the thread about nothing...


plz shut it up hood

im only one person, if MORE people were more supportive of OTHER threads there wouldn't be a NEED for this giant laundry hamper of 1/2 thoughts and incomplete topics in

da first place, and people wouldn't be afraid to make em.

30 or so members dont suck the life outta general period....

like i said before you have your mind set & its clear you wont change your mind no matter how many solid facts slap you in da face ...........

plz shut it up hood

im only one person, if MORE people were more supportive of OTHER threads there wouldn't be a NEED for this giant laundry hamper of 1/2 thoughts and incomplete topics in

da first place, and people wouldn't be afraid to make em.
30 or so members dont suck the life outta general period....

like i said before you have your mind set & its clear you wont change your mind no matter how many solid facts slap you in da face ...........
or really?

if those same 30 people made 2 topics each about something instead of jammin it into this thread it would 60 new thread in one day..YES, it HARMS general.

-less people are seeing it

- less people are responding to it

- da comments are not indepth and fulfilling.
Customer just called me a effin n word... over the phone. Never experienced any racism before. I'd feel really bad if I couldn't get him back but I have his phone number and located his account. He WILL apologize for being an ignorant idiot.
Why are you still replying to him ? He's set on his ways and doesn't know any better.
Customer just called me a effin n word... over the phone. Never experienced any racism before. I'd feel really bad if I couldn't get him back but I have his phone number and located his account. He WILL apologize for being an ignorant idiot.

Where do you work pleighboi
Perhaps we should lock up thread about yambs as well.. we need more threads of guys needing help on how to get yambs
official threads about 1 topic =/= thread covering everything and anything

some of da best threads are da official topics that go into GREAT DETAIL about da topic at hand.

look at da jewelry thread. EVERYONE here knows that a jacob jesus is, what a franco is, what a cuban is, what da mohs scale is, etc.

so it completely spans da topic at hand...this thread does NONE of that.
1. stop it
how you talking about people post in here instead of threads, then make a thread about it but post in here anyway?

and why yal arguing this with him still? everybody can have an opinion. you not gonna change each others minds

2. methgod has spoken. dead it already
First of all, I know you fancy yourself as a person of elevated importance, but this thread was already made.  You don't get to remake it just because you're you.  It's the same exact complaint.  

Second, the "thread about nothing" has been around for months.  Why is it only now becoming a "cancer?"  

Personally, I suspect this is really just a complaint about the number of threads per page.  We used to have 20 threads per page.  Now there are 50.  So, within the top 100 posts, threads that would get cycled from pages 2-3 to page one now just move from the bottom half of page 1 to the top and it simply appears as though the forum is more stagnant than it was before.  

I am pushing for the option to configure the number of threads per page, but I honestly thought people would be happy to have more per page load.  We could've gone the Complex "top one billion list" route and tried to force people to click through hundreds of pages just to keep up.  The only point of that is to manufacture more page/ad views.  We gave people more than twice as much content per forum page on the old site.  

I think it's an improvement, but I know that many people fear change and the General forum "looks" different now, even though we have the same people posting as we did before and, statistically speaking, post activity is every bit what it was before.  I mean, it's not like we left a lot of people behind on "SneakerTalk."  

If you ask me, this is much ado about nothing - no pun intended.  The activity hasn't dropped off.  The configuration of the front page just appears to be more static because we more than doubled the number of threads per page.  If you actually tracked post movement per reload, you'd find that the top 20 threads are changing up fairly often.  If you go into the "thread about nothing," you're also not going to find more than 1-3 "thread-worthy" themes per day at best, and many of those would've been disposable 1-3 page topics.  It's not a big loss.  

If it's having an impact, that's probably due to the amount of TIME people are spending in there, as you can't be in two places at once.  However, if they simply enjoy the persistent companionship the thread offers and would rather do that than devise wacky topics for your amusement, then, really, who are you to force them to do otherwise?  If anything, we have too many people desperately grasping for attention on Internet forums like ours as it is.  Is it really a negative to have a low key thread as a change of pace?  

That's not to say the thread is without its problems.  Every now and then, users attempt to skirt the rules in that thread, thinking, perhaps, that it moves too quickly for the staff to keep up. It's almost been locked a couple of times, actually.  Users need to take more responsibility and better care of it rather than just "go with the flow."  It's no different than a PYP thread in that respect.  If people are going to treat it like Hamsterdam, it's getting shut down whether users complain about its presence or not. 

I'm open to the idea of locking it for one week to resolve all of this - as it will benefit those who enjoy the "thread about nothing" as much as those who don't, provided that it puts all of this to rest.  However, it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness.  NikeTalk doesn't need more negativity.  You don't have to start 20 amazing threads, but you can certainly find threads that you DO like and be supportive of them, and your fellow members.  That keeps quality content on page one and encourages those who create it.  

man when the hell did Meth post this :lol:. very on point though
Why are you still replying to him ? He's set on his ways and doesn't know any better.

ignore feature is being exercised & ill remove him when he's done trolling TAN with his weak campaign that's at a standstill
1. stop it
how you talking about people post in here instead of threads, then make a thread about it but post in here anyway?

and why yal arguing this with him still? everybody can have an opinion. you not gonna change each others minds

2. methgod has spoken. dead it already
First of all, I know you fancy yourself as a person of elevated importance, but this thread was already made.  You don't get to remake it just because you're you.  It's the same exact complaint.  

Second, the "thread about nothing" has been around for months.  Why is it only now becoming a "cancer?"  

Personally, I suspect this is really just a complaint about the number of threads per page.  We used to have 20 threads per page.  Now there are 50.  So, within the top 100 posts, threads that would get cycled from pages 2-3 to page one now just move from the bottom half of page 1 to the top and it simply appears as though the forum is more stagnant than it was before.  

I am pushing for the option to configure the number of threads per page, but I honestly thought people would be happy to have more per page load.  We could've gone the Complex "top one billion list" route and tried to force people to click through hundreds of pages just to keep up.  The only point of that is to manufacture more page/ad views.  We gave people more than twice as much content per forum page on the old site.  

I think it's an improvement, but I know that many people fear change and the General forum "looks" different now, even though we have the same people posting as we did before and, statistically speaking, post activity is every bit what it was before.  I mean, it's not like we left a lot of people behind on "SneakerTalk."  

If you ask me, this is much ado about nothing - no pun intended.  The activity hasn't dropped off.  The configuration of the front page just appears to be more static because we more than doubled the number of threads per page.  If you actually tracked post movement per reload, you'd find that the top 20 threads are changing up fairly often.  If you go into the "thread about nothing," you're also not going to find more than 1-3 "thread-worthy" themes per day at best, and many of those would've been disposable 1-3 page topics.  It's not a big loss.  

If it's having an impact, that's probably due to the amount of TIME people are spending in there, as you can't be in two places at once.  However, if they simply enjoy the persistent companionship the thread offers and would rather do that than devise wacky topics for your amusement, then, really, who are you to force them to do otherwise?  If anything, we have too many people desperately grasping for attention on Internet forums like ours as it is.  Is it really a negative to have a low key thread as a change of pace?  

That's not to say the thread is without its problems.  Every now and then, users attempt to skirt the rules in that thread, thinking, perhaps, that it moves too quickly for the staff to keep up. It's almost been locked a couple of times, actually.  Users need to take more responsibility and better care of it rather than just "go with the flow."  It's no different than a PYP thread in that respect.  If people are going to treat it like Hamsterdam, it's getting shut down whether users complain about its presence or not. 

I'm open to the idea of locking it for one week to resolve all of this - as it will benefit those who enjoy the "thread about nothing" as much as those who don't, provided that it puts all of this to rest.  However, it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness.  NikeTalk doesn't need more negativity.  You don't have to start 20 amazing threads, but you can certainly find threads that you DO like and be supportive of them, and your fellow members.  That keeps quality content on page one and encourages those who create it.  
man when the hell did Meth post this
. very on point though
He posted that in ninjas thread about this thread..

We can combine and make 60 new threads a day 
 this cat is nuts.. I ain't eem gonna waste my precious keystrokes on this fool no more
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60 new threads....In his heart Ninja wouldn't want that

We would be back to square one......People are going to cry one way or another..whether its lack of quality or quantity of content

and Meth already explained why it looks like there's a lack quantity when its just a myth
over fantasy points?? :wow: :x :smh:
brush ya shoulder off pleighboi. you gon be upset for an hour, he's stuck being ignorant the rest his damn life. **** em

Can't front, that stung a bit. The idiot called from the number that is in our system. I have cancelled his league so he will call back so he can apologize to this N'er. If he chooses not to then he can get his refund. I'm almost certain he will apologize. they always do after talking dumb $%#&.

Last guy ended an email with "I hope you guys die." We cancelled his league and he's been begging to have it back ever since.
Normally I don't really take into consideration the things my dreams consist of, but the last two nights have been extremely strange/vivid (I remember all of the dream and I don't usually have that happen).

The first dream consisted of a few friends and I hanging out like it was normal, except all the friends I was with (except one) I haven't seen in years. We somehow find a time device and go back to when one of my friend's dad was still alive (he died two years ago). We all agreed not to let the dad know that he was dying soon, but we started drinking and the friend who's dad died had to leave. I take a few more drinks with his dad and start getting emotional...and that's when another one of my friends (one I haven't seen in years) takes me aside and tells me I need to "get it together". We end up having a long conversation about why people die and why I can't give away that my friend's dad is going to die. (I can't remember the conversation, but while I was dreaming it was as if I was right there, drunk, and having a full on conversation).

The second dream was even more bizarre. I was with the same group of friends, but this time we were looking for a murderer in the neighborhood. We end up finding him, and the police show up. They say they're going to kill him on the spot, but I stand up and say he needs proper trial and that we don't even know if it's him. So my friend (same one that talked to me in my last dream) suggests I die for the guy (who, in my dream, I'm sure is wrongly convicted) because I'm in a dream and it's almost like I have "two lives". So, I suggest they kill me instead and I get shot right in the head...but I stay awake (feeling fuzzy and disoriented) and fall into a chair where I black out (in my dream) and jump awake in my bed with my heart racing.

Now, these dreams really wouldn't concern's just that this morning while my daughter and I were getting breakfast someone yelled out my name from a car and it was the friend in my dream that I hadn't seen in at least three years. At first I thought nothing of it, but then I remembered what I had dreams about and it became a little eerie. I'm not one to believe in anything "out there" or "fate", but the coincident was a little too weird for my liking.
Interesting point Meth made about the threads per page.

I have mine set at 20 threads a page, and within a thread, 20 posts a page.
i vote to lock general and keep T.A.N.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

1. stop it

how you talking about people post in here instead of threads, then make a thread about it but post in here anyway?
and why yal arguing this with him still? everybody can have an opinion. you not gonna change each others minds

2. methgod has spoken. dead it already
First of all, I know you fancy yourself as a person of elevated importance, but this thread was already made.  You don't get to remake it just because you're you.    

man when the hell did Meth post this :lol: . very on point though
He posted that in ninjas thread about this thread..

We can combine and make 60 new threads a day :rofl:  this cat is nuts.. I ain't eem gonna waste my precious keystrokes on this fool no more

Ahhh ok, I just so it awhile ago. I didn't know the world was ending and that this should be affecting me so much :lol:
its up to the user what they think is thread worthy enough to make a thread...not our fault
60 new threads....In his heart Ninja wouldn't want that

We would be back to square one......People are going to cry one way or another..whether its lack of quality or quantity of content

and Meth already explained why it looks like there's a lack quantity when its just a myth
you'll see. its already slowed down general. da fact of da matter is people are just gonna vote with they're feet.

and people are standing around like they do in D-town about "damn what happened to such a great city" i dont wanna be da first person

so say i told you so.
Interesting point Meth made about the threads per page.

I have mine set at 20 threads a page, and within a thread, 20 posts a page.
i do to, thats why i noticed, cuz even with da changes, older topics were stuck stagnant.

newer ones weren't being made to push da older ones down.
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a bad list to be on when you are behind JD da racist ....... hood.......
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