're being punished for.
People are so damn NEEDY at times.

Its not even that serious. Own up to it and take your punishment. Stop asking to be coddled. 

One thing i've realized after undergrad is how seriously people take things once they're in school. Its like they need their universities and mascots to identify themselves. That "we are penn state" thing just show how much colleges turn these kids into blind sycophants for 4 years. Its like an indoctrination. Its REALLY not that big of a deal. 

You're just a student at a university. Play your damn part. Go to class and get that degree. If football is the main thing on your mind as a non-athlete then you're losing. A football program is a privilege. 

Schools get worse punishments for doing far less. A couple players getting a car or some tattoos is a victimless crime. Penn State got off EASY if you ask me. Whats 60M over 5 years? Penn State raised 200M in donor money last year I believe. 
How are we asking to be coddled? You're turning my post into a cry for help. If you read it, he offered it? Have you read my posts? I've blatantly said i could care less about the football program. Since you're so worried about coming at other people, lemme remind you.

"[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]To be honest, I could care less if they cancel the football season. I barely had time to go to any games last season because I had to study on weekends (Engineering Major ftl). Cancel the season for all I care. What I really care about is tax payer money going towards legal fees. And tuition increasing because of legal fees and this whole debacle. And if this somehow messed with my education. That's what directly affects me. Shoot, I'll root for PSU Football because I love my school. But it honestly makes no difference whatsoever in my life if they win or lose."[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Read and think before you post. You know nothing about me. Stop acting like you do. If you really are SIllyputty, you better watch yourself. Last time I checked, you're the one who got banned my friend. A majority of your posts aren't insightful, they are just annoying and wreak of a holier than thou attitude. [/color]

FutureMD? You need to worry about getting that degree and play your damn part before you call yourself  MD. See, I can do it too.
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I am failing to see why these penalties are worse than the death penalty. Someone care to break it down?
The death penalty would only stop all football operations for 1 year, kind of like a suspension, then things would be back to normal. The current punishment basically makes the next 4 football seasons for PSU worthless because they got no bowl games and reduced scholarships. The current punishment will end up hurting PSU for more then the 4 years that they're being punished for.
Didnt SMU get other things on top of the lost season?

Could have swore they also lost schollys and bowl games/tv games over a number of years too after the one year
I can't believe how some of the supporters of Paterno and PSU are giving excuses as to how this controversy and tragedy can be overlooked. If people want to support Mr. Paterno, they can buy his poster, or tattoo him on their arm or something. But for a university with history to continue to show any form of endorsement to this tragedy and scandal would be a terrible and shameful move. Dismounting the statue made sense on any and every level.

Of course it doesn't remedy the situation, but whether or not it was a political move doesn't matter. This had to be done. I don't think there should be any arguments about that. Like some may have said before, one incident REALLY DOES change the course of the ship. This one bad move by him or anyone involved is enough to erase ANY FORM of CREDIBILITY!!!!

There is nothing to argue about, but now I question HIS SON and his INVOLVEMENT. I bet there are actually more involved than what's being exposed. This is a tragedy, but I hope this incident is strong enough to make people aware of their surroundings, especially w/ their own kids.

We need to help one another.
Didnt SMU get other things on top of the lost season?

Could have swore they also lost schollys and bowl games/tv games over a number of years too after the one year
  • The 1987 season was canceled; only conditioning drills were permitted during the 1987 calendar year.
  • All home games in 1988 were canceled. SMU was allowed to play their seven regularly scheduled away games so that other institutions would not be financially affected.
  • The team's existing probation was extended until 1990. Its existing ban from bowl games and live television was extended to 1989.
  • SMU lost 55 new scholarship positions over 4 years.
  • SMU was required to ensure that Owen and eight other boosters previously banned from contact with the program were in fact banned, or else face further punishment.
  • The team was allowed to hire only five full-time assistant coaches, instead of the typical nine.
  • No off-campus recruiting was permitted until August 1988, and no paid visits could be made to campus by potential recruits until the start of the 1988-89 school year
  • because all the players left SMU canceled the 1988 season on its own.
  • and the conference SMU was in. end up getting broken up
What all of this comes down to is really simple:  The NCAA is punishing the "culture" of Penn State football.  It was the "culture" of the Penn State football program that let these lies and cover ups go on.  South Central Witchita Polytechnic wouldn't have covered up a child sexual abuse scandal to protect their football program.

While I don't agree with everything, I understand what the NCAA is trying to do.
[–]Restrepo17 95 points 2 hours ago

I think this a fitting punishment that will do the job the NCAA wants it to. In my opinion, the goal isn't to just punish the Penn State program, but to destroy this twisted, totally sports-driven culture that's taken hold there and across many other high profile universities.

Paterno and the other higher-up Penn State officials didn't cover up all the awful things that Sandusky did because they were that committed to him as a person; they did it because if what he did came to light, the school would lose a lot of money. Money trumped kids safety, their mental well being, and for a lot of student athletes, their education.

This punishment is to send a message that these universities and colleges aren't professional sports organizations, and they don't exist to make the alumni associations happy. They're here to enrich the lives of the students enrolled there, and to give every one of them a chance at a better future. Every one needs to take a step back and remember that money and sports always come behind happiness.
People are so damn NEEDY at times.

Its not even that serious. Own up to it and take your punishment. Stop asking to be coddled. 

One thing i've realized after undergrad is how seriously people take things once they're in school. Its like they need their universities and mascots to identify themselves. That "we are penn state" thing just show how much colleges turn these kids into blind sycophants for 4 years. Its like an indoctrination. Its REALLY not that big of a deal. 

You're just a student at a university. Play your damn part. Go to class and get that degree. If football is the main thing on your mind as a non-athlete then you're losing. A football program is a privilege. 

Schools get worse punishments for doing far less. A couple players getting a car or some tattoos is a victimless crime. Penn State got off EASY if you ask me. Whats 60M over 5 years? Penn State raised 200M in donor money last year I believe. 
How are we asking to be coddled? You're turning my post into a cry for help. If you read it, he offered it? Have you read my posts? I've blatantly said i could care less about the football program. Since you're so worried about coming at other people, lemme remind you.

"[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]To be honest, I could care less if they cancel the football season. I barely had time to go to any games last season because I had to study on weekends (Engineering Major ftl). Cancel the season for all I care. What I really care about is tax payer money going towards legal fees. And tuition increasing because of legal fees and this whole debacle. And if this somehow messed with my education. That's what directly affects me. Shoot, I'll root for PSU Football because I love my school. But it honestly makes no difference whatsoever in my life if they win or lose."[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Read and think before you post. You know nothing about me. Stop acting like you do. If you really are SIllyputty, you better watch yourself. Last time I checked, you're the one who got banned my friend. A majority of your posts aren't insightful, they are just annoying and wreak of a holier than thou attitude. [/color]

FutureMD? You need to worry about getting that degree and play your damn part before you call yourself  MD. See, I can do it too.
You're getting really upset here for no reason.

I don't keep up with who posts what so you posting something you apparently said long before is irrelevant, as it wasn't in the post I quoted.

On top of that, I don't care what I know about you. I wasn't even coming at you. This isn't about you.

Its about the punishment and frankly I think even still you want both sides of the coin. You want the president to prance around and console students who really and truly have no skin in the matter but then you want to preserve an entity that couldn't even maintain its own integrity. 

Penn State got off light here. No amount of coddling or blame shifting should be even invoked here. Anything less than the death penalty will look stupid when some other school gets caught doing something like giving a player an ipod. 

I think you're forgetting that since you go to apparently Penn State that everyone else is supposed to keep you in mind. Honestly, no one watching ESPN this morning is thinking about the engineering majors (even though I'd argue you guys do more to sustain the foundations of a modern The focus isn't on the students and shouldn't be. Its about the football program that failed its obligations.

Thats why I think its so ridiculous that your president is going through such leaps and bounds to please people who really at the end of the day do NOT matter in this case or in the grand scheme of things. 

Paying college players to play football is infinitesimally smaller than to an institutional structure of child abuse by executives and university leadership.
The death penalty would only stop all football operations for 1 year, kind of like a suspension, then things would be back to normal. The current punishment basically makes the next 4 football seasons for PSU worthless because they got no bowl games and reduced scholarships. The current punishment will end up hurting PSU for more then the 4 years that they're being punished for.

the death penalty in a sense is worse, for the community as a whole, not just the program. Most of the businesses rely on the flow of people provided by the football program. The team is essentially the focal point of the economy there. 1 year without any customers wouldve destroyed so many businesses there. At least with this, people will still go see the games, and the cash flow wont stop.
Didnt SMU get other things on top of the lost season?

Could have swore they also lost schollys and bowl games/tv games over a number of years too after the one year
  • The 1987 season was canceled; only conditioning drills were permitted during the 1987 calendar year.
  • All home games in 1988 were canceled. SMU was allowed to play their seven regularly scheduled away games so that other institutions would not be financially affected.
  • The team's existing probation was extended until 1990. Its existing ban from bowl games and live television was extended to 1989.
  • SMU lost 55 new scholarship positions over 4 years.
  • SMU was required to ensure that Owen and eight other boosters previously banned from contact with the program were in fact banned, or else face further punishment.
  • The team was allowed to hire only five full-time assistant coaches, instead of the typical nine.
  • No off-campus recruiting was permitted until August 1988, and no paid visits could be made to campus by potential recruits until the start of the 1988-89 school year
  • because all the players left SMU canceled the 1988 season on its own.
  • and the conference SMU was in. end up getting broken up
Penn State got hit hard but I dont see it being worse than this..I dont think it's even close
:lol:  ol cheating *** school going to get it worse

it is what it is....

but anyway congrats to bowden and eddie robinson......paterno hasnt been a "coach" probably since 2000....he was nothing but the mascot and face of penn st......its a shame all they did just for his legacy....and he always looked like a perv anyway with them coke bottle glasses
the death penalty in a sense is worse, for the community as a whole, not just the program. Most of the businesses rely on the flow of people provided by the football program. The team is essentially the focal point of the economy there. 1 year without any customers wouldve destroyed so many businesses there. At least with this, people will still go see the games, and the cash flow wont stop.
Definitely true, but you could also argue that now that  they won't have bowl games and all that stuff, less people are goona go watch which will affect businesses. Attendance will probably drop due to the probability that they're probably goona suck for the next 4 years and their seasons will mean nothing, and even after the 4 years of bowl bans and scholarship reductions, it'll be terribly hard to recover. The death penalty would kill attendance for 1 year, but the current punishment hurts the attendance for many years to come.
Definitely true, but you could also argue that now that  they won't have bowl games and all that stuff, less people are goona go watch which will affect businesses. Attendance will probably drop due to the probability that they're probably goona suck for the next 4 years and their seasons will mean nothing, and even after the 4 years of bowl bans and scholarship reductions, it'll be terribly hard to recover. The death penalty would kill attendance for 1 year, but the current punishment hurts the attendance for many years to come.

nah, the fans there are fanatical. Itll still be sold out for their home games. I mean, Penn State wasnt really a powerhouse as of late anyway, and they still sold out. Alumni and students will still come to watch them play. Also its not like college teams play super hard teams all the time nyway. Penn state will still win4 games or so even without great talent.

Also Big time college football teams are like that of good NFL teams. The cowboys, eagles, giants, etc will always sell out regardless if they are winning or not.
You're getting really upset here for no reason.

I don't keep up with who posts what so you posting something you apparently said long before is irrelevant, as it wasn't in the post I quoted.

On top of that, I don't care what I know about you. I wasn't even coming at you. This isn't about you.

Its about the punishment and frankly I think even still you want both sides of the coin. You want the president to prance around and console students who really and truly have no skin in the matter but then you want to preserve an entity that couldn't even maintain its own integrity. 

Penn State got off light here. No amount of coddling or blame shifting should be even invoked here. Anything less than the death penalty will look stupid when some other school gets caught doing something like giving a player an ipod. 

I think you're forgetting that since you go to apparently Penn State that everyone else is supposed to keep you in mind. Honestly, no one watching ESPN this morning is thinking about the engineering majors (even though I'd argue you guys do more to sustain the foundations of a modern The focus isn't on the students and shouldn't be. Its about the football program that failed its obligations.

Thats why I think its so ridiculous that your president is going through such leaps and bounds to please people who really at the end of the day do NOT matter in this case or in the grand scheme of things. 

Paying college players to play football is infinitesimally smaller than to an institutional structure of child abuse by executives and university leadership.
To be honest, I did take it as a personal attack towards me. The voice you gave off did come off as coming towards me and a responded as such. Thanks for the clarification though.

And to reiterate, I could care less what happens to the football program. But any attack towards the current administration, the teachers and professors, and the students who had no involvement in this, I will take as personal. And yes, I do take full responsibility and accept all of our punishments.

But I still disagree with a majority of your opinions. But the one thing I do agree with is that the punishment is fitting. I was all for it except the huge fine (I'm okay with it as long as it doesn't affect my tuition) . Everything else is ok in my book
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Why you guys care about their football program? LOLZ..

One less team ain't going to hurt the NCAA. PSU has a great volleyball program.
Why you guys care about their football program? LOLZ..
One less team ain't going to hurt the NCAA. PSU has a great volleyball program.
That's what I'm saying. Of the football games I went to, I only went to drink and chop it up with females. I'm more proud of the fact that we're known as a great party school than our football program haha
You're getting really upset here for no reason.

I don't keep up with who posts what so you posting something you apparently said long before is irrelevant, as it wasn't in the post I quoted.

On top of that, I don't care what I know about you. I wasn't even coming at you. This isn't about you.

Its about the punishment and frankly I think even still you want both sides of the coin. You want the president to prance around and console students who really and truly have no skin in the matter but then you want to preserve an entity that couldn't even maintain its own integrity. 

Penn State got off light here. No amount of coddling or blame shifting should be even invoked here. Anything less than the death penalty will look stupid when some other school gets caught doing something like giving a player an ipod. 

I think you're forgetting that since you go to apparently Penn State that everyone else is supposed to keep you in mind. Honestly, no one watching ESPN this morning is thinking about the engineering majors (even though I'd argue you guys do more to sustain the foundations of a modern The focus isn't on the students and shouldn't be. Its about the football program that failed its obligations.

Thats why I think its so ridiculous that your president is going through such leaps and bounds to please people who really at the end of the day do NOT matter in this case or in the grand scheme of things. 

Paying college players to play football is infinitesimally smaller than to an institutional structure of child abuse by executives and university leadership.
To be honest, I did take it as a personal attack towards me. The voice you gave off did come off as coming towards me and a responded as such. Thanks for the clarification though.

And to reiterate, I could care less what happens to the football program. But any attack towards the current administration, the teachers and professors, and the students who had no involvement in this, I will take as personal. And yes, I do take full responsibility and accept all of our punishments.

But I still disagree with a majority of your opinions. But the one thing I do agree with is that the punishment is fitting. I was all for it except the huge fine (I'm okay with it as long as it doesn't affect my tuition) . Everything else is ok in my book
Then we agree on nothing at all (i'm glad you see that i'm not coming at YOU, per se however).

They should have gotten the death penalty.

There is no reason for shutting down programs for distributing things like iPods but Penn still allowed to be able to even look at a football. 
Feel bad for the current players, but its all justified.

Paterno's family mainly his son need to shut up and go away. Paterno harbored a child molestor theres no getting past that. That negates all the good he did. They covered Sandusky up to protect the image of the school, football program and themselves.
Then we agree on nothing at all (i'm glad you see that i'm not coming at YOU, per se however).

They should have gotten the death penalty.

There is no reason for shutting down programs for distributing things like iPods but Penn still allowed to be able to even look at a football. 
I agree with you on this. I do feel like a year off from football would have done a lot of good and that the only reason it didn't happen was so the entire town wouldn't financially collapse
Penn State will stil be on TV, can still sell out their stadium & receive donations from alumni & boosters.

They said Penn State needed a culture chang but after the sanctions were handed out does this really change the culture there? I don't think so.
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