The Shield

Sep 8, 2011
Hand me my late pass first off but I finally downloaded all 7 seasons of The Shield and have started from the beginning with the show. I caught random episodes of the show on TV but never watched it from season one. Since I finished Breaking Bad I haven't had a TV show to keep my interest but I almost finished the whole first season yesterday. I will def finish it today (got two more episodes left) and start on season two. Show is
. You find yourself rooting for Vic and his team even though they are corrupt cops. I have a feeling this might go down with The Wire and Breaking Bad as one of the best TV shows I've seen. After this I think I will finally start on Lost after I been saying I was going to watch it for awhile now.
it's def up there....doesnt get talked about as much as The Wire on here but it should

alot of people automatically dismiss it cause it wasnt on HBO/Showtime but they def showed/did alot and got the point across on FX
Originally Posted by Kingtre

it's def up there....doesnt get talked about as much as The Wire on here but it should

alot of people automatically dismiss it cause it wasnt on HBO/Showtime but they def showed/did alot and got the point across on FX

Yeah they did. I remember seeing some of the shows back on TV when the show was still on and I was like damn they cut it kinda close on cable.
Great show. One time through is enough though, as opposed to The Wire, which never gets old to me no matter how many times I go back and watch different seasons.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The Shield is in my top 5... So Damn Good.[/color]
Originally Posted by Kingtre

it's def up there....doesnt get talked about as much as The Wire on here but it should

Kinda glad it doesn't.  One of the best shows ever to me.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by Kingtre

it's def up there....doesnt get talked about as much as The Wire on here but it should

Kinda glad it doesn't.  One of the best shows ever to me.
yea i mean with NT its all about "BUT xx is better" you cant talk about BMWs without hearing about audis or benz and vice versa just like you cant mention a tv series without it being measured up against the Wire
Amazing show. One of the greatest pilot episode's ever 
. If the show had been on HBO people would be going crazy over it 
I remember a guy telling me about this show a long time ago. May check it out when I get some time...
^ I thought it was perfect.

Spoiler [+]
It was worse than going to prison.
Finished two seasons in like three days....Vic is just that dude
...I got a feeling @+$! is gone catch up to him though. It has too. It seems like every season dude just gets by. Thanks for putting the spoiler up bruh..
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Top 5 for me.

One of the few shows ever that I thought they did an excellent job with the ending.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]the ending was perfect! so damn good, don't know a better way it could have been done.[/color]
Originally Posted by asianplayer

Top 5. Too bad it ended.

Not at all. It went out on top. It didn't drag along for an umpteenth amount of seasons and lose its luster.
Im currently doing the samething(I think we had this convo on Twitter)....I'm on season 5....I'm just curious how it all ends for Vic n em
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

^ I thought it was perfect.

Spoiler [+]
It was worse than going to prison.

Spoiler [+]
His own personal prison
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