The People Have Spoken -- D.A.R. '09 -- January 24th

TeePeso I have to throw a flag on the play for un-sportsman like conduct! 15 yard penalty and repeat first down for that one! LMFAO
LMAO at the maddness.

Call the B-More joint what you want, but we had a good time. Shouts to those folks from Boston. lol
Originally Posted by TeePeso

lmao!!! Bama's pullin out the big guns EARLY.....old Harold Penner man of fashion #@$ n'...and I see bamas callin next from the sideline... Why DK look like Goldust?

I believe I just regurgitated a Twizzler when I read that joint!!!
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Half the people that are in here that "might come through"...never come through.


I'll see Kev, LaVan, Ru, Dev and Glenn there...anyone else is a bonus.


and with that said... Eye Might come through
missed all the previous D.A.R.'s...thanks a lot NSU! but since im back, i WILL b in attendance so i too can refer to you all by your abbreviated firstnames and post hilarious photographs of your likenesses...
i'll swing by this saturday, anyone interested in sz 11 6/17 cdps, lemme know...worn once
i'll bring them to the D.A.R.
I would like this to be the first D.A.R event I could attend, but sadly my education is calling me to return back to school, I hope you guys plan one oversummer break. I will definitely be down for that one
Heh heh heh... Just making sure I didn't offend anybody...

However, there is one Member that I plan to approach regarding a statement made... (something I took personally)
Originally Posted by ksmith4768

Heh heh heh... Just making sure I didn't offend anybody...

However, there is one Member that I plan to approach regarding a statement made... (something I took personally)
Awwww Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiooooooooooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

*Spreads chairs out and forms automatic circle and wait for two gentlemen to buck in a circle sayin "do sumpin" "you do sumpin" "dosumpin" with instigation in the background while others try to steal dropped shoes...
Originally Posted by RockDeep

Originally Posted by ksmith4768

Heh heh heh... Just making sure I didn't offend anybody...

However, there is one Member that I plan to approach regarding a statement made... (something I took personally)
Awwww Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiooooooooooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

*Spreads chairs out and forms automatic circle and wait for two gentlemen to buck in a circle sayin "do sumpin" "you do sumpin" "do sumpin" with instigation in the background while others try to steal dropped shoes...
Sounds like Forestville 06 all over again..........
You guys are wild... Heh heh...

A few that know me, know that I'm a decent dude... Not much for 'ebeef' or tough-guy talk...

I just want to ask him some questions...
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