the thread about nothing...

you got this. :pimp:
i kinda don't wanna go back home anymore because of this. :lol: :smh: it's crazy how desperation turns people into con artists over there. the airport staff responsible for it should be fired and go to jail, but obviously people over there don't give a ****. :lol:

its big news out here and people care, but its the airport admins and airport security who brush it off as nothing and politicians who talk big about doing something but dont actually do something :smh: :stoneface: head of the airport talmbout "theres no proof of actual planting so we cant assume its happening" **** :stoneface:

got people out in the airports wrapping their luggage in plastic like bubble boys to stay 100% safe :smh:

i'm heading on vacation soon if they try and get me caught up trust i am causing the wildest scene ever :lol:
I had a long season this year. I was all over Oregon, as well as 40 miles away from Canada when I was in Washington, and boy was it cold there!

I often don't post pictures of when I'm on fires, but this year I had a gopro and I'm currently working to put something together.

looking over the columbia river

This hill was no joke, steep as hell, and even harder with 40 pounds on your back :lol:

night ops




A a tree that split a rock in half, thought it was pretty cool!

Laying a couple thousand feet of hose


Picture that was taken 3-4 years ago, rookie year I believe

Reunited with a friend I haven't seen in 3 years, and honestly didn't think i'd see him again. What were the chances that our crew was assigned to this fire, on his indian reservation, let alone, work on the same division!

Fire lighting up the sky


Your boy gotta eat!! When it gets hectic you don't get a lunch, so you have to whip something up real quick :lol:

Not sure how to upload videos, so i just uploaded this one to tinypic, horribly quality

After uploading some of these pictures, I realized they aren't all that "action packed" and give the WOW factor :lol:
I have much better footage on film that I'll try to upload, whether its the small clip I'm putting together, or snippets that I've recorded over the past years

How do you get into that kind of work

Looks adventurous
Just got back from the Philippines on Monday. Word over there is that it's taxis, porters, etc. that drop the ammo in your stuff.

My fam and I were hella paranoid when coming back. I think it's spread to domestic flights too. Even a 14 year old was victimized recently.

While I was over there my Tito was joking with me
"The airport is now run by the Department of Agriculture."
"What, why?"
"'cause they're planting bullets now"
(In Tagalog of course)

the worst part of it is it's been around for a while, the media only noticed it a month ago
Thanks to everybody that wished me luck :smokin  test was better than I thought, although I had to flip back through the book and finish some of the answers :smh: :lol:

Too tired to go to work now, these 8 hours are about to kill me |I  
Glad to see you did good fam , I took it 5 times and my score didn't go up that much till I popped an adderal before the test , if you need any advice on college let me know , I was in your shoes a year ago
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Appreciate the love tan, everybody gets a rep 
 as soon as I came in to work I got yelled at for not finding a shoe that we didn't have 
 didn't get an apology or nothing. Just kept my mouth shut and ate the rest of my hours 

Working with a newbie today and my other manager is lazy so I'll be doing all the work today and I'm already tired 
 does that 5-hour energy drink work?
I quit trying to quit my opiates. No point anymore tbh.

I was initially ordered to quit them to try a non opiate alternative like Lyrica or Gabapentin but those don't work for everyone and back then the assumption was that my leg pains were nerve related. Now that my nerves have been ruled out as a cause I don't see the point in continuing.
Woke up in such a bad mood today.
I got blue balls, I'm running on 3 hours of sleep, and I'm almost sure my pinky is fractured.
Paypal opened another damn investigation on my account. Limited my account once again and this time demanded information about my last 4 transactions.

This was a few days ago and they demanded that information within 3 days or they would make my account limit permanent.

So I write up a ridiculous story and sent it to them like 10 the past few days because they did not respond to any emails or support.

The finally replied and unlimited my account but that was just now, it had already been automatically perm. limited earlier today.

Such an unprofessional company 
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Paypal opened another damn investigation on my account. Limited my account once again and this time demanded information about my last 4 transactions.

This was a few days ago and they demanded that information within 3 days or they would make my account limit permanent.

So I write up a ridiculous story and sent it to them like 10 the past few days because they did not respond to any emails or support.

The finally replied and unlimited my account but that was just now, it had already been automatically perm. limited earlier today.

Such an unprofessional company 
Why cant you move to Venmo for payments?
Why cant you move to Venmo for payments?
Never heard of that actually. Paypal is just a lot more well known and most convenient to people. I always take my larger payments ($250+) in bitcoin but for smaller amounts people generally want to use paypal and don't want to bother getting bitcoin.
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