the thread about nothing...

My girl hit with me a reality check last night and it sat on my mind until I fell asleep.

The power of words sometimes :wow: I appreciated hearing what she said to say though.

what she say papi :nerd:

Was just a discussion on how I need to open up more and not be so passive.

Threw a line at me (paraprashing) "Growth and change truly comes from the roots of discomfort" and I Weebay-gif'd hard :lol: .
I feel you bro.

For the longest, I was okay with just talking about superficial crap with my girl, sitting on our ***** and watching TV and not really doing much.

Lately, I've made the change to open the lines of communication about our relationship, and although it has been difficult for me, it really has been worth it.

I hear ya. For me it's not that I have no drive to go out instead of chilling at home, it's more I need to speak up instead of letting my thoughts/emotions bottle. And I'm comfortable talking to her 100%, but yet I still refrain from it more than I should.

It's a work in progress and our talk last night really helped.

Found the first part to it

Now I just gotta find what else I did :lol: I don't think it took me any longer than a couple of hours for it the first time. If I'm remembering right, it was on a forum with a white & purple background

Found the first part to it

Now I just gotta find what else I did :lol: I don't think it took me any longer than a couple of hours for it the first time. If I'm remembering right, it was on a forum with a white & purple background

will be waiting for part 2.

i hate doing servicing with clients because the conpany only looks at the sales number.
will be waiting for part 2.

Ite I'll keep it updated then :lol: I get off at tommorow so I'll look for it then.

When you wanna make it work, but something deep down tells you to just let it go.. :smh: man. I just wanna be selfish and happy. Seems you can't even have the thought of both these days. Just wanna stay healthy..
It costs too damn much to move out. :smh: My only problem would really be consistently paying for rent.

I have fatal issues with my mentality. Im scared of trying my best and failing, so when a challenge arises I half *** everything and when I lose, I just tell myself I didn't try so it's whatever to feel better about the loss. For years now I've checked out when the call of duty was there.

Some lebron James type **** here and I know it's holding me back from getting better

I know how you feel. Been that way since middle school myself and I don't really know how to fix it, have you ever talked to a professional about it, someone you trust, or just a random nice person lol? Do you feel like if you attempt to give the situation your all that it will be or feel too easy? :nerd:
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