the thread about nothing...

that quote is the truth, thanks for posting jape jape . Hit home a little bit. Earlier this year in Feb, I lost my mother. She was my best friend and once everything happened (lung cancer) I didnt know how to deal knowing the fact that I could no longer speak to her. She was the one I talked to about everything, work, family, sports, cooking, etc and it kills me that I can no longer do that. Point is, im nowhere near the person I was before all of that happened. As cliche as it sounds, when she passed away I feel like I lost apart of myself too and I dont think I will ever be the same

Sorry for your loss man. Really.

My mom is my best friend too. She has 30% lung capacity left. I know that days coming and it freaks me out. Just trying to spend as much time with her as i can.

Don't smoke guys.
I wasn't paying attention when I bought nikes last month..I used PayPal and used a card that I'm almost done paying off..not the card I use daily..pissed AF
Sorry for your loss man. Really.

My mom is my best friend too. She has 30% lung capacity left. I know that days coming and it freaks me out. Just trying to spend as much time with her as i can.

Don't smoke guys.
Thx..I need to stop completely
One word texts from girls are never good lol
it means she isn’t into you :lol:

speaking of grandmas my grandma just passed. man classic example of how life can be gone just like that. way too sudden out of nowhere

really puts everything in perspective. life is too short to be angry or mad at somebody you love. because you dont want things to be left broken or unsaid and you can never do anything to fix that ever again.
my condolences bro :frown:
Sorry for your loss man. Really.

My mom is my best friend too. She has 30% lung capacity left. I know that days coming and it freaks me out. Just trying to spend as much time with her as i can.

Don't smoke guys.

I'm sorry to hear that man. My advice to you would be like you said, spend as much time with her as you can. My only regret is that I always wanted to write her a letter (because I would have never been able to get out everything I wanted to tell her in person) just to let her know how much she meant to me, tell her about special times that we've had together when I was young, how much of an influence she had on my life, how much she molded me to the person that I am today, etc. That was something that I wanted to do since she was diagnosed and I kept putting it off until it was too late. I think the reason why I pushed the letter off so long until it was too late was because it was a gut check, I kept talking myself out of it because it felt like I was writing a goodbye letter to her instead of telling her how much I loved her and how much she meant to me and the rest of my family.

I know we dont know each other but if you ever need to talk to someone about anything please do not hesitate to reach out to me because it is very hard, especially if you are like me and keep everything to themselves until its time to explode.
This chick I been ignoring since Friday just hit me up today lol
Should I write back or should I keep ignoring her.
(We met 6 weeks ago. Talk everyday via text since we met. I've invited her out every week and she's not with it. I just figured I'd ignore her then lol)
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