The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

Thats not there job man, they have never dealt with any criminal matters, there job is to prevent competitive imbalances not arbitrarily hand out punishments of criminal offenses. Courts of law do that.

NCAA ARBITRARILY being able to punish people based on "morals" doesn't worry you people?

what message has been sent?
Wait, I should be worry that the NCAA chose to punish Penn State for these actions and be in fear that they could do this again?

A football program covering up a predator on campus for over a decade in fear that it would affect their football program isnt in lines with competitive imbalance?
I'm not an NCAA cheerleader here, but you can't sit on the fence about this
Im saying,but you want to attack people who are supposedly cheering and applauding the NCAA, you are no better trying to fight the opposing battle.

All the crooked **** the NCAA has done, you want to put your foot down now and say you had enough, **** outta here
Anyone who facilitated CHILD RAPE, they should be punished to the full extent of THE LAW, not NCAA playoff bans, thats stupid.

The NCAA had to set a precedence to let the schools know they absolutely cannot put athletics and their image of the school above everything else. You now see what type of stuff goes down when they do. All the current people who have to pay the price are just collateral damage. I could care less about their "problems" when people forget who the real victims are. No one wins in the scandal.
They deserve the full extent of the law...AND a harsh punishment from the NCAA. The NCAA is punishing them for lack of institutional control (as mentioned tons of times already) and allowing criminal activity to go on behind the scenes of what seemed to be a storied, great football program. Yes, it is a criminal case and those like Sandusky deserve more, but Penn State as an institution has to take full responsibility for allowing those criminals to operate behind their doors. From all the evidence that was gathered it was clear the university's leadership knew about the monster behind the scenes molesting and ruining children's lives forever.
This story takes it beyond football, which is what makes it 10000x worse than any recruiting violation.
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They deserve the full extent of the law...AND a swift punishment from the NCAA. The NCAA is punishing them for lack of institutional control (as mentioned tons of times already) and allowing criminal activity to go on behind the scenes of what seemed to be a storied, great football program. Yes, it is a criminal case and those like Sandusky deserve more, but Penn State as an institution has to take full responsibility for allowing those criminals to operate behind their doors. From all the evidence that was gathered it was clear the university's leadership knew about the monster behind the scenes molesting and ruining children's lives forever.
This story takes it beyond football, which is what makes it 10000x worse than any recruiting violation.


I couldn't have explained it any better
NCAA shouldn't have been so swift because there is still a lot of missing information that could potentially back fire on them. Not saying I disagree with the punishment if the allegations are true, but the investigation was not even 1/2 way complete.
Anyone who facilitated CHILD RAPE, they should be punished to the full extent of THE LAW, not NCAA playoff bans, thats stupid.
Why?  They're NCAA member institutions.  This was a clear lack of institutional control and even though the typical BS bylaws may not have been violated, laws were which put a football program and the hierarchy of the university's well being ahead of the lives of innocent children.  It was absolutely necessary for the NCAA to step in and make it a point that beyond cash, clothes, tattoos and hos, this type of act deserves to be punished.

This is bigger than football but also includes football.  Not punishing the football program would indicate that what went on within Penn State's football operations left them not at fault.  The law will punish those individuals and deservedly so.

Regardless, the NCAA has no modus operandi.  They arbitrarily hand out sanctions that can leave two schools that have essentially committed the same rules violations punished in two completely separate ways.  I don't have faith in them but maybe this is finally their way of sending a message and especially that the programs need to realize that they are not above action.  When you have USC, Bama, etc get put on what is viewed as harsh probation but return just as strong as ever, those sanctions can be looked at as a joke.  When you have Miami, UNC, Oregon, OSU, South Carolina, Auburn (though not sanctioned), clearly breaking the rules and potentially brushing it off, some statement needs to be made that these programs are not untouchable, whether it's due to improper benefits or breaking SERIOUS laws to avoid what would've been a much smaller impact on the program had they done what was right from the start.  According to the Freeh report, these were the people who were supposed to be the authority in that athletics department showing that nothing else matters other than the sanctity of Saturdays.
Any big athletic school alumni would be like that. Sports over everything else....
Nothing like having your priorities straight!

Exactly! Colleges/Universities should always have education as their first priority no matter how big it's athletic program is. Education was, after all, the main reason most of these colleges/universities were created.
Penn St. singed a consent decree basically admitting to wrongdoing, so the NCAA doesn't have to worry about any backlash from their decision. They can't even appeal even if they were heartless enough to try. These are facts and not allegations at this point. Little boys got raped by Sandusky and the athletic dept turned a blind eye to it. Bottom line!!!
Anyone who facilitated CHILD RAPE, they should be punished to the full extent of THE LAW, not NCAA playoff bans, thats stupid.
Why?  They're NCAA member institutions.  This was a clear lack of institutional control and even though the typical BS bylaws may not have been violated, laws were which put a football program and the hierarchy of the university's well being ahead of the lives of innocent children.  It was absolutely necessary for the NCAA to step in and make it a point that beyond cash, clothes, tattoos and hos, this type of act deserves to be punished.

This is bigger than football but also includes football.  Not punishing the football program would indicate that what went on within Penn State's football operations left them not at fault.  The law will punish those individuals and deservedly so.

Regardless, the NCAA has no modus operandi.  They arbitrarily hand out sanctions that can leave two schools that have essentially committed the same rules violations punished in two completely separate ways.  I don't have faith in them but maybe this is finally their way of sending a message and especially that the programs need to realize that they are not above action.  When you have USC, Bama, etc get put on what is viewed as harsh probation but return just as strong as ever, those sanctions can be looked at as a joke.  When you have Miami, UNC, Oregon, OSU, South Carolina, Auburn (though not sanctioned), clearly breaking the rules and potentially brushing it off, some statement needs to be made that these programs are not untouchable, whether it's due to improper benefits or breaking SERIOUS laws to avoid what would've been a much smaller impact on the program had they done what was right from the start.  According to the Freeh report, these were the people who were supposed to be the authority in that athletics department showing that nothing else matters other than the sanctity of Saturdays.
They deserve the full extent of the law...AND a harsh punishment from the NCAA. The NCAA is punishing them for lack of institutional control (as mentioned tons of times already) and allowing criminal activity to go on behind the scenes of what seemed to be a storied, great football program. Yes, it is a criminal case and those like Sandusky deserve more, but Penn State as an institution has to take full responsibility for allowing those criminals to operate behind their doors. From all the evidence that was gathered it was clear the university's leadership knew about the monster behind the scenes molesting and ruining children's lives forever.
This story takes it beyond football, which is what makes it 10000x worse than any recruiting violation.
Thank you.

I don't understand whats wrong with this dude. He wants punishment, but he hates the NCAA so much that he doesn't want them to ...issue punishment.

You can't have it both ways.

The Penn State failure goes BEYOND 1 or 2 people. It was a gang of people that are STILL being investigated. Regulators aren't done with Penn State. There will still be more uncovered. That being said, it serves Penn State every right to be handled so severely. This was more than a few people, it was an INSTITUTIONAL FAILURE OF MASSIVE PROPORTIONS.
I'm not an NCAA cheerleader here, but you can't sit on the fence about this
Im saying,but you want to attack people who are supposedly cheering and applauding the NCAA, you are no better trying to fight the opposing battle.

All the crooked **** the NCAA has done, you want to put your foot down now and say you had enough, **** outta here

This dude picked the WRONG day to be upset with the NCAA.

The NCAA has BEEN fining teams for getting players some local lady love on the side...but you expect them to say NOTHING on the matter of an institutional cover-up of sexual assault...on children? by people who ran a kids camp? 

Any big athletic school alumni would be like that. Sports over everything else....
Nothing like having your priorities straight!
Exactly! Colleges/Universities should always have education as their first priority no matter how big it's athletic program is. Education was, after all, the main reason most of these colleges/universities were created.
Thats...a whole other story... 
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All good. The penalties that Penn St. received today is way worse than the Death Penalty if your really analyze it.

4 years of losing a **** load of money...think about it the university is losing money along with scholarships and etc. I'm for it!
I just can't see how this can be called a "death penalty" when Penn State is still allowed to play games, generate revenue, receive TV revenue, recruit, etc. If SMU set the standard for being hit the worst then this doesn't come close.

The fine they were hit with isn't even 5% of their entire endowment, they can pay that in a year. Plus there are still loopholes to bring in talent with the biggest problem is actually getting don to the 65 scholarship limit when the sanctions kick in. (the Lane Kiffin method at USC)

IMO I think Penn State took the first thing the NCAA approached them with in terms of sanctions with no rebuttal to avoid further investigation which more discoveries could have been found and subjected them to an actual death penalty. Not that this was a slap on the wrist because these are major penalties but PSU can tighten their ship and bounce back strong from this in which majority of public perception didn't want.

Frankly I just don't see how these sanction will cripple their program which is why I always felt PSU should have handled this themselves and had the decency shut their own program down for an extended period of time to rid themselves of any & everything that has to do with this whole ordeal.
^^^^^ the crime that took place was not a sports related crime. The NCAA have no rules on what to do against child abuse thus they were pretty much going on the fly. I agree with what you're saying but the long term effects of the whole thing will last a long time. The school is a laughing stock and it's football program, nobody will want to be a part of that.
Good Job by the NCAA.

Im never a fan of the organization but this needed doing.

I could have gone for harsher penalties but thats just me

Loved what Desmond Howard had to say on Sportscenter.
This is gonna cripple Penn State. I just read that USC has contacted the school about Silas Redd. The dominoes are gonna fall (player wise).

Just think about it. They will NOT get B1G 10 caliber type of athletes for the next couple of years. What exactly is Bill O'Brien's selling point going to be?

If you're a recruit, you're taking Penn State off your list of schools to attend. I can see them getting a bunch of guys who would normally not be D1 players on the

roster from here on out. Guys who now have the chance to play D1 ball, who would have not had that opportunity if Penn State didn't have the hammer dropped

on them. Personally, I think football should have been cancelled (on top of the fines and lack of bowl appearances) for at least a year. There are many

organizational/leadership problems at that university that should have been sorted out before even attempting to play football. Oh well....

*Also, off of DC's point a few pages back (about people upset on the PSU campus).....why is it that those people look at Paterno's 14 year blind eye as a "mistake?" Can we use that "mistake" label for those who commit murder or other heinous crimes? I mean, I'm sure deep-down they were good people too. SMH.
are you comparing incidents to YEARS of cover up by an athletic department and school board of trustees ? does that not add up in your brain?
Jesus Christ who the **** cares if the NCAA decides to do anything in any other case.

NCAA , at least a little bit, got it right in this case.

I dont care if they were grandstanding or just protecting their NCAA Brand or whatever horse **** reason sympathizers can come up with.

in a vacuum, Penn State needed to be punished as a football program, even as an entire athletic department, and it was.

in a perfect world, NCAA shouldnt have even had to step in, the Pennsylvania legislature should have shut this program down a long time ago when the cover up news started leaking.

Penn State isnt promised to play in Bowl games .

**** them and **** anyone who cries for them.

the NCAA doesnt owe them anything.

The only Hope left is that all of those who covered this up are put in prison.
1. not a sympathizer.
2. just because something horrible happens, doesn't mean we abandon all logic and reason, that how things like racial profiling happens.
An institution covers up little boys being molested & raped, the NCAA punishes that institution for that cover-up, and outsiders have the gall to tell the NCAA "Back off; Johnny Law's got this. You're out of line"?!

Institutional integrity was compromised to the point that little boys were raped & molested, & the NCAA has punished them for being so negligent.

You want to be concerned that the NCAA is playing moral police and that sets the table for all kinds of unfairness later? Valid concern, but voice it when the NCAA tries to act on a school for hiring a lesbian head coach or something, not when they act on a school for covering up child sex acts.
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One (Oklahoma State), doesn't compare to the other (Penn State).

how do you figure, wheres the line? They just made themselves the upholders of "the values of higher education" what does that even mean, hat does that entail?

This is my point, they are using this horrible situation to simply gain more power, by punishing child rape with ******g post season sanctions.

It's not a deterrent.
It's not punishing those actually responsible. (curly and spanier)

In fact the NCAA sole existence is to propagate the culture of football first mentality that allowed this to happen in the first place, it's insanely hypocritical and sound and fury signifying NOTHING.
One (Oklahoma State), doesn't compare to the other (Penn State).
how do you figure, wheres the line? They just made themselves the upholders of "the values of higher education" what does that even mean, hat does that entail?

This is my point, they are using this horrible situation to simply gain more power, by punishing child rape with ******g post season sanctions.

It's not a deterrent.
It's not punishing those actually responsible. (curly and spanier)

In fact the NCAA sole existence is to propagate the culture of football first mentality that allowed this to happen in the first place, it's insanely hypocritical and sound and fury signifying NOTHING.
So the NCAA should do what then?

Since this wasn't in the bylines of the NCAA's policy, then what should be done?

If you say the NCAA should only regulate player allegations and involvement with things like getting paid or cheating, should nothing have happened to Penn State?

Institute your own punishment that addresses those involved and we'll talk.

As far as I'm concerned you're just contradicting yourself.

You want Penn  to be punished, but you don't want the punishing body to punish them. 
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I am fine and agree with the punishments but the NCAA certaintly may have opened Pandoras Box and will now have to clearly define when they will and will not get involved. It is a shame that so many innocent parties are affected but par for the course with NCAA sanctions (and sweeping punishments in general)
OKB, you and a few other posters, are smart people. It absolutely blows my mind that you cannot understand that this whole scandal is not JUST about children being raped.
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So the NCAA should do what then?

Since this wasn't in the bylines of the NCAA's policy, then what should be done?

If you say the NCAA should only regulate player allegations and involvement with things like getting paid or cheating, should nothing have happened to Penn State?

Institute your own punishment that addresses those involved and we'll talk.

As far as I'm concerned you're just contradicting yourself.

You want Penn  to be punished, but you don't want the punishing body to punish them. 

I'm not contradicting anything, you are simply not paying attention.

1. As far as im concerned, the responsible parties are being prosecuted, curly, Spanier, Sandusky.

2. The police and the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Those are the only ones who should be involved with any punishment

3. the NCAA should have nothing to do with this.

4. anyone responsible should be punished to the full extent of the law.

This has nothing to do with punishing, Penn state and everything to do with a power grab, IMO, and you guys are are fine with a clownish organization having unlimited powers.

This accomplished nothing, but put a crown on Mike Emmerts head.
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