the thread about nothing...

Kendrick=the return of real rap.  The west is back
So I'm sitting in the student union watching some tv and this dude sits beside me eating a Subway sandwich. I'm like man that sandwich smells good, I havent had Subway in while, I think I'll go grab a sandwich from Subway. I go and get the sandwich and come back to eat it and the joint taste like straight up cardboard :x. wasted $5 on that trash. Never Again
in my EH102 class doing a timed essay on my labtop... I already have it written tho... just proofread it and clean it up
But don't confuse that with not liking good music, ignant music that bumps in the whip >

This man knows! Its all about that slap in south. You could spit the cure to cancer, but if it dont bump-bump in the trunk...
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Damn, is it possible to watch videos people posted on here on my iPad? Haven't been able to do so, really don't want to go on my desktop.
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