fantastic shots! I must say that even your crisp photography skills isn't enough
to capture how the GBs "pop" in person. nevertheless pics look ultra nice.
Originally Posted by kobeoverbron

fantastic shots! I must say that even your crisp photography skills isn't enough
to capture how the GBs "pop" in person. nevertheless pics look ultra nice.
This color is the hardest to get an accurate picture of. It's the blue!

Here's another I've posted before but since we're talking about it.

Originally Posted by kobeoverbron

fantastic shots! I must say that even your crisp photography skills isn't enough
to capture how the GBs "pop" in person. nevertheless pics look ultra nice.

Thanks! Lol

It's true tho, most Kobe's look better in person than in pics...
Originally Posted by adub beta

why are the glass blues also called the helicopters? I fail to see any resemblance.

It's a stupid nickname that I refuse to go by... But it suppose to reassemble the batman helicopter in comics I guess.
Sold worn once China today for 109 shipped to clear out closet space for the VII and extra Christmas money for gifts. #feelsgoodandbadman
Originally Posted by HorrorKid

Originally Posted by kobeoverbron

fantastic shots! I must say that even your crisp photography skills isn't enough
to capture how the GBs "pop" in person. nevertheless pics look ultra nice.
This color is the hardest to get an accurate picture of. It's the blue!

Here's another I've posted before but since we're talking about it.

this pic almost captures how they look like in person. good one.

Originally Posted by thapointguy

Sold worn once China today for 109 shipped to clear out closet space for the VII and extra Christmas money for gifts. #feelsgoodandbadman
that's a good price. they aren't that nice anyway. a half baked cw IMO. < tour yellow
What was the release like for the Kobe 6 Italian Camo (black/dark khaki/red swoosh) like?  Was it very limited, GR, HOH and Niketown, etc?  The blue camo is the sickest, but these have grown on me and I would like to get them.
Does anyone know if the Kobe VI will go off ID when the VII comes up? I know they've run the V and VI parallel, so figure that isn't a given.
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