the thread about nothing...



Parents got a new puppy and somehow all the responsibility gets thrown onto me and my brother [emoji]128554[/emoji] i didnt ask for this b

pics :nerd:

Parents got a new puppy and somehow all the responsibility gets thrown onto me and my brother [emoji]128554[/emoji] i didnt ask for this b

just throw it out.
it's a dog.
basically just a large rat that barks.
just throw it out.

look papi you da e-homie but this dog slander is gonna have a street papi throw the hands.
Anybody know the name of the new asian wildnout girl?
People still watch this show? 

Well tan i come to you in my time of need.

I don't think i have ever done something so mature in my entire life. I broke up with my girl this past weekend. Little bit of drama she flipped out on me for basically no reason (if anyone remembers she has some depression problems and alcohol was involved but its not an excuse for me).

I think i realized that i can't cure her. Like i was making such a positive impact on her life that it made me feel good to a point. She lost 20 lbs she was starting her own business she was branching out and doing a lot. But depression really is a problem. She is on prozac and takes coladapin (sp?) if she is going to have panic attacks.

But people that are depressed tend to drag you down. If you are happy they have to start a small issue to make you feel bad. At the beginning i was ok with it because i would brush it off. But the more emotionally invested i got the more it started to hurt me and i started to react poorly.

But it hit me this weekend. My sister said to me "no offense but if i had a kid, i wouldn't let her babysit. She might take a downer drink a bottle of wine and forget about the kid, or have an episode or something". I had to stop and think...what do I want here. Do i want a happy healthy wife and family in the future, or do i want to be constantly striving to make some one happy. It is so hard to love some one still and walk away. I have always had "a reason". Cheating or another person in the picture. This is literally the hardest thing ever to tell her i love her...but i can't be with her. And i can't even tell her these reasons because i can't bring her down like that. I need her to work through these things and be a better person for herself (cliche i know). But i can't fix it.
Huge step, tbh, I'm proud of you because it's not easy step to make. From what you were saying from jump it sounded like it could have been a problem. But you're right, she can't love you if she can't love herself. You'll be aight man. 
Being around Filipinos most my life, I've noticed the multitude of Pinoy - Hispanic relationships.

It's a beautiful thing.
The DNA test results (and hopefully a treatment plan) can't come soon enough :smh:
Leg pains have gotten worse again. I can't even try to zone it out anymore because it's too intense :smh:
People who play Zelda and don't name the guy link are weirdos.


Was playing sbb when i was a kid, my cousin asked who was playing zelda. Looked at the guy with one of those looks he probably remember that very face i made to this day
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