the thread about nothing...

Watching cops, and they are settin ppl up by setting a bike on the side of the street waiting for someone to steal it and charge em wit some BS crime.
I wanna just sit across the street and yell at every person that tries to steal the bike " dont do it" and point at the undercover van/car. Trolls gon troll
I'm just not feeling it right now.

Anyone who has lost a parent/loved one please answer this for me. How long did it take for you to get over it completely? Do you still think about them now? I lost my mom and it's been almost 3 months and not a day goes by that I don't think of her. Last night I cried myself to sleep yall.I am surprised I am even admitting that. This pain is definitely one of the worst feelings ever. Sorry to be killing the vibe of this thread.
I lost my dad in 2006.  He was my biggest hero and my biggest support system.  He used to tell me 'you're going to miss me when I'm gone' and I never really got it until he WAS gone 
  I always assumed he'd be around to see me cop my 1st house, get married, have kids etc.  Nope.  Go see a therapist...I did for the 1st 3 YEARS...3 months is nothing, what you're feeling is normal.  I'm not going to lie and say I think about my dad daily, because it's been long enough where I don't...but I most certainly think about him often and to this day I can get choked up when I do at times.  Me and my mother were ALWAYS cool, but his death brought us even closer together, which I din't even think was possible.  Feel free to PM me if you need to talk to someone good sir.  
"**** you, baby, just like Uncle Sam said."

Watching cops, and they are settin ppl up by setting a bike on the side of the street waiting for someone to steal it and charge em wit some BS crime.
I wanna just sit across the street and yell at every person that tries to steal the bike " dont do it" and point at the undercover van/car. Trolls gon troll


Boring Friday is boring.
I'm just not feeling it right now.

Anyone who has lost a parent/loved one please answer this for me. How long did it take for you to get over it completely? Do you still think about them now? I lost my mom and it's been almost 3 months and not a day goes by that I don't think of her. Last night I cried myself to sleep yall.I am surprised I am even admitting that. This pain is definitely one of the worst feelings ever. Sorry to be killing the vibe of this thread.

Its hard bruh i lost gram in december. It took me 6 months n i was completely destroyed. The first month i didnt really eat or sleep, n all i did was drink. I never showered nor left the house, but its different for everyone. Trust me tho, tho you will always feel the loss, eventually it gets easier to cope with. If you need to vent bro, pm me. Srs.

Take care bruh.
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This woman just told us her whole life story in our online class discussions. Sheesh! lol

Two of my midterms are open book. God, why couldn't all my semesters have been this way?
Watching cops, and they are settin ppl up by setting a bike on the side of the street waiting for someone to steal it and charge em wit some BS crime.
I wanna just sit across the street and yell at every person that tries to steal the bike " dont do it" and point at the undercover van/car. Trolls gon troll

It's not trolling. You know you're allowed to do that right?
I'm allowed to sit across the street and tell them it's a set up?

Ummm.... ofcourse I am, you're allowed to do it also.
I'm not trying to make this an argument, so please don't take this next point as me trying to

But there is a stop sign in my neighborhood and NOBODY stops at it. So an old elementary school friend of mine's mom tried to set up a camera at the stop sign with a sign on it warning them it was on. Police rode by and shut that **** down.
So is that generally the same thing?
I'm allowed to sit across the street and tell them it's a set up?

Ummm.... ofcourse I am, you're allowed to do it also.
I'm not trying to make this an argument, so please don't take this next point as me trying to

But there is a stop sign in my neighborhood and NOBODY stops at it. So an old elementary school friend of mine's mom tried to set up a camera at the stop sign with a sign on it warning them it was on. Police rode by and shut that **** down.
So is that generally the same thing?

Mmm... not necessary the same situation here. If I was in that situation, I too would be suspicious of why a random camera is attached to a stop sign.

But I was responding to NTer saying he would post across the street and yell out that it was a set up. He has the right to do so, sure the Cops might say something and try to scare him with "Interference with Police Operations" and/or "Obstruction of Justice."

But honestly, it would be very hard to articulate that situation.
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I'm constantly looking for FREE games for my iPhone. Any suggestions? I already got Clash of Clans, Plants vs Zombies.

Found the location out; I'll be Stevens Point, Wisconsin by mid-January, in all likelihood. :nerd: Looks like it's kinda in the middle of all the big cities up there.
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