the thread about nothing...

would yall buy these for $1.35?

Assuming that period is in the right place, yea. Could give them away or sell for like $20
Doctors aren't going to prescribe you more meds without seeing you.
But why though? :lol:
I get it if I need a refill for some oxy,percocets, and anything that is addictive or extreme but for some asthma meds idk though. I’m just mad/annoyed. :lol:
But why though? :lol:
I get it if I need a refill for some oxy,percocets, and anything that is addictive or extreme but for some asthma meds idk though. I’m just mad/annoyed. :lol:
Seeing you is how they make money

They won't make any money at all if they prescribe without seeing you. They'd basically be doing work for free lol
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But why though? :lol:
I get it if I need a refill for some oxy,percocets, and anything that is addictive or extreme but for some asthma meds idk though. I’m just mad/annoyed. :lol:
If you have refills on the medication, you should be good. Half a year, scripts don’t usually expire that soon. Call into your pharmacy and ask them to send out a request for more refills and you won’t have to go visit your doctor, since they’re just maintenance medications.
Strangely, I had no problem going to various hood barbershops to try them out when I was a HS'er. Now I'd think twice.

When I was young and the scalp follicle game was dominate, nope. As I have gotten older and the follicle game isn't where it used to be I am very selective. I do research, Yelp reviews, YouTube, facebook, the gram, whatever it takes. When I'm up in Virginia Beach area I like to hit up this shop called Trimmers and Shears, they've never disappointed. Never.
Doctors aren't going to prescribe you more meds without seeing you.
Mine does actually but he's been my family's general physician/'family doctor' for about 2 decades now.
When I need a refill for any of my active prescriptions (including opioids) and don't necessarily need anything else I just call him to ready a prescription. Then I go to his office, wait in the hallway until he lets the next patient in and he quickly hands me the script. Normally I don't need to pay a visitation fee either when doing so.

A general physician visitation is €24 for me, though the mandatory public health insurance pays me back €23 of that fee. Visitation fees for specialists at a hospital are usually at least double though I don't know off the top of my head how much of that amount is covered by standard insurance. You can always supplement with private insurance to get 100% coverage on practically everything.
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