the thread about nothing...

always thought this was funny

Amazon Prime worth it?

for $39 yes, $79 no.

Man I love it, def worth the 39 if your student trial expired, and i'll probably reup for 79. The amount you save on shipping and time alone is worth it, as well as the prime videos. Not as much as netflix, and some you pay, but it's a good option to have. I wanted to watch sarah connor chronicles but it wasn't on netflix, but it's on prime videos. And I got a 5 dollar credit when i registered the ps3.
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My roommate just showed me that Lil B rock song "California Boy" and I am a staunch hater of the based god's music :lol: but I gotta say....ish was catchy as hell to me :lol: :smh: **Insert Barack Not Bad pic** :smokin

EDIT: My bad, didn't realize it was posted like 7 pages back....but still song is fire
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Amazon Prime worth it?

for $39 yes, $79 no.

Man I love it, def worth the 39 if your student trial expired, and i'll probably reup for 79. The amount you save on shipping and time alone is worth it, as well as the prime videos. Not as much as netflix, and some you pay, but it's a good option to have. I wanted to watch sarah connor chronicles but it wasn't on netflix, but it's on prime videos. And I got a 5 dollar credit when i registered the ps3.

They are going to improve the selection. Wouldn't be surprised if they overtook netflix in a few years.
Amazon Prime worth it?

for $39 yes, $79 no.

Oh ****, didn't notice they had one for students.

And a 6 month trial? :nerd:

better get on that six month trial.
I used amazon prime (shipping only) for two years free( :pimp: ) and it saved my *** more than a few times when i needed stuff in a hurry so paying the $39 bucks this year was a no brainier.

Amazon Prime worth it?

for $39 yes, $79 no.

Man I love it, def worth the 39 if your student trial expired, and[COLOR=#red] i'll probably reup for 79. The amount you save on shipping and time alone is worth it,[/COLOR] as well as the prime videos. Not as much as netflix, and some you pay, but it's a good option to have. I wanted to watch sarah connor chronicles but it wasn't on netflix, but it's on prime videos. And I got a 5 dollar credit when i registered the ps3.

i've been so spoiled by prime that anything besides two day shipping seems like torture ( :x :stoneface: @ waiting a week and two days for a package)
although i still think they need a better selection of videos before i'd willing to throw down 79 bucks #cheap :\
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