the thread about nothing...

^^yoooo is that blossom?
 Yeah buddy 
They took away the best friends list feature where you were able to look at the top three people everybody snapped (which is incredibly unique when you think about it, no other communication platform/device allows this)

Think the CEO tweeted it was temporary and it'll be back, but don't quote me on that
I was in your shoes one year ago. Disappointed in myself for waiting so long to get into it. And you're just in time cause season five is about to start up :pimp:
The wisdom tooth on my right side hurts a little bit
I want to take them out but I don't have time until spring break or summer break after college semester ends fml

This is why I'm getting all 4 taken out next Friday

I don't want to deal with that pain
What's going on? 

Armageddon coming you know we soon done

Gun by my side just in case I gotta run

A boy on the side of Babylon

Trying to front like ya down with Mt. Zion
So many memories...
Gas at $1.87 in Minnesota two days ago. Now at $2.04 in some spots.
i'm gonna cry when it starts to go back up 
You ain't the only one

This Pit-Bull-Dachshund mix looks exactly like you'd think
very weird 
I let my ex borrow the car for Christmas and I get 2 tickets mailed in today. TWO!!!! How does somebody even get 2 tickets in one day!!! Man I'm heated.
The hell you letting your ex drive your whip for anyway.. Two tickets and she ain't even tell you.. Probably got late fees and all that smh
Sounds connected to the reason theyre an ex. I know you contacted em before posting in TAN. What ex say?!
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