the thread about nothing...

"You spend more time boasting about what you do then you do, so by the time your **** is due it's doo-doo."
I was asked what my worst female experience was by @JJ Watt
  doing an AMA....

Since I posted it before, I'll be brief...

Freshman year of college, met a chick that lived on my floor. We randomly went shopping together at the supermarket across from the dorm one Saturday. We started to kick it regularly, but I didn't expect much since she had a bf. She breaks up with said bf over time (I kept quiet, it happened on it's own). We continue to kick it, we are seen everywhere on campus (dining hall, football games, events etc). We even had a couple of classes together. For my bday, I wanted to go to dinner, she asked if her friend could go, I didn't speak up and say no, so her friend comes along. She plays footsie with me under the table the whole time at dinner. She stared at me the ride back to campus. That night we get to the lobby of the dorm, there are a lot of people. I talk to a few people but notice she took a dude's number on the napkin. I don't say anything until we get upstairs. We get upstairs and I break on her. Told her she was wrong etc. I was extra tight since I paid for dinner at TGIFridays. She apologized and said she wasn't going to do anything but I knew what dude was about from chilling with him a few times. I stopped chilling with her after that. After two weeks, she knocks on my door telling me she missed me, I fell for it. We start kicking it again, I asked her what she thought about us and she names all these qualities and says she doesn't want to be my girl. Weebay face before the weebay face. I left her and her mixed signals alone. That's about the size of it, there are more details but minor and unnecessary. This all happened within one semester of college :lol: . Lesson learned...

throughout that whole time you didnt WIO? or at least attempt something? youre better than that! (sylvester voice)
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