the thread about nothing...

man oh man this falling ice is no joke coming from these tall *** buildings in the city

bruh one dropped right infront of me and broke off to hit my leg. If it fell on me im easily dead

they have almost every pavement blocked off
man oh man this falling ice is no joke coming from these tall *** buildings in the city

bruh one dropped right infront of me and broke off to hit my leg. If it fell on me im easily dead

they have almost every pavement blocked off

Stay safe bruh
man oh man this falling ice is no joke coming from these tall *** buildings in the city

bruh one dropped right infront of me and broke off to hit my leg. If it fell on me im easily dead

they have almost every pavement blocked off
Stay safe bruh
thanks bruh will do

im waiting on news to say someone got hurts its bound to happen. Like big *** chunks just dropping from comcast building
I always say perfectionist..
I always say I have a hard time saying no when someone asks me for help. Then I go on about how sometimes I end up with too much work (always emphasize you still get everything done)  and how I've learned how to balance helping  others while still focusing on my work.. Seems to work more often than not. 
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I always say perfectionist..

everyone uses that line though, it's not original.

I have a job interview next week, my school is making me go. I am going to wing it and just be myself bc I don't care for the job. If they hire me cool if not whatever
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