the thread about nothing...

I know someone who lives with his ex-gf. It's his house and their relationship ended 3 months ago. She keeps saying she will move out but hasn't. Now she tells him that she has a new boyfriend and still isn't in any rush to move. Is this guy the biggest simp ever?
Does new dude come over there?
You shouldn't kick a person out just cuz y'all break up. This isn't a dog you just throw out on the street (in fact most would probably treat dogs better than humans). But she got a new man? Yeah...y'all need to leave my space then.
3 months though? I told him he is being awfully kind.
Like I said, I don't even get mad when they try to get in front of me at the last minute. I just have fun with it.
Rules of the road also state speeding is illegal. I assume you stay within those limits at all times?
if you breaking the law trying to get from point a to point b then theres no one else to blame if you get caught by the police, whether your speeding, going between lanes, using the shoulder lanes cause you dont have the patience to wait like everyone else, or using the carpool lane when you driving solo thats on you. but there is no law that states you have to let someone merge into your lane or let someone cut in line. if you try to force yourself into someone elses lane youll be responsible for causing the accident if it should happen
This is in the Bay Area, lol 3 months of rent is a fortune. I think that the woman bragging about her new boyfriend is extremely disrespectful especially since he is kind enough to let her stay for so long.
3 months is actually right around the time it should be coming together for her. And ending very very soon..regardless of a new bf or not.
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