the thread about nothing...

My Lola told me to never take advice from some one who eats booty

Dead *** b

speaking of grandmas my grandma just passed. man classic example of how life can be gone just like that. way too sudden out of nowhere

really puts everything in perspective. life is too short to be angry or mad at somebody you love. because you dont want things to be left broken or unsaid and you can never do anything to fix that ever again.

My condolences bro
speaking of grandmas my grandma just passed. man classic example of how life can be gone just like that. way too sudden out of nowhere

really puts everything in perspective. life is too short to be angry or mad at somebody you love. because you dont want things to be left broken or unsaid and you can never do anything to fix that ever again.
sorry for your loss
thanks for condolences guys. this was the first person i have lost that i was truly close to. for that i consider myself to be one of the lucky ones

so many people have gone though much more losses i cannot even begin to comprehend what that would be like
I know the feeling. You have my condolences.
shoot i lost my grandmother and grandfather within weeks apart had two back to back funerals, was stressful seeing my fam trying to come up with the money for two funerals and having to go thru all of their stuff to sell some stuff and keep some.
Man funerals are awful, hate them. Hate death even tho thats the only thing thats definite.

You arrive in this world one day and you leave this world one day.

In the last year or so lost my grandmother and my homeboy. Was on house arrest couldnt even go to my homeboys funeral, had to drop money on his gofundme smh

Couldnt go to my grandmothers (or grandfathers like 7yrs prior) either cuz politics make it so difficult to get a visa to go back to the middle east. In our culture and religion the eldest son has to bury the person. That's my pops but he couldn't go back, if the eldest son cant then it's the next son and my uncle couldn't go back either so my aunt had to do everything. Aunty a G tho...
Sigh, I miss my grandparents.

I know if my Dad's parents were still around, they would have spoiled my daughter. Wish she had the chance to meet them. My grandfather was so caring and showed love, no matter how many times I caused trouble in their house lol.
shoot i lost my grandmother and grandfather within weeks apart had two back to back funerals, was stressful seeing my fam trying to come up with the money for two funerals and having to go thru all of their stuff to sell some stuff and keep some.
damn sorry to hear that :emoji_disappointed:
Man funerals are awful, hate them. Hate death even tho thats the only thing thats definite.

You arrive in this world one day and you leave this world one day.

i have lost so many people...sounds crazy but you have to embrace death. no life = no death and vice versa.
knowing how fragile life is has made me not take anything for granted.

my best friend passed and my brother is locked up... i feel like im on borrowed time so im making the best of it.
Sigh, I miss my grandparents.

I know if my Dad's parents were still around, they would have spoiled my daughter. Wish she had the chance to meet them. My grandfather was so caring and showed love, no matter how many times I caused trouble in their house lol.
sorry for your losses :emoji_disappointed:
i have lost so many people...sounds crazy but you have to embrace death. no life = no death and vice versa.
knowing how fragile life is has made me not take anything for granted.

my best friend passed and my brother is locked up... i feel like im on borrowed time so im making the best of it.

I hear that bro

Have lost quite a few people over the years as well, also a few doing time. **** im bout to find out next month if i gotta do time my damn self.

I feel u on the borrowed time. Over two yrs ago almost got murdered, im thankful every morning ive woken up since then.
haruki murakami on tragedy

“Sometimes fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing directions. You change direction but the sandstorm chases you. You turn again, but the storm adjusts. Over and over you play this out, like some ominous dance with death just before dawn. Why? Because this storm isn't something that blew in from far away, something that has nothing to do with you. This storm is you. Something inside of you. So all you can do is give in to it, step right inside the storm, closing your eyes and plugging up your ears so the sand doesn't get in, and walk through it, step by step. There's no sun there, no moon, no direction, no sense of time. Just fine white sand swirling up into the sky like pulverized bones. That's the kind of sandstorm you need to imagine.

An you really will have to make it through that violent, metaphysical, symbolic storm. No matter how metaphysical or symbolic it might be, make no mistake about it: it will cut through flesh like a thousand razor blades. People will bleed there, and you will bleed too. Hot, red blood. You'll catch that blood in your hands, your own blood and the blood of others.

And once the storm is over you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about.”
Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore
speaking of grandmas my grandma just passed. man classic example of how life can be gone just like that. way too sudden out of nowhere

really puts everything in perspective. life is too short to be angry or mad at somebody you love. because you dont want things to be left broken or unsaid and you can never do anything to fix that ever again.

Sorry for your loss
My concolences, noblekane noblekane

I never was close to my grandparents so when they passed I was a little sad but I was fine.

My sister had a really big bond with our grandmother so she was depressed about it for a really long time

My grandmother passed away due to a heart attack.

Probably not a coincidence that my sister really wants this cardiac surgery job
speaking of grandmas my grandma just passed. man classic example of how life can be gone just like that. way too sudden out of nowhere

really puts everything in perspective. life is too short to be angry or mad at somebody you love. because you dont want things to be left broken or unsaid and you can never do anything to fix that ever again.
My condolences bro..

that quote is the truth, thanks for posting jape jape . Hit home a little bit. Earlier this year in Feb, I lost my mother. She was my best friend and once everything happened (lung cancer) I didnt know how to deal knowing the fact that I could no longer speak to her. She was the one I talked to about everything, work, family, sports, cooking, etc and it kills me that I can no longer do that. Point is, im nowhere near the person I was before all of that happened. As cliche as it sounds, when she passed away I feel like I lost apart of myself too and I dont think I will ever be the same
that quote is the truth, thanks for posting jape jape . Hit home a little bit. Earlier this year in Feb, I lost my mother. She was my best friend and once everything happened (lung cancer) I didnt know how to deal knowing the fact that I could no longer speak to her. She was the one I talked to about everything, work, family, sports, cooking, etc and it kills me that I can no longer do that. Point is, im nowhere near the person I was before all of that happened.

My condolences bro

that quote is the truth, thanks for posting jape jape . Hit home a little bit. Earlier this year in Feb, I lost my mother. She was my best friend and once everything happened (lung cancer) I didnt know how to deal knowing the fact that I could no longer speak to her. She was the one I talked to about everything, work, family, sports, cooking, etc and it kills me that I can no longer do that. Point is, im nowhere near the person I was before all of that happened. As cliche as it sounds, when she passed away I feel like I lost apart of myself too and I dont think I will ever be the same
I'm sorry for your loss
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