the thread about nothing...

Patriot fans I suppose...

Scared of the inevitable dethroning by Houston in the AFC

He had his hands around my neck, but not to the point where he was choking me. When I was about to cock back my mom came in and took his hands off me. This is not the first time we get into a fight.
Naw he wasn't really there for me growing up. It's a long *** story that is most suitable for the confessions thread.
Yup, she's very gorgeous. *simp mode activated*
I should have, but I'm stuck in a situation where I would have had nobody to turn to if I would have hit him.
Yup i'm a '92 baby, I'm older than her by about a month. :wow: :pimp:
:lol: :lol: :lol:



:wow: :wow: :wow:
And since we have some DBZ posts in here "My simp mode, is over 9000" :lol: :lol:

Ohhh she is a Jammm :pimp: :pimp: Vanessa Morgan?

And you're a 92 baby? *Daps*
repped :pimp: thanks my G
also question for my fellow thread about nothing'ers
how do i come across? i was having a conversation today with a female friend and she told me i come across very condescending and with attitude sometimes :lol: :smh:
esp you guys who frequent sports & training :lol: :nerd:

This female just a friend friend?

You're cool to me. There are some others who dwell in Sports & Training who come off as smug and just flat out know it all super ego pricks.

I had a Female NT'er tell me some years back sometimes I act childish in post. It mad me feel :smh: It was a MyT blow.

So whyhellothere is african american black?
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