the thread about nothing...

Serious question

Would y'all cut off a friend who's sexually involved in a girl that liked you first but you ignored so she moved on to him out of spite?mind you I was always nice to this girl and bought her food before cuz she didn't have money. This friend also tried to play dumb at first when I confronted him and said nothing was going on which is a lie. Then he later said he got oral from said girl.

Anyway, said girl has been texting me with emojis. Talking bout she wants to face time and just the other day after not seeing her for a couple days she said flat out to me she missed me when I was gone.

Should I just move on and take the L?
This girl is playing with my emotions
Glad you ain't come to TAY with all this... Boys woulda ripped you a new one
Dude needs therapy he don't know what he wants.

Yo what was this show called again? I watched it a couple times back in '09 ish reminded me of the Oblongs

His boy is a bit shady though, I mean why lie about nothing going on and then admit dome later?

I'd cut both off and move on. Tomorrow is another day and there is always potential for greatness.
Yo T.U. Hit it on the nail head with this.. Had this same **** happen in my camp and cats was cutoff for it... Homie might lie about other puzzy that both y'all come across.. But what do I know
Yes she is lol

She's such a fine woman but damn I just can't no matter what she says, she just seems like a big contradiction to me

Lol I've literally been told in 3 different countries "never trust Colombian women".
I learned the hard way. Smh at me
Today's soccer game story:
So today we were a man short so we started playing defensively. We were making nice touches but no communication at all.
The goalie comes out to kick the ball and it hits a member from the other team and he kicks it in and scores. We're losing 1-0 halftime.
Another two guys from our team show up late. Second half, we score in the first 3 minutes. Later in the game I give a through pass for an assist on our second goal. We keep playing and I get this BEAUTIFUL cross in the air. I throw my whole body to catch it and head it. It hits bottom right corner post. I got a nasty scrape cuz I went flying lol at the end we won 3-1. I got one assist but no goal.
Today's soccer game story:
So today we were a man short so we started playing defensively. We were making nice touches but no communication at all.
The goalie comes out to kick the ball and it hits a member from the other team and he kicks it in and scores. We're losing 1-0 halftime.
Another two guys from our team show up late. Second half, we score in the first 3 minutes. Later in the game I give a through pass for an assist on our second goal. We keep playing and I get this BEAUTIFUL cross in the air. I throw my whole body to catch it and head it. It hits bottom right corner post. I got a nasty scrape cuz I went flying lol at the end we won 3-1. I got one assist but no goal.

Is this futsal or outdoor? I dunno why but whenever you post about your matches i picture futsal for some reason :lol:
Is this futsal or outdoor? I dunno why but whenever you post about your matches i picture futsal for some reason :lol:

It's 7 vs 7 on outside turf.
Goals are a lot smaller too.
I'm used to playing full field 11 vs 11 but this team has been the most consistent one.
Facts. Just the fact he had to lie multiple times when I asked him made me lose respect for dude.

Yo T.U. Hit it on the nail head with this.. Had this same **** happen in my camp and cats was cutoff for it... Homie might lie about other puzzy that both y'all come across.. But what do I know

Our boys should definitely have our backs and maintain honesty at all times. We hold them to higher standards so don't hesitate to cut them loose like you would a female because their lies/bad intentions can lead to bigger problems later.
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