the thread about nothing...


My Galaxy S8 does this as well. Cool feature for sure.
This pic reminds me of a girl that I bagged when I was working at FootAction

She came in, I started talking to her a little bit, got her number, she went to Target a few doors down, like 10-15 mins later she sends me pics of her ‘trying on swimsuits’, I get her to send the nudes :evil:

Got off work like at 4:30, met up with her later that night and smashed :smokin

All in one day
Your an inspiration to all us ugly dudes
This pic reminds me of a girl that I bagged when I was working at FootAction

She came in, I started talking to her a little bit, got her number, she went to Target a few doors down, like 10-15 mins later she sends me pics of her ‘trying on swimsuits’, I get her to send the nudes :evil:

Got off work like at 4:30, met up with her later that night and smashed :smokin

All in one day

Pics, bruh
About an hr ago, I think I witnessed a hit and run

Fender bender in traffic. Looked like both cars was going to wait for the cops and then the other one seemed like, I ain't doing all this waiting, I'ma bounce :lol:
What did the other drive do? I hope they took pics or maybe they did a mutual 'it aint that bad' thing and moved on
Nah he definitely left against the other person's wishes

Let's say car A is in front and car B is in the back

Car b pulled over next to car A, they grilled each other, exchanged words and the other pulled away.

Driver of car A had this 'I can't believe this dude left' look lol

I remember when I was in a car accident a month ago... The other dude kept wanting to leave. Then he knocked on my window saying he was going to bounce. I told him if you leave the scene before the cops come, that's a hit and run. So he stayed. Lol
Those mall interactions are something else. Carry on

The first first manager I had was actually a girl who I went to school with, she was like 2 years older though, got held back or something idk

So she had the fattest ***, after a while we became cool, she would tell me mad freak stuff (not towards me, just in general), then one time in the stock room we were playing around and I slapped her cheeks, she just laughed and played right back reaching for my...but like to hit me lol

After that I would palm/smack the cheeks on the regular, I know for sure she probably wouldn’t go all the way but I did what I could

Come on you know you saved them. Dust off the BlackBerry and share with us. :lol:

Lmao I had the Sidekick LX at the time, favorite phone ever

I’ll get a pic for NT if I ever run into her again :lol:
More random stories from when I worked there:

One girl came in trying to secure the ‘09 Space Jams for her man, my coworker was helping her. she was tryna offer extra money and discounts at some cell phone shop she worked at idk, and finally at the end, she offered my coworker a handjob in the backroom to secure the shoes, he declined though...

Another coworker got into it with some young kid, the kid swung and my coworker grabbed those poles from the racks you hang t shirts from, swung at this dude, hit him but didn’t do much, dude ate the hit, got mad as hell, and left :lol:

Another dude copped the 5/18 countdown pack, got jumped/robbed for them right outside the mall a few minutes later, mall security came back with the box only, they were going store to store asking if someone just bought the shoes, of course it was from our store

A credit card scammer ran up like $1400 of product, EVERYTHING checked out, he left, then we got a fraud alert or something about it, my coworker got suspended eventhough he did everything right :smh:

So many more stories lol
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