The President's daughter is [i]bad[/i] vol. Yeah, I said it

I swear, a broad has to be Kim K status to get an overall NT approval
I'd do awful unspeakable things to her...

and then leave before she can get the bag off her head.

Kidding. On the real, though--she's a good lookin' gal.
Originally Posted by Nktran001

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by Nktran001

She's not better then Obama's daughter(s).
[color= rgb(153, 0, 0)]not funny and bad grammer... it's than, not then...[/color]
Like I've said before.. I don't ever use "than", but I might reconsider since you're on my balls about it.

Plus, you have bad spelling.. It's grammAr, not grammEr.

[color= rgb(153, 0, 0)]touche my friend touche... i fell into a slippery slope...[/color]
I dont know what some of you guys look for in a girl...she looks pretty good to me. If you guys can honestly said you wouldnt smash if your single, and yourbored, and she was giving herself to you.... then id have to seriously question your sexuality.
Not my cup of tea. Both of those Bushdowns look like all the Plain Jane, every day, ordinary white chicks I see at school. Nothing catches my eye. I mean...I'd pole, sure, but only because of our fundamental differences in anatomy. I've never been this indifferent at the sexual objects posted in an NTBeast thread, ever.
I think maybe she reminds me of one of my cousins who looks jacked up... and her mouth is really nasty.. I'd rather stay bored and not smash then let hereven slip some tongue in my mouth
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