The RETRO Gaming Thread!

I usually prefer SNES controls over Sega when choosing the same game that’s available for either system but who knows maybe you’re right. Maybe this game carried over better to Sega. Can’t comment on how I feel as I’ve never played the Sega version.

Nah, I'm saying the SNES version was "superior."
They both are GOAT’d.

Forgotten Worlds, Ghouls and Ghosts, Revenge of Shinobi, Phantasy Star II, Strider’s then Sonic and Streets of Rage plus all of those sports games. GOAT’d.

Super Nintendo came with Super Mario World. GOAT’d. Plus Super Castelvania IV, Super Ghouls and Ghosts…then they hit us with Street Fighter II and TMNT Turtles in Time. Maaaaaaaan.

Just looking at that kind of puts where we at right now in shame.
Nah, I'm saying the SNES version was "superior."
Oh, really?

Yeah, I happened to grow up on some games for the Sega version, some for The SNES version.

Like for MMPR = Snes version
Turtles in time = Snes version
Aladdin = Sega version

I guess these are the versions I prefer, because they’re the ones I grew up on as a kid.
Not sure if this is considered retro yet but started another playthrough of oblivion recently and it feels like I’m back in ‘06
Man I loved this game back in the day. In a lot of ways I prefer it to Skyrim.

Finding ways to break the game was so much fun.
Growing up I felt like the Genesis was for teens/adults and SNES was for the kids. Now I like both systems equally, they’re both awesome systems. Funny thing is I hardly come across games for them at thrift stores. It’s one of the reasons my library of games is smaller compared to my NES one. I’d find handfuls at a time for that baby whereas these Gen/SNES are rare for me.
this was also my impression. back then, the older kids were more into the Sega system playing MK while the rest of the younger ones were into SNES' playing Mario World, Double Dragon, BattleToads, Dragonball, and freaking Street Fighter 2. it was awesome and none of that console war crap that this new generation are crying about.

as far as controllers, the Genesis controller was whack but the SNES controller was better executed as far ergonomics goes. my top 3 retro controllers for me were the N64, DreamCast and GameCube controller.
There definitely were “console wars” between SNES and Sega. Sonic was advertised as way more edgy and cooler than Mario. MK was more “authentic” on Sega because it had blood while the SNES version didn’t. Also this ad:

It’s not to the toxicity that Xbox vs PlayStation or PC vs console got but there were definitely lines drawn in the sand. It’s probably the start of console wars if anything, just is way more innocent cause message boards and the internet weren’t really around yet.
There definitely were “console wars” between SNES and Sega. Sonic was advertised as way more edgy and cooler than Mario. MK was more “authentic” on Sega because it had blood while the SNES version didn’t. Also this ad:

I wasn't referring to that. I was referring to certain fans getting toxic with what console is the best. back then, we didn't care about those lame arguments. we were more about which games to play then move on.
as far as controllers, the Genesis controller was whack but the SNES controller was better executed as far ergonomics goes. my top 3 retro controllers for me were the N64, DreamCast and GameCube controller.
I played some Genesis last month for a bit and switched to the og 3 button controller....that was bulkier than I remember 😆
The Super Nintendo Controller was definitely better. But that six button controller minus a mode/select/whatever button is the precursor to the legendary Saturn controller (not the horrible one that came with the US Saturnalia originally but the Japanese one).
The Super Nintendo Controller was definitely better. But that six button controller minus a mode/select/whatever button is the precursor to the legendary Saturn controller (not the horrible one that came with the US Saturnalia originally but the Japanese one).
yeah. super nintendo controller was better…but if you played street fighter the six button genesis controller was legit…

super nintendo had:
- better headliner (mario vs sonic)
- better graphics
- better controller

sega had:
- cooler different alternative type
games (michael jackson, toe jam and earl, joe montana football, streets of rage, buster douglas boxing)
- more mature games
- sega also had cooler add-ons (32x, sega cd)
yeah. super nintendo controller was better…but if you played street fighter the six button genesis controller was legit…

super nintendo had:
- better headliner (mario vs sonic)
- better graphics
- better controller

sega had:
- cooler different alternative type
games (michael jackson, toe jam and earl, joe montana football, streets of rage, buster douglas boxing)
- more mature games
- sega also had cooler add-ons (32x, sega cd)

Also, folks that primarily played sports games often had the Sega Genesis.

One of the only things the Genesis had over the SNES was speed so the sports
games didn't lag as much as on the SNES. This was critical for the sports games
with all the movement on the screen. The play control felt cleaner on the Genesis.
Also, folks that primarily played sports games often had the Sega Genesis.

One of the only things the Genesis had over the SNES was speed so the sports
games didn't lag as much as on the SNES. This was critical for the sports games
with all the movement on the screen. The play control felt cleaner on the Genesis.
68000 Mhz yeah. Blast processing.

But this is true. EA Sports game seemed to be better on Genesis.

Also, Sega was going hard at EA in that category with their sports games.

I think the construction and ergonomics was better on the Super Nintendo.

But the Saturn controller’s daddy was legit. Genesis, unfortunately, lost on fighting games due to MK II, SF 2, TMNT TF, KI (even though that was a ridiculous port), and the cheesy SNK ports.
I wasn't referring to that. I was referring to certain fans getting toxic with what console is the best. back then, we didn't care about those lame arguments. we were more about which games to play then move on.

I disagree.

The debates were just as intense as the XBOX vs. Ps debates.

We just didn't have the internet. Only difference.
People could definitely be tribal over consoles back in the day. It didn't seem so bad cause the conversations were in real life. We couldn't yell at each other over message boards back then. Also, Nintendo and Sega went at each other a lot harder than what we see today.

I'll always prefer the SNES over the Genesis. Mainly because of Squaresoft and Nintendo's first party games.
certain fans getting toxic with what console is the best. back then, we didn't care about those lame arguments. we were more about which games to play then move on.
I agree with you, it wasn’t that serious back then. I never saw big fights break out over that and I was in elementary/middle school during its peak of coolness. Those were immature times for kids in general and it never got to that. We all huddled around the newest game magazine and was back to being cool with one another 😎
I agree with you, it wasn’t that serious back then. I never saw big fights break out over that and I was in elementary/middle school during its peak of coolness. Those were immature times for kids in general and it never got to that. We all huddled around the newest game magazine and was back to being cool with one another 😎
this was my experience as well. no matter how competitive or aggressive was the marketing between console brands, the general atmosphere of gamers didn't have a particular fandom or loyalty towards 1 particular console. it was more about the exclusive games that every gamer wanted to play and jumping on one console to another. it was fun and competitive. PC gaming before wasn't really PC gaming is now.

nowadays, we see children debating and arguing among themselves talking about which console system is better and that being totally indifferent with a great game just because the game is on another console that they don't like. the gaming culture is totally different and can be very toxic. silly that these kids or adults that behave like kids argue about console technical specs that they don't even know what it's real relevance is as far as gaming goes. we don't even talk about those things before since they don't have any real significant as far as how one finds pleasure playing the game.
sneeker sneeker , exactly. There wasn't a hardcore brand loyalty like that for consoles in those times. I can’t imagine what it would sound like today on playgrounds or among grown people :lol:
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