the thread about nothing...

Just stumbled across this documentary, which was convenient because I've been thinking about social-justice and responsibility quite a lot lately.

I hardly, if ever, watch t.v anymore--with exception to the occasional game (love college BB and NBA). Even so, i stream the majority of my entertainment, sports as well, via the internet, through the computer screen. The internet is that one last "habit" I can't seem to kick; perhaps because it's a nexus point for all other forms of media. I hope I can cut back on my internet consumption as I increase my efforts in the real world as far as social-justice is concerned.

im not happy with myself or my life right now. i'm not going to commit dat but everything i do or want to do always remains unfinished. i have no motivation to finish anything.   
amen my ***** I'm with ya on this
So what is the thought process of moving forward? If there is any?

I've been in similar situations so I'm sincerely asking how others deal with these kinda situations

Are you proactive of trying to get through it...or is it something you just sit back, deal with it and feel eventually the phase will pass in due time?
I'm too bummed, down and out to do anything to get me outta this rut bub
I hear you..I've done the same..and I dont think there's nothing wrong with going through that or having that might be a problem if you allow it to become who you are..especially if it wasnt you before in your life..cause you know at one point in your life, you didnt feel this way
im not happy with myself or my life right now. i'm not going to commit dat but everything i do or want to do always remains unfinished. i have no motivation to finish anything.   
I'm right there with you bro. I said that tomorrow all that ends though. I've had my new years resolutions taped up to my wall for a while and I got most of the things that I could feasibly finish this year done with the exception of "stop being a punk" which just encompasses a lot of things, including having lack of motivation to do things I wanna do. Join me bro. 
im not happy with myself or my life right now. i'm not going to commit dat but everything i do or want to do always remains unfinished. i have no motivation to finish anything.   
amen my ***** I'm with ya on this
So what is the thought process of moving forward? If there is any?

I've been in similar situations so I'm sincerely asking how others deal with these kinda situations

Are you proactive of trying to get through it...or is it something you just sit back, deal with it and feel eventually the phase will pass in due time?
Thats what I used to do. Trying not to do that anymore
yeah and we all have our moments..some harder than others. I just felt like I've been through enough to the point where I had no choice but to be positive. I got tired of pitying myself over things I could not change and focus on things I could...and even if I was still struggling..I just had the mindset of well...trying the alternative wont hurt, try it.

I sometimes I think I can be overly optimistic in life but when I can look back at my life and see that I could have easily not be alive right now..but I still am..and still young, so **** it. Let me give this a shot
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This ongoing TAN civil war is going to divide NT...

We as the TAN nation need to come up with a campaign to keep our thread alive.

If they have have a thread dedicated to *******, we should be able to have this thread.
This ongoing TAN civil war is going to divide NT...

We as the TAN nation need to come up with a campaign to keep our thread alive.

If they have have a thread dedicated to *******, we should be able to have this thread.

I am sayinnn
I can troll so hard if I wanted too but I'm not going to resort to that, I'll give meth benefit of the doubt regarding this situation, but if Ina week it's not back and up, in getting ninjahood deported.
This ongoing TAN civil war is going to divide NT...

We as the TAN nation need to come up with a campaign to keep our thread alive.

If they have have a thread dedicated to *******, we should be able to have this thread.
So basically the thread is negative because there's no way to actively monitor it.
No, there IS a way to monitor it - users just have to care about the thread and accept responsibility for contributing to its upkeep.  Otherwise, it's impractical.  
We as the TAN nation need to come up with a campaign to keep our thread alive.
Monitoring and guidelines.  This thread should be for posts that don't fall into any existing category/thread, not for "everything and anything."  
This was probably the first gif I ever saw on the internet. 
so old they deleted it....
I highly doubt that the S&T forum really gives a damn about my fall league baseball abilities. I also doubt that its the forum to discuss it in.
I don't think that's a problem.  

It's when people comment on major sporting events in progress, ask about album releases, etc. that it's an issue.  

As far as guidelines are concerned, we already have them.  Our forum rules apply to this thread.  If something doesn't belong in General, it doesn't belong here.  There should also be a stronger effort to ensure that "thread-worthy" discussions are separate threads.  There's no reason that can't happen.

This thread is PART of NikeTalk, not a replacement FOR it.  When people start to come here to ask about music, sports, etc. then you've taken something that was ORGANIZED and turned it a cluttered mess. 

71% of all posts on Twitter are ignored.  You're not going to out-Twitter Twitter.  It's a volume business.  What makes NT special is that we have curated content developed by a well-established group of members.  Participants themselves aren't the only ones who benefit.  For every user signed in now, there's MORE than one guest, here because they're interested in what you have to say.  Making it easy to find what all users - both active AND passive - are interested in makes this a stronger community.  

This thread will be locked for one week.  

At midnight EST, 10/1 it will be reopened and we'll determine what changes will need to be made in order to keep it that way.  

In the meantime, represent yourselves well and don't express any disappointment in ways that will do you and your "cause" a disservice.  Don't start additional "threads about nothing," or any other "protest" posts.  We tossed a couple of people yesterday for copycat/clone threads mocking this one.  Let's let that be the end of it.  
The week-long experiment has concluded and I'd say the results have been a mixed bag.

As promised, we'll reopen the thread - but in order to keep it open thread participants must make a concerted effort to better care for the thread and ensure that it remains, ironically enough, on topic. 

In other words:

1)  nothing should be posted in here that doesn't belong in the General forum.

2)  nothing should be posted in here that violates the rules (discussing porn, drugs, piracy, etc.) 

3)  nothing should be posted in here that belongs in a different thread or deserves a separate thread. 

There's a balance that must be struck in order to maintain this thread and it'll be up to everyone to help us reach that balance so that we can satisfy as many of our fellow community members as possible. 
Did anyone notice that with TAN locked a lot of the regulars in here posted less this week? Just sayin. Oh well TAN LIVES

inb4 Ninjahood
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