the thread about nothing...

Why do i reply To a text so late smh

i feel that it's gonna make this chick lose interest in me

Lately I've had... here it goes... the "yams" on my mind a lot lately :smh:
Theres this light skinned red head with fat booty and curly hair..... :evil:

If it it's cous of that, I eeeeeem mad

Quote: Originally Posted by LyonBC1 Roscoe Dash was a ghostwriter and now he's airing out Wale and Kanye for not being in credits? Heard bou that earlier supposly he wrote wales flower bomb

Yeah he mentioned it on twitter, supposedly he wrote lotus flower bomb and ye's part on to the world off of cruel summer....I dunno though if he got paid, he should keep his mouth shut imo

Somebody also said he only wrote the hook on lotus flower so I dunno

Here's a story with his tweets:
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Roscoe is an idiot. Wrong way to go about this when I'm pretty sure he has a direct contact on both Kanye and Wale. Airing it out on twitter isn't going to make them suddenly put his name on the credits and it's likely to deter other artists from working with him.
Roscoe is an idiot. Wrong way to go about this when I'm pretty sure he has a direct contact on both Kanye and Wale. Airing it out on twitter isn't going to make them suddenly put his name on the credits and it's likely to deter other artists from working with him.

The whole point of being a "Ghostwriter" is that you don't get credit for what you just get paid. This fool wants collaboration and actual song-writing credit then.
Roscoe is an idiot. Wrong way to go about this when I'm pretty sure he has a direct contact on both Kanye and Wale. Airing it out on twitter isn't going to make them suddenly put his name on the credits and it's likely to deter other artists from working with him.

word. i just cant get with it cuz airing beef out from behind a computer screen is not keeping it player.
Roscoe is an idiot. Wrong way to go about this when I'm pretty sure he has a direct contact on both Kanye and Wale. Airing it out on twitter isn't going to make them suddenly put his name on the credits and it's likely to deter other artists from working with him.

The whole point of being a "Ghostwriter" is that you don't get credit for what you just get paid. This fool wants collaboration and actual song-writing credit then.
I'm saying tho. Dude prolly got a nice check for his writing and will get more royalty checks seeing how successful Wale's single was. Son is probably just frustrated his career hasn't really taken off still
^^ Sounds like a dumb broad to me. You can't give her the attention that you used to otherwise she's going to start thinking you guys are together again.... do you... let her do her. Simple
@jumpmankb I noticed they get like that when they're doing something shady. keep an eye out.

just saw it's your ex, god damn bruh :lol: :lol:
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Ok I gotta give an update on the whole ex-gf living with me situation. Everything was cool in week 1. Currently in the middle of week 2 and some problems are appearing.
So we both usually get out of work at 530 then go to a happy hour or just straight home together. So on Tuesday, she was working until 9...and I when I left for work that morning she was mad at me and I had no idea why. Like she was just being really cold when we woke up that morning for no reason. So I'm like whatever just ignored it and went to work. BUT, I forgot I had to ship out a pair of Infrared 6's I just sold so I called her to have her do it and she was like, "I don't even know why you think I'd do that for you" STILL had no idea why she was mad at me. She shipped the shoes though (fab voice..."but she did it doe but she did it doe)
So I get outta work and go home chill with my other two roommates just having some brews until she gets back from work. She calls me when she gets home and just smokes a cigarette on the stoop without saying anything to me. Sees the dog for a minute when she goes inside and seems temporarily happy. Sits with me on the couch for a few minutes then goes downstairs where our room is. So, I tell my other roommates I think she's mad at me for some reason I'm gonna go talk to her.
I go downstairs and she goes, "I'm moving out." I'm like :nerd: "why?" and she goes, "because you talk to other girls RIGHT in front of me all the time, like upstairs, you were just blatantly texting that Alison girl right in front of me" Alison, my friend I went to high school with I haven't seen in like 2 years, texted me a picture of her new puppy and I was responding. I explained this to her and she was like, "OK...well...I dunno, your phone vibrates all night and you just look at it and go back to bed, you don't love me how I love you, I know you're talking to other girls, I'm so stupid for even living with you, and telling you I love you when you don't love me, etc...." So I'm like :x "I'm not arguing over something I didn't do, I'm going to bed" Then she's like, "I know you didn't do anything that's why I'm so upset because I seem crazy and I'm just paranoid about you"
I let her know she needs to not worry because she fricken lives with me she could move out if she wanted I didn't care and turned to other side of the bed. She started rubbing on my back and then I smashed in a punishing fashion and she was all good like it never happened.
So let's go to last night, when I wake up to see what time it is and grab her phone instead of mine (both have iPhones) and she has a message from her ex-bf. I'm like, "um, I thought you stopped tlaking to him a long time ago." And she's like he's prolly just drunk (it was like 3 am). She showed me the message and was like he still texts me once in a blue moon when he's drunk since he's not completely over me and I'm like ok. Just thought it was ironic she was mad at me for talking to friends when her ex-bf texting her and she wasn't even gonna tell me :smh:
Seriously starting to think this may end up being a big problem when she moves out start of November, and/or when my girl from HK comes to visit in Jan.

What in the hell are you doing my dude???? You are playing with kerosene, a box of matches, and some C4 strapped to the inside of your a**hole.

If I were to go through and advise you on your post it would be like the NFL replacement officials. 4 hours and 4454 flags later my man!
I'm saying tho. Dude prolly got a nice check for his writing and will get more royalty checks seeing how successful Wale's single was. Son is probably just frustrated his career hasn't really taken off still :lol:

:lol: exactly. Like what did he think was going to happen.....if anything he didn't network very well with the people he was in the room with. He should have got some tighter tracks to spit on and the chance to sing some hooks or something. He just giving ish away and crying over spilt milk after the fact.

i dont see how living with your ex, especially with you guys being intimate still is helping the transition. Not exactly sure what your situation is, or if you guys are trying to get back together, BUT if thats not the case....break it off clean. Meaning no more sharing the same bed and all that. She can live with you, but none of that smashing on the side thing. When you start dating other females, get ready to deal with some bitter, apesh*t craziness from her.
@jumpmankb I noticed they get like that when they're doing something shady. keep an eye out.

just saw it's your ex, god damn bruh :lol: :lol:


When females start acting paranoid is cause they doing something so now their paranoid your doing something back.

My advice? Post her nudes.
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