the thread about nothing...



I posted the deal in that thread, but they're all gone now
As I lay down in bed, I realize how lucky I am to have a little one on the way. Actually how lucky my girl and me are because there's some couples out there that unfortunately won't be able to have a blessing of a child through the process of pregnancy. My girl was telling me how her old boss had tried three times to have a kid and all three were lost. Definitely made me think a lot about our situation.
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I have two pairs of aunts and uncles that make comparable income

One pair owns a humongous house that could be classified as a small mansion, and multiple fancy cars

The other pair owns a big house, but not nearly as big, and all their cars are used.. And they're always looking for ways to save a little more money

The first pair never stops working. They have to keep working just for the house alone.

The second pair already been paid off their house. And they're in the early 50s and not even working full time anymore cuz they don't have to. They're using their money to go on multiple vacations a yr and ****

I think the second pair did it right
This is true, but I would rather be a rich slave than a broke slave. How you going to enjoy things in life with no money?
how you gonna enjoy money if you got no time to do so? To me it is about what to put my money towards, and living within those means. I gotta used car, but that used car takes me places I havent been before, and places I love going, because I have the time. I dont stress off money, it comes, it goes. I stress off time, the only thing you cant get back.
"Money made, money spent, i aint stressin it.
Cuz when i die cant take it with me. And if lifes a ***** you know im tryna get a quickie, leave a hickey, something to remember me by. They wont forget me, they gon remember im fly"
And what kind of weird *** rodent is that? By the looks of that spread they got goin, someone ate that **** for free
you're absolutely correct. You can't enjoy money if you don't have time, but time is money so where does that leave us?
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