the thread about nothing...

that chick at the end of that commercial is cute
I really hope that's not my sister in 6 years
I never 'celebrated' Halloween in my life, but she's all into that.
congrats I guess?
I can't speak on the behalf of other Dominican men, but I ended up with a majority of my mother's genes. My younger brother has my father's genes. He's a size 8, I'm a size 6
he's an 8 in men? and you're a 6 in big kids? are you two grown?
Now that I think about Arnold should've just smashed Helga, get his pipe game right and move on to her friends. Asian chick and emo/tomboy chick in red.

Just kept pipping her on the side if anything till his stroke is proper.
I got wayy to ****** up last night and don't wanna go out cause I still feel sick. Hate when that happens :smh:
Now that I think about Arnold should've just smashed Helga, get his pipe game right and move on to her friends. Asian chick and emo/tomboy chick in red.

Just kept pipping her on the side if anything till his stroke is proper.

Things could have been very different.....

:pimp: Macaframalama...




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im mad they never gave us a proper finale...did Arnold ever find his parents? :frown:
I thought his parents were dead?

it was suspected that they were dead...
aint they get lost on some indiana jones steez?


that was funny as hell for some reason.

lmao..yea they left to some mission to central america and never came back...a movie involving arnold going to find them was suppose to happen but was cancelled by nick/Viacom
im mad they never gave us a proper finale...did Arnold ever find his parents? :frown:
I thought his parents were dead?

it was suspected that they were dead...
aint they get lost on some indiana jones steez?


that was funny as hell for some reason.

lmao..yea they left to some mission to central america and never came back...a movie involving arnold going to find them was suppose to happen but was cancelled by nick/Viacom
cartels prolly got em, semi srs
-Back from my mini vay kay.  Home was good.  Got some good eats.  Heart to Heart with mom really helped a dude out.

-Seen some friends as well.  Prob gonna leave them alone for a min. Doing the same old thing and its just tiring looking at them do it

-One of them, his marriage is ending. And he's mad that he's not the one in control of it.  Its sad but, he brought it on himself.  She was the bread winner and everything, and he messed that up. Now he's stalking her and stuff.  It's crazy.  Tried to get me involved and stuff.  No my brother, you on your own.

Has anyone ever seen the movie/documentary Catfish?

my suitemate in college is a catfish. I have NO idea what to do. If anyone has any tips/ideas/suggestions/anything... it's creeping me out.
Has anyone ever seen the movie/documentary Catfish?

my suitemate in college is a catfish. I have NO idea what to do. If anyone has any tips/ideas/suggestions/anything... it's creeping me out.

My sister watched it she said it was ok or pretty good

From that trailer it looks interesting.. might watch it out of boredom tonight perhaps
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